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I tried to catch up and read through the arguments between ZFR and Ambiti0nZ, but I had a very long day; bleh, brain doesn't compute, so giving up for tonight. Will be back tomorrow.

Night everyone.
LordCephy: ~ Voteless Townie and other musings ~
dedoporno: Your story was awesome! Thanks for sharing it. For what it's worth (FWIW) I find that play perfectly legitimate and I don't see why a rule had to be placed to ban the role (but the way you mods did it was proper, so good job with that). Know that we have pretty wild games here and it's not too rare for some setup to turn out broken in some way the mod didn't anticipate, favoring one side or the other. People get slightly annoyed about it but in the end brush and laugh it off, meme about and make fun of the mod/players who fell victim to said unbalances.

Anyway, I feel that both ZFR and Frostburn are more like Town than scum. I suppose ZFR may also be the Neutral role he mused about. The last bit is mostly why I feel he isn't scum. If it was just the "gotcha" at Frostburn he'd probably lean a bit more towards the scummy side but not right now. As I said earlier I can totally see how one can read the game's intro as all scum having special powers and Frostburn's knee-jerk reaction to claim he has a power feels like a newbie Townie who misstopped and overcorrected afterwards. I'm not certain in my read here as Frostburn doesn't exactly behave like a lost Townie, they seem to have some experience (I believe they said they followed past games) so it may be a façade but on surface level doesn't feel like one. I suppose the whole thing can be staged by both of them but that seems like a stretch.
You should still assume that I'm leaving out details because I am. They're completely irrelevant to this game, but I would be happy to share them after. (I'm saying after only because I don't want it to distract from this game.) The relevant point was that I did see a very successful fake role claim occur on day one.

I am more far comfortable saying that ZFR is Town than saying that Frost is Town due to the prior fake voteless townie. Frost hasn't specifically stated that he's town. It's just implied in the offer to state what his actual role power is because a mafia wouldn't announce that they are mafia and likewise non-aligned would not announce theirs either. The fake voteless townie in that game never said outright that they were the voteless townie either and just made some comments implying they couldn't vote, then made a point of never voting.

The reason I am less confident about Frost being Town is that none of his posts actually read like someone that is completely new. I haven't played in a long time such that there's lots of new/unfamiliar stuff, and even I know not to offer to share my role function.

my name is catte: This AZFR conflict feels like town on town. I don't think I'd be willing to vote for either today.
ZFR: Maybe, but the amount of misunderstanding is still astounding.

For my own sanity, can you give me a second opnion, on how would you parse this statement:