ZFR: Like Joe, I think the vanilla claim, and the way it was done, gave a slight Town lean.
(I'm still willing to vote AmbitionZ, if only to remove a distraction). [...]
Remind me toMorrow to share a thought here, after Ambiti0nZ answers my questions - if we're all still here, that is.
ZFR: [...] Man, you remembered that...
No, while it was an observation I made during my face to face games, I don't think I ever saw it particularly hold on these online forums.
I remember it because I'm suspicious by nature towards too much niceness, and I've seen more than one scum use this sort of thing to buddy up to town.
@LordCephy, a few things:
- It's pretty disorienting when you mention page numbers as we're on different forum settings, so I'd appreciate it if you either changed yours to 50 posts/page or refer to post ranges/numbers so it's easier to understand where you're at without having to make calculations.
- When you get caught up, you'll see that babark isn't new to GOG forum mafia, he's played 3 games here but it was a very long time ago.
- I appreciate the follow up on FrostburnPhoenix, however it's quite lengthy and it's pretty late for me and I'm tired, and since they are off the table toDay, I'm going to leave the thorough reading of it for toMorrow.
- As for the last bit of your post #349 - I only asked because it seemed odd that you expressed uncertainty in post #285 (rather late into the Day) as to if HSL = me. It had nothing to do with your opinion of me, and I don't quite get why you thought necessary to reinforce it there.
JoeSapphire: [...] I'd vote catte except HypersomniacLive is trying to pressure me off his wagon simply because I have no particular reason to be on it and That Is Not Good Enough reason for me to shift. Not moving.
*cracks Indy's whip on JoeSapphire's knuckles*
Suit yourself.
detective_razza: (Context added in brackets. Also I’m on phone so I had to hand type out quote 251, hopefully it worked)
Anyways. you just said you didn’t question Frost (see below) before post #325, when you questioned both Frost and ZFR in post #250, so my argument was not fabricated, you asked them to elaborate for you, which I perceive as questioning.
Of course, I believe that questioning is a valid way of game solving, it’s how the game works- however my point is that you questioned ZFR, Cephy, bucktooth and dedo about Frost being scum and why they thought that on page 13. But in the 11 questions you asked about the ZFR and Frost conflict, only one was directed at Frost- the rest was at everyone else, listed above. So I thought I’d try and put something together from your different response in behaviour towards Frost in comparison to everyone, and why you were so set on figuring out why everyone was suspicious of them.
I really need you to go and quote the post where you claim that I directed a question to FrostburnPhoenix - hint: post #250 definitely isn't it, and #251 isn't it either - because I've already ISO'd myself and there's
no questioning of them, like at all, before post #325.
Note: Not reading/replying to any posts after this as it's very late, and I need to go to bed a.s.a.p., so on to my voting preferences.
With so many people off the table, I'm willing to vote bucktoothgamer, JoeSapphire, Catte, and RWarehall - bucktoothgamer is my preference, regarding the rest I'll join any wagon to reach majority. If it weren't for D1-protection I'd also be willing to vote detective_razza and babark.
So, I
Vote bucktoothgamer for the following reasons:
1. He's completely ignored my questioning of him in post #251, in spite posting 4 times after it - post #295 to correct LordCephy's VC, post #307 to educate FrostburnPhoenix on GOG forum mafia culture about voting lurkers, post #312 to comment on my SOP, and post #336 to vote RWarehall.
2. What I find interesting is that the guy that made it his mission to consolidate wagons in order to achieve Lunch in the last game, especially on D1, seems indifferent this time, not bothered by the fact that the votes are split over several wagons:
2.1 Post #197 - jokingly threatens Catte with another RVS (had already an RVS vote there which he removed by the end of this post); lists a potential voting pool as everyone but the newbies; states intent to vote Ambiti0nZ but withholds his vote because {and I quote]
this early in the day making a 3 vote wagon feels like jumping the gun
Note that the VC at the time was
dedoporno - 2 votes (JoeSapphire 24, RWarehall 59)
Ambiti0nZ - 2 votes (babark 155, ZFR 193)
ZFR - 1 votes (Catte 9/187, FrostburnPhoenix 138)
bucktoothgamer - 1 votes (LordCephy 64/92, Catte 187)
2.2 At the time of his post #218, the VC was:
dedoporno - 2 votes (JoeSapphire 24, RWarehall 59)
Ambiti0nZ - 2 votes (babark 155, ZFR 193)
ZFR - 2 votes (Catte 9/187, FrostburnPhoenix 138, Ambiti0nZ 217)
babark - 1 votes (FrostburnPhoenix 99/138, ZFR 186/193, dedoporno 202)
bucktoothgamer - 1 votes (LordCephy 64/92, Catte 187)
yet no opinion on anyone, no attempt to consolidate the wagons, even if without actually voting.
2.3 By the time of his post #307, Lifthrasil had already stated how he'd handle the exact time of EoD (post #299), and the VC was
HypersomniacLive - 3 votes (Ambiti0nZ 15/153, babark 300, detective_razza 304, JoeSapphire 305)
Ambiti0nZ - 3 votes (babark 155/300, ZFR 193, RWwarehall 254, FrostburnPhoenix 257)
babark - 1 votes (FrostburnPhoenix 99/138, ZFR 186/193, dedoporno 202, detective_razza 228/304, LordCephy 264/293)
ZFR - 1 votes (Catte 9/187, FrostburnPhoenix 138/257, Ambiti0nZ 217)
bucktoothgamer - 1 votes (LordCephy 64/92, Catte 187)
yet bucktoothgamer is still happy to ignore a potential No-Lunch.
2.4 When he voted RWarehall (post #336), the VC turned into:
HypersomniacLive - 3 votes (Ambiti0nZ 15/153, babark 300, detective_razza 304, JoeSapphire 305)
Ambiti0nZ - 2 votes (babark 155/300, ZFR 193/313, RWwarehall 254, FrostburnPhoenix 257)
RWarehall - 2 votes (babark 30/155, LordCephy 92/101, JoeSapphire 286/305, ZFR 313, bucktoothgamer 336)
ZFR - 1 votes (Catte 9/187, FrostburnPhoenix 138/257, Ambiti0nZ 217)
bucktoothgamer - 1 votes (LordCephy 64/92, Catte 187)
So he created another 2-votes wagon, with reasoning that's not clear to me if and how it says "RWarehall scum above others" or if it's just "I don't want to vote any of the others".
I'm off to bed. From what Lifthrasil said in post #331, I'll make an extra effort and make it for EoD. I'll try to keep an eye on the thread during the hours before, but note that, unlike all the cool kids today, I don't phone post.
Night all.