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What the hell is this??

**picks up roll of breath mints**
detective_razza: in pure chaotic neutral fashion

vote JoeSapphire

they made the ruse at the start of the game to throw us off O.o
Lifthrasil: Just a reminder: votes don't count unless you bold them.
i forgot to put the text between the commands :')) the shame.....
Lifthrasil: Just a reminder: votes don't count unless you bold them.
detective_razza: i forgot to put the text between the commands :')) the shame.....
You not gonna redo your vote?
ZFR: I doubt catte is Mafia. He was Mafia last game only, what are the odds of him rolling Mafia again.
JoeSapphire: Oh yeah good shout.

@all - ZFR is a big brain computer science guy, so anything he says about statistics you can trust to be accurate!

I guess catte's town this game. Cool!
Scum team is Joe, ZFR and catte.

That was a quick game!
LordCephy: I haven't played this game in years and never have on GOG before, so I definitely don't know what is going on.
JoeSapphire: I forgot to say, welcome to gog! It's great to have you!

You should vote! Voting's fun, and you're the only one who's posted-but-not-voted.

Usually I wouldn't be telling you to do something just because it's what everybody else is doing but in this ONE situation that's exactly what I'm telling you! Join us!
Oh don't worry. Since I'm the new person a bit here, I'll just say that I saw that Day 1 would run approximately one week. Every game I played elsewhere days lasted 6-8 hours, so I didn't feel the need to throw out a vote immediately. I do have someone in mind but I'm going to catch up on reading the thread first to make sure that nobody else seems more suspicious. (I'll make sure that I wait at least ten minutes too, which won't be a problem as I'm eating breakfast at the same time.)
LordCephy: I saw that Day 1 would run approximately one week. Every game I played elsewhere days lasted 6-8 hours,
ha okay that is a bit of a change of pace yeah
still. No time like the present, eh? Who do you have in mind?
Suddenly Max cries at the strange sky: "Hey, whoever runs this place! Didn't you notice my vote? I totally want to beat up that mangy pirate Mancomb Seepgood!" ... And lo and behold, in response to his outburst a cardboard sign pops up out of the ground:

Corrected first vote count

Joe 1: frostburn (7)
ZFR 1: Catte (9)
Catte 1: bucktooth (12)
dedo 1: Joe (24)
RWare 1: babark (30)
razza 1: ZFR (11)
HSL 1: AmbitionZ (15)

Trying to organise new players by experience

babark - played before
Lord Cephy - played before, but not on GOG (i.e. very experienced).
FrostburnPhoenix - ??
Detective_razza - invited by Joe from RL. Experience ??
JoeSapphire - zero experience
AmbitionZ - played before on GOG using a different alias.

Can anyone help me fill the gaps?
LordCephy: Every game I played elsewhere days lasted 6-8 hours
How does that work out for you normally? D1 is pretty abysmal usually so if it can be considerably cut down without any repercussions maybe we can consider it for future games.
JoeSapphire: @all - ZFR is a big brain computer science guy, so anything he says about statistics you can trust to be accurate!
Not just statistics. You can trust ZFR to be accurate about anything. He's the best player out there and the one who does 99% of the work.

Typical GOG Mafia Day:
gog.jpg (306 Kb)
ZFR: FrostburnPhoenix - ??
No experience, but read the previous game while it was ongoing.

ZFR: JoeSapphire - zero experience
I'm sorry to hear that. Amnesia really is awful.
Vote Dedoporno
JoeSapphire: @all - ZFR is a big brain computer science guy, so anything he says about statistics you can trust to be accurate!
ZFR: Not just statistics. You can trust ZFR to be accurate about anything. He's the best player out there and the one who does 99% of the work.

Typical GOG Mafia Day:
Hah! That's funny because it is so true! :-D