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Only one change so far.

Official vote count

detective_razza 2 - ZFR 738, RW 776

Not voting: everyone else
Razza is at L-3
Post edited July 02, 2022 by Lifthrasil
Actually, HSL can be 1. too.

I'm not a pussy.
JoeSapphire: can someone tell me that's nonsense so I can work on trying to think about something else?
It makes sense.

Apologies for the late return, y'all. I was a bit too exhausted yesterday after I reached Denver and didn't have much energy to check in after. Since today we've been driving through eastern Colorado and Kansas, I made my partner drive the first leg so I can catch up and I have! More or less. It's considerably harder to keep up and look back and be on top of it on a phone in what a nice, gas station clerk lady called "the country", where internet is only accessible intermittently and 5G is non-existent. 4G connections make me think of Europe.

Anyway. On to my thoughts from yesterday and today after I caught up. This has been established already, but I wanted to also lend a voice to the idea that speculating on the idea of a non-scum NK at this point is unnecessary and maybe even counter-productive. Dessimu was moving toward my townier spectrum from relative enigma given the transition from Cthulhu to him. I see many are surprised at this. I am not surprised, but I didn't expect it either. I can kind of rationalize/speculate on (given the limited info I have right now) why scum chose him. He was heavily involved and addressed what I perceived to be good points. HSL has been saying this well: town need not grow complacent. Dessimu was one of the people who participated the most, especially relative to the short time frame they had to get caught up. As a scum kill, his loss seems to hit us where it counts and it definitely throws some confusion since a lot of the time we have strong convictions about how the game ought to be played which is prime territory for scum to outsmart them in.

I see Joe's challenge and am tempted to answer, but I'm conflicted with some choices. Still, I'll give it a try.

1. Razza
2. HSL
3. ZFR

I have a couple substitutes for positions above, but I won't go into them. There's little point and that's not what Joe asked for.

I have to drive soon, so I shall try to return tonight with some older observations once I reach Topeka and if there isn't too much to catch up on. I miss playing this on a computer with reliable connection.
HypersomniacLive: Could you clarify who's in this "working together" with you that you think ZFR means?

I honestly don't know what to think here. Do you really think that mafia are that straightforward when picking their NK target? Kill those that openly suspect them? And that if somone's co-operative that it automatically means they're town?

@all, can somebody check me here? I mean, this reads like coming from a place of innocence and - no offence, detective_razza - naivete? Like, if she's scum, this must be like the greatest performance ever?
detective_razza: 1) in reference to post #740 “she+catte” so i’m assuming ZFR believes myself and catte are working together.
Not at all. That was the answer to HSL's "who is your top scum pick?" Answer : razza and catte. Doesn't mean I necessarily think you're workkng together.

Are you working together?
JoeSapphire: coward
I've often seen on GOG forums posts without signatures, but this is the first time I see a signature without a post.
I think people are missing the point about what I was saying about Babark. Guess I didn't explain myself very well. Under the assumption that he's really a Roleblocker and it was a Freudian slip when he said that. Why would the scum team send out the Roleblocker to do the kill when they could be blocking a power?

Outside of their third being something far more powerful like an actual Role Cop, this doesn't make sense to me. I also question whether you take a shot at the only obvious choice without a Strongman or Strongman shot. But to this last point, why do you take out Dessimu with PRs on the board? So their tactics are different than mine.

As to Razza, I don't see pure Town confirming naivete. Strong possibility a lot of Razza's posts are just reactionary to avoid not getting lynched. Gets called out on activity, produces some comments. Sees others giving read lists, gives a read list albeit not exactly consistent with the player-by-player analysis posted a few post earlier. Confronted about killing Dessimu, claims absolutely not and goes off on some tangent about connections to other players.

So Joe, about your list:
1) Babark - I don't think it can be fake
2) HSL - Very outside chance of early bussing of scum buddies to clear the way rest of the game. Very bold if done day 1.
------- far less confident
3) Ambiti0nZ - Early vote left on Buck's wagon, but his absence due to the move doesn't give me enough beyond that to clear him more.

In the sake of moving the game along and given I don't see this information contradicting anyone today. I sent Sophia to check on Joe and interesting result, there was no motion whatsoever. Thus, no one investigated him and he did not go anywhere else. Doesn't rule out being scum as he could be the one staying home, but also would mean the scum are out of juice or only have a Strongman left. I'm conflicted since the result goes a decent way in clearing him but I still find a lot of things he's done scummy.

I still think the clear path the victory is completing the run through of those who were not voting Buck then going from there. Thus Razza or Catte today.
HypersomniacLive: Are you planning on asking ZFR to clarify if your assumption is correct?
i’m assuming that the “razza+catte” is a pairing, but ZFR would like to clarify then by all means, they can.

HypersomniacLive: OK, I have to ask - in those mafia games with coloured houses you've mentioned playing, were you ever mafia? If yes, did your team enact such a "valuable game plan" when there were claimed PRs on the table? And if so, did it bear any fruits?
i have never played mafia in a game of mafia before, i was always a role like investigator or doctor. i’m honestly leaning on a lot of what y’all are saying about roles and mafia game plans, and just taking other people’s words and past experiences to help my own findings.

HypersomniacLive: You asked questions on the matter of PRs and claims in post #750, and dedoporno replied to you in post #755. Did you read that post? If yes, what did you take away from it? If no, why not?
i did read it :D what i took from it was to only reveal fully if it were to actually incriminate a particular person and to be used as evidence against them. i really don’t want to claim or reveal, i think it ruins the fun, but i think i do need to start my search for D3 on the basis of who you (HSL) and Dessimu were looking into it- and if my findings turn out to pin point a particular person, then i will use my role and night period findings as evidence against said person.

i just want to clarify that i’ve been out all day, and i apologise to you all for my absence and constant “i’ll be back and give my insights”, today has just been a busy day and i’ve just gotten in so i’m going to head to sleep and get back on here in the morning!
ZFR: Not at all. That was the answer to HSL's "who is your top scum pick?" Answer : razza and catte. Doesn't mean I necessarily think you're workkng together.

Are you working together?
oh i kept reading and saw this! ah, my bad then- i just assumed because you had paired me and catte but then continued the list as just “joe, babark” i thought you meant us as a pairing.

no xD we are not working together.

now i am heading to bed fr fr xD goodnight, folks!
ZFR: Actually, HSL can be 1. too.

I'm not a pussy.
I am.

ZFR: I've often seen on GOG forums posts without signatures, but this is the first time I see a signature without a post.
Ohhhh snap!

detective_razza: no xD we are not working together.
I think they bought it.

You realise 1. is the person you VIG? You really mean babark?
well I guess I can confirm that I took no action last Night

more on this story as it develops. >:]


Deadline is tuesday evening. It's sunday morning so we have about 55 hours left shall we say?

Another challenge: Who will to speak passionately in defense of zfr?
You have three sentences to convince us why At Least Three things he's done this game comes from a town mindset, and can't come from a scum mindset.

here's a starting point:

ZFR: 1. RW
2. Ambitionz
2. HSL

Actually, HSL can be 1. too.

I'm not a pussy.
Whoever accepts the challenge will win a New Meme.


IF BABARK's telling the truth we don't want him to act toNight, because he can't prevent the kill and there's a greater risk he'll interfere with town's abilities.

IF BABARK's lying, we want him to say he acts, so he can get caught out in a lie.

- any thoughts on how we should play this?

I just thought we could try co-ordinating RW and Babark, to see if RWarehall gets blocked, but I think that's just a recipe for a dead RWarehall.


vote dedoporno

but... can I see him NightKilling dess?

Me and dedo were once a scumteam together that got brutally slaughtered by town no matter HOW many memes I offered to spare his life.

I'll let dedo finish this story and explain why it's relevant - @dedo?
just read back and it’s really hard to pinpoint it ((in reference of my theory: that being to see who Dessimu and HSL were looking into) but if i had to have any suspicion it was babark or RW.

HSL and Dessimu were doing a lot of looking into the role claim made by RW, however HSL then didn’t think their behaviour this game aligned with past games so that threw them off so they both changed their vote to babark (who i’m assuming was also on the radar due to their role claim)
Dessimu then unvoted babark before the end of the day and i’m not too sure what to think.

can i ask y’all? some of you mentioned the possibility of it not being a scum NK? (RW and dedo, posts #744 and #745)
who else/ what role could have killed dess in the night period?
we don’t have to discuss who, but i just didn’t quite understand what that could mean.
(i’ve only played games were mafia can kill so i’m lost, i’ll google it but if someone could clarify that’d be great)

>> i’m going to keep looking into who HSL was looking into, however, so with that:

@HSL, could you tell me your insights? i’m trying to decipher my vote based on who (at the end of D2) you were really cracking down on. it was RW but then you said their behaviour didn’t align with past mafia!RW so i just want to get some insight into, if you had to choose- who do you think would try to kill you and quieten town alongside that action at the end of D2? or i guess the whole game?
Still getting bad feelings off Joe toDay. I guess I should put my vote where my mouth is:

Vote Joe

detective_razza: can i ask y’all? some of you mentioned the possibility of it not being a scum NK? (RW and dedo, posts #744 and #745)
who else/ what role could have killed dess in the night period?
we don’t have to discuss who, but i just didn’t quite understand what that could mean.
(i’ve only played games were mafia can kill so i’m lost, i’ll google it but if someone could clarify that’d be great)
There's a town role called vigilante who can kill as a night action (usually a limited number of shots, maybe one or two) and there are also third party roles like serial killer who have their own win condition (usually to kill everyone else). There are other possibilities too, but those are the most common ones. The thing about mafia is that there's nothing stopping the mod from just inventing a new role specifically for their game.
my name is racynge catte: Still getting bad feelings off Joe toDay. I guess I should put my vote where my mouth is:

Vote Joe
RW confirms I didn't act last Night - with one mafia goon dead does that make sense if I am mafia?
my name is racynge catte: Still getting bad feelings off Joe toDay. I guess I should put my vote where my mouth is:

Vote Joe
JoeSapphire: RW confirms I didn't act last Night - with one mafia goon dead does that make sense if I am mafia?
I guess the odds are against it, unless RW is your buddy?