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Hm. I find AZ's vanilla town claim, acceptance of the sweet embrace of death, and legacy plans for the next Day to be fairly townish.

Babark shouldn't be today's lunch on account of being a newish player, despite being a lurker supreme and deserving of the very best lunch.

RWarehall is the third vote on AZ's wagon which is classicly considered to be the scummiest of the positions, so, at least until I give the game a proper re-read, that's where my vote is going.

unvote dedo

vote RWarehall

JoeSapphire: and za thinks it would be more likely a scum team would want to not Night Kill a claimed power role on Day 1
Ambiti0nZ: I don't necessarily think it *more likely*. That's how my point was portrayed erroneously. I think it is a worthy possibility with a high degree of probability depending on the risk appetite of mafia. Alas, this scenario is only possible with a town Frost. But I am no longer pegging him as town. Instead I am pegging him as scum.
Well then it's unfair of you to equate zfr's stance with backing a low-odds scenario such as becoming a billionaire or a faulty condom.

And it wasn't fair of him to "nope." you. That's rude.

Shall we try to speak of this no more?
Ambiti0nZ: That's not survivorship bias unless we're focusing on two instances of protected sex via condom that resulted in pregnancy and dismiss condoms with a "Nope" because of that. Yes, this is a jab at you.

that zfr thinks it would be more likely a scum team would want to Night Kill a claimed power role on Day 1
No, not at all.

I'm not saying it would be more likely. I'm not even saying it's "likely". All I'm saying is they have a choice to make: either (a)deal with TownPR or (b) risk interference. And as such, it's better to deal with that problem at a later Day, ergo I wouldn't want to lynch Frost today.

JoeSapphire: HijacK!!

Hi, hello. How're you doing?
Thank's (sic) for the bump.

To clarify: the above post that's pretty much the whole point I was making from the beginning. It can be summed up in one sentence: "Mafia have a decision to make, ergo we can deal with it later ergo even without knowing Frost's alignment he's a bad lynch." It was a reply to HSL asking why is Frist a bad lynch, even if he could be Mafia.

Which is why I don't care about the likeliness of Mafia NKing town!Frost. I dont care if it's as likely as a dropout becomkng a millionaire. I don't care whats the better decision. And I'm definitely NOT predicting what will Mafia do and am NOT presenting either of the choices as a definite conclusion.

Is that clear now to you?
JoeSapphire: Shall we try to speak of this no more?
I ain't sayin' nothin'.

Alas, I would like to mention

JoeSapphire: Babark shouldn't be today's lunch on account of being a newish player
it is my understanding that he has played here before. I do not know for how many game or how long ago. But I do tend to agree that to most of us he is newish. I definitely don't recall ever seeing him in the games that I have participated.
I know I'm being repetitive, but please look at my above post. I think it's very important.
JoeSapphire: Babark shouldn't be today's lunch on account of being a newish player, despite being a lurker supreme and deserving of the very best lunch.
I didn't realize that he was new also. He seriously just needs to participate more, really, as he comes off as not interested in interacting with anyone - which is part of the game.

unvote Babark
1. Joe Sapphire as Mancomb Seepgood
I have no strong opinion either way on him. Interestingly enough, when asked in the thread by someone else about all the new players, he didn't have a strong opinion of me either. I think we're just not reading each other well. Of the people that I have no opinion of, I'm the least inclined to vote for him.

2. ZFR as Ben
I think he's town.

3. Babark as Bobbin Threadbare
He doesn't post much beyond what his vote is. When someone tried to interact with him a bit, his posts just seemed like "I'm going to take my ball and not go home." If he's town, he's probably vanilla town. I would argue that vanilla town may not be able to do anything besides vote, but vanilla town is awesome because your role isn't evil. Even before I made that post tracking how much everyone posted, it was obvious that he was going to be at the lower end.

4. bucktoothgamer as Manny Calavera
I threw out a joke vote for him earlier, but I don't actually have an opinion either way.

5. Catte as Sanspoof
I'm going to have to own up to having total cat biases, bordering on crazy cat lady without all the hoarding. I like cats even more than I like cephalopods and currently live with four of them. I won't vote to lynch Catte unless someone gives me a very strong reason because I'm so pro-cat that I once let another player character die in a MMORPG for no reason other than that he was talking crap about cats. He did get a warning first, so it was his own fault. Not sorry.

6. Dedoporno as Guybrush Threepwood
I have no opinion here at this time.

7. Lord Cephy as Prof. Henry Jones Sr.
That's me.

8. frostburnphoenix as Max

9. RWarehall as Dash Rendar
I threw out a joke vote for him earlier, but I don't actually have an opinion either way.

10. Detective_razza as Elaine Marley
I have no opinion here at this time.

11. HypersomniacLive as Boston Low
I think, based on how he posts, that he is seriously busy with whatever he does in real life.

12. Ambiti0nZ as Zac McKracken
He may have got into a disagreement with ZFR, but I still think it was two Townies having a misunderstanding.

