bucktoothgamer: Let me give it a shot:
The base level assumption for posting frequency is that Mafia like to lurk and Town tend to post more frequently.
With this being the case, people tend to assume that at least one or more scum will post a lot of white noise to come off as trying to figure out the game and look town.
In my opinion the problem with that scum REALLY DO want to limit the amount they post. Even the highest tier of scum player will eventually get caught in a lie if they one of if not the most active poster in a game.
In the first day of the game where you are at a full player roster, the odds of you pulling a scum out of the highest posting players who's content just doesnt look towards solving the game are slim to none.
A lot of theory and nothing solid as to why and how all this translates into scum!RWarehall for you.
bucktoothgamer: Since these list of questions being unanswered concerns you, let me respond: [...]
This is such a different tone than what you had last game. On top of that, I'd expect you to be more concerned about the split votes, and the very much real danger of ending the Day in NL.
bucktoothgamer: [...]
1. If I compared the two complete opposites of who I found to be on the Town/Scum spectrum, me saying "I find [Townie McTownerson] more town than you, [Evil Scummonster]" would still be valid. As we all know at the time the ZFR-Frostburn debacle was really the only adversity we had to analayze at the time. So yes looking at ZFR and Fronstburn in a Vaccuum and picking between the two of them and placing a vote would be an action that I could have found very little fault in anyone doing. [...]
What sort of round-about argument is this? We're not playing in a vacuum, and when you find someone to be scummy, you usually say they're scummy, not someone you town-read is
more town than them.
This feels like the "more credit" argument from game #46 I had with scum!trentonl about his scum-buddy.
bucktoothgamer: [...] 2. Even if AmbitionZ was just presenting another side to the argument of "what do we do with someone who hints at a PR", its a take I wasnt a fan of. Their argument is basically "They're not going to do anything productive D1, so we should consider voting them out so Scum can't railroad them D2/3/4/etc." Why would'nt Town!AZ at least want to let PR Frostburn live into N1 and give them a chance to use their role. If theyre scum? we pull apart their lies as we question them on what actions they took during the night.[...]
Why do you insist on this? Even after you allegedly changed your mind about Ambiti0nZ?
bucktoothgamer: [...] 3. So I lied a bit here. I was referring to the previous game #75, where we mislynched Carradice(Town Watcher) and Pooka(Town Vanilla) back to back. So it was not two PRs in a row but my argument still stands with Carradice: we lost a PR the very first day without him even mentioning it, many players lamenting that they would have pulled their votes back if he claimed.
With having this previous knowledge, I would be doing Town a disservice by not mentioning it to try and avoid a similar fate. Wouldn't you agree? [...].
Sure, I just doubt you had Town's best interest at heart, and think that you exaggerated intentionally in order to paint Ambiti0nZ in a bad as possible light.
JoeSapphire: Are we really considering that, just because we do not have the evidence and it may not provide us with anything, we would not kill someone?
This is not an afternoon at nana's house, my friends. This is a game of mafia. We must have blood.
Sure, lets lynch JoeSapphire.