JoeSapphire: hum. I didn't mean that at all, XD
What I was getting as was we, as mafia, were totally exposed by town power roles confirming themselves and one another. From that I learned a lesson - as scum, get to end game with as many town vanillas as possible.
You need places to hide, and even low-power roles can prove deadly just by confirming their power.
I was hoping the trauma would have etched this lesson into dedo's memory too, and allow me to trust that dedo would never have accepted a dessimu kill.
Ha! I'm absolutely traumatized by that game but because of a very specific super-busted combo that made an already powerful role straight up broken which I consider the highlight of the game although there were other things as well. That along with the challenge you presented made me think you were going for something you apparently weren't. I suppose it doesn't hurt to explain so everyone is on the same page.
There was this game where the Town had a role called Desperado which is a form of Vigilante who can shoot during the Day. If they hit scum the target dies. If they hit Town the Desperado dies. Either way there is a mechanical confirmation on the surviving player from the pair. Pretty strong, right? Not strong enough apparently because the game also had some sort of Backup role who would copy the first [Town?] role to die in whatever way.
What happened was the Desperado killed a very suspicious Townie confirming them and died in the process. The Backup copied the Desperado power and later on killed another very suspicious Townie confirming them. The Town had other roles which were also problematic as Joe said. The pace with which they were confirming even the worst looking players was absolutely ridiculous. The game was unintentionally rigged to make it almost impossible for the mafia to win but it was all powered by the resurrecting Desperado to the point where the mod felt so bad he wanted to help us out which we declined because we're super cool like that.
When I thought Joe was hinting that he was that same role and maybe considering shooting at me I laughed as we also had a Copier flip earlier so it looked like we are in a similar situation. Then I reread the Frostburn's reveal and it only picks up powers used on them during the Night meaning they can never really replicate a Desperado role which made me think Lift (who I think was the 1st Desperado) actually tried to fix the brokenness of the original scenario and that made Joe's hints even more suggesting towards that game. Funny.
As for killing Dessimu - I totally wouldn't do it as it seems like a nonsensical kill to me. If he had flipped something strong then it's perfectly reasonable - they Rolecopped him N1 and killed him N2. Like they did me last game. The thing is I'm now lead to believe that may not really be the case after all and even though Dessimu himself as a target doesn't really make sense to me there may be a decent amount of sense to be found "around" him. This is just speculation from my end but I'd be surprised if I'm wrong about that as well.
I'm on my lunch break so I don't have a lot of time to go through the rest of the posts right now. I'll be on tonight.