LordCephy: that assuming that ZFR is right that there are three mafia members in this game,
For the record, I never said there are three players. I said Frost's slip only makes sense with 3 players. Since I no longer view that as a Mafia slip, then there could very well be just 2. Or 2 +1.
LordCephy: ZFR: I doubt catte is Mafia. He was Mafia last game only, what are the odds of him rolling Mafia again.
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/gog_mafia_76_trouble_in_the_lucas_arts_multiverse/post29 There were some other comments after this about how it would be pretty rare for someone to be mafia two games in a row.
This was pure sarcasm. I was joking.
Pre-post EDIT: OK I see others commented on it too.
Ambiti0nZ: Objectively, his dismissal of my proposed scenario - where a supposed town Frost could be left alive only to be framed the next day (assuming a number of other variables were favorable, of course) - as unfeasible was hogwash.
For the nth time: I never dismissed your scenario as unfeasible. Just irrelevant to my original point.
... OK, let me explain how I saw it.
ZFR: Mafia have to either deal with TownPR or risk interference. ergo Frost is a bad lynch.
AmbitionZ (the way I understood it, not saying this is the way you meant it): I don't agree. Mafia will just let TownPR live.
ZFR: Nope, leaving him alive is a risk. Anecdotal example. Besides, it doesn't matter which choice they make, since my original point is "Mafia have to either deal with TownPR or risk interference. ergo Frost is a bad lynch."
AmbitionZ: Are you now saying I want to lynch Frost?
Maybe my thought were scrambled as you say and I was unclear. Is the above clear now?
Ambiti0nZ: you're misunderstanding the schpeal once again, probably because of ego.
Ambiti0nZ: because they double down on something out of pride.
Please stop making such statements about me.
If I misunderstood something you wrote it's because I genuinely misunderstood. I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, I'm really trying to explain my point of view here.
OK, caught up.
Ambitionz claimed vanilla. If this was T vs T, RW's vote feels like trying to take advantage of two Townies fighting to build a wagon on one of them.
Vote RWarehall