At one time, I did live with the same number of cats that are in this meme.
LordCephy: Current Count:
ZFR 2 - frostburn 138, Ambiti0nZ 217
babark 3 - dedo 202, detective_razza 228, LordCephy 264
bucktooth 1 - catte 187
dedo 1 - Joe 24
AmbitionZ 4 - babark 155, ZFR 193, RWarehall 254, FrostburnPhoenix 257
I don't have the exact post # but I had removed my vote from catte
LordCephy: Current Count:
ZFR 2 - frostburn 138, Ambiti0nZ 217
babark 3 - dedo 202, detective_razza 228, LordCephy 264
bucktooth 1 - catte 187
dedo 1 - Joe 24
AmbitionZ 4 - babark 155, ZFR 193, RWarehall 254, FrostburnPhoenix 257
bucktoothgamer: I don't have the exact post # but I had removed my vote from catte
You're reading it wrong.

Also reminder to look at my post above my post above.
I was only looking at everything from Lifthrasil's most recent vote count (post 212) onwards thus the corrections needed. :)

LordCephy: Current Count:
ZFR 2 - frostburn 138, Ambiti0nZ 217
babark 3 - dedo 202, detective_razza 228, LordCephy 264
bucktooth 1 - catte 187
dedo 1 - Joe 24
AmbitionZ 4 - babark 155, ZFR 193, RWarehall 254, FrostburnPhoenix 257
bucktoothgamer: I don't have the exact post # but I had removed my vote from catte
Found it! Your vote change was post #197, which was before the most recent official count.

LordCephy: Current Count:
ZFR 2 - frostburn 138, Ambiti0nZ 217
babark 3 - dedo 202, detective_razza 228, LordCephy 264
bucktooth 1 - catte 187
dedo 1 - Joe 24
AmbitionZ 4 - babark 155, ZFR 193, RWarehall 254, FrostburnPhoenix 257
FrostburnPhoenix: You forgot to remove my vote from ZFR.
Actually I didn't. After double-checking, I saw that you voted for ZFR on post #138, then voted for Ambiti0nZ on post #257. There's actually no post between the two where you unvoted ZFR. I think this was 0% mafia behavior and 100% completely honest mistake that you thought you had unvoted for ZFR at some point between the two. :)

Also, I didn't even notice thus I'm probably getting tired.

There might be some other vote changes that were missed.

I've since unvoted Babark (post 293) after JoeSapphire pointed out that this is his first game also.
JoeSapphire has also changed his vote from dedo to RWarehall (296)

Current Count:
ZFR 1 - Ambiti0nZ 217
babark 2 - dedo 202, detective_razza 228
bucktooth 1 - catte 187
AmbitionZ 4 - babark 155, ZFR 193, RWarehall 254, FrostburnPhoenix 257
RWarehall 1 - Joe 296

No more forum time for me for today because cats do get me up very early, and you cannot argue with cats about wake-up time. Also tomorrow is laundry catch up day so if someone else wants to keep an eye on vote changes and update lift periodically, please do so. :)
HypersomniacLive: These replies read like that you're actively lurking - you're aware of who's posting what, and you even have an opinion about the value (and possible motivation?) of what's been posted, yet up until you were questioned for opinions, you had a total of three posts with no actual contribution or comment to the game. What's your plan for D1? Do you intend to place a serious vote, and how are you going to decide?
What is actively lurking? Someone asked my opinion, so I took the time to read through te pages of posts to form one, and the opinion formed wasn't really significant, because beyond all the jokey accusations, and my lack of history with any of you, I'm not sure how anyone can seriously be picked by me on the first day.

I'll try to make an informed vote for D1, it certainly hasn't been decided by me yet, I guess based on the discussions that are occuring here.
As the day wanes, the discussion gains momentum and some persons come into focus. Accusations, quippy one-liners and banana-peels are thrown back and forth. And Swan-Lake can be heard wafting over from somewhere on the light, blue coloured wind.


Official Vote Count

ZFR 1 - AmbitionZ 217
Babark 2 - dedo 202, detective 228
bucktooth 1 - Catte 187
AmbitionZ 4 - babark 155, ZFR 193, RWare 254, frostburn 257
RWare 1 - Joe 286

It takes 7 votes to lynch. AmbitionZ is in the pole position at L-3
Not voting: bucktooth, Cephy, HSL

The Day will end some time tomorrow. As usual in my evil games, I won't state an exact time, but it will be Monday for all participants. I.e. it won't be Monday mornning my time. I'll wait at least for Monday to dawn on the american west coast. After that, I'll see when I get around to closing the Day.

Meanwhile, Guybrush demonstrates his most famous ability. He holds his breath and consequently doesn't talk at all.

dedoporno: ...
Hi dedo! Your last post was about 2 days ago. Please stop holding your breath and start talking to us again.
Post edited June 19, 2022 by Lifthrasil
unvote AmbitionZ
vote HyperInsomniacLive

Infrequent posts, but when posting, they're massive things that accuse everyone, demand justifications, then disappear until the next post. Perhaps that's SOP, but it seems odd to me. Still, I'll probably change my vote before the end.