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By the way, I forgot to add a flavour rule when I wrote the OP. So here it is:

Additional rule: when voting, you are also allowed to vote using a character name from the OP player list. As long as the identification is clear and the vote is bolded, I will count it.
ZFR: So,

Trying to organise new players by experience

babark - played before
Lord Cephy - played before, but not on GOG (i.e. very experienced).
FrostburnPhoenix - ??
Detective_razza - invited by Joe from RL. Experience ??
JoeSapphire - zero experience
AmbitionZ - played before on GOG using a different alias.

Can anyone help me fill the gaps?
i've played mafia before but just not in this format on this site!
RWarehall: Vote Dedoporno
Is this RVS vote or are you going to explain yourself?
So... I have two suspects in mind: JoeSapphire and bucktoothgamer.

In both cases, it's because they saw a talking animal and thought it would be a good idea to lynch said animal.

On one hand, they could be behaving like a bunch of semi-competent peasants running up to Sir Bedevere while shouting, "I found this talking animal! Can I lynch it?"

On the other hand, a complete intolerance towards others and anything different sounds like Nazis (or in this case, mafia) to me.

Inventory: coins, umbrella

Flips a coin.

vote bucktoothgamer

ZFR: So,

Trying to organise new players by experience

Lord Cephy - played before, but not on GOG (i.e. very experienced).
I think you're overstating my experience as I've played a total of three games about ten years ago.
The best way I can think to explain the differences between Mafia here and elsewhere...
We have players living in both Europe the U.S. and elsewhere who just aren't going to be online at the same time. And that is a good thing, because you get a diversity of different cultures and ways of thinking.

That said, it means for two player to have an exchange, it occurs over days. One player posts from his/her timezone, the next responds that evening and a counter-response the next morning and so on. So our long days are a result of our time zone diversity.

It also makes it more of a casual game in that players should find time once a day to read the thread and post, but they pick what time makes that convenient for them. It's really the only way it works if you have players with vastly different schedules.

It has its own issues especially when it comes to deadlines. Our games still frequently go to the deadline and that deadline isn't convenient for everybody. It often means end of day decisions get made with incomplete information since some players aren't available. It also makes some of the last minute vote switching tactics and "mandatory" multiple trains of other groups mute since they just don't work here. "Last minute" trains here are usually half days and involve a single train switch

But the basics of mafia still stand. Who do you think is lying and manipulating? Vote them out.
detective_razza: i've played mafia before but just not in this format on this site!
You played forum Mafia, or sit-around-the-table-with-a-couple-of-beers face to face Mafia?

ZFR: Trying to organise new players by experience

Lord Cephy - played before, but not on GOG (i.e. very experienced).
LordCephy: I think you're overstating my experience as I've played a total of three games about ten years ago.
Experience is proportional to the number of games multiplied by the inverse of the square root of Day length. 6-8 hr Days give tons more experience than 7 day Days.
RWarehall: Vote Dedoporno
dedoporno: Is this RVS vote or are you going to explain yourself?
If you had to guess, what would the explanation be?

LordCephy: So... I have two suspects in mind: JoeSapphire and bucktoothgamer.
Which of these is the someone you had in mind earlier? Or is that someone different?
What did you notice when you reread the thread?
detective_razza: i've played mafia before but just not in this format on this site!
ZFR: You played forum Mafia, or sit-around-the-table-with-a-couple-of-beers face to face Mafia?
forum mafia, but it had a "visiting houses" kind of system and that's how people figured stuff out ^^

also, i will vote again soon! dw dw
Hey everyone! And welcome to all the new faces!

ZFR: I doubt catte is Mafia. He was Mafia last game only, what are the odds of him rolling Mafia again.

ZFR: Not just statistics. You can trust ZFR to be accurate about anything. He's the best player out there and the one who does 99% of the work.

Typical GOG Mafia Day:
*checks out attachment; chuckles*

Cheers for that.

JoeSapphire: What the hell is this??

**picks up roll of breath mints**
So, foul... breath, eh?

LordCephy: [...] I do have someone in mind but I'm going to catch up on reading the thread first to make sure that nobody else seems more suspicious. (I'll make sure that I wait at least ten minutes too, which won't be a problem as I'm eating breakfast at the same time.)
Colour me intrigued.

*keeps reading*

LordCephy: So... I have two suspects in mind: JoeSapphire and bucktoothgamer.

In both cases, it's because they saw a talking animal and thought it would be a good idea to lynch said animal.

On one hand, they could be behaving like a bunch of semi-competent peasants running up to Sir Bedevere while shouting, "I found this talking animal! Can I lynch it?"

On the other hand, a complete intolerance towards others and anything different sounds like Nazis (or in this case, mafia) to me.

Inventory: coins, umbrella

Flips a coin.

vote bucktoothgamer[...]
I don't follow the reasoning. Could you elaborate like I"m five?

Also interested in hearing the answer to dedoporno's question in post #63.

detective_razza: forum mafia, but it had a "visiting houses" kind of system and that's how people figured stuff out ^^

also, i will vote again soon! dw dw
What's a "visiting houses" system?
detective_razza: What's a "visiting houses" system?
it was like, during the night tie period everyone would "visit" one person (we'd just pick a colour assigned to each of us, so it was anonymous- except some people, like the "detective role" would be able to see who visited who), and so if somebody visited someone, and that said individual was revealed dead in the day time period, then the individual that visited them was a suspect...

... but of course the detective could have been lying O.o
and so it would cause discourse
ZFR: AmbitionZ
Who dis? Never met 'im. Don't see nobody by that name here! DO YOU HAPPEN TO KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T?!?!
detective_razza: it was like, during the night tie period everyone would "visit" one person (we'd just pick a colour assigned to each of us, so it was anonymous- [...]
Not sure I follow how this colour assignment worked for the actions to be anonymous. Could you give an example?

Got to go, will see if a I manage to come back later.
HypersomniacLive: Not sure I follow how this colour assignment worked for the actions to be anonymous. Could you give an example?

Got to go, will see if a I manage to come back later.
hmm,, it was kind of like done similar to how reactions are done on discord, but nobody (apart from certain roles) could see who had reacted with what.

so for example, if i was assigned the colour green, you would react to the "visiting poll" with a green emoji of sorts (ig like the green circle?) and that meant you'd visit me in the night time period

hopefully that makes sense
detective_razza: dw dw
I'm worried.
JoeSapphire: If you had to guess, what would the explanation be?
I don't have to guess. I'll let RW answer instead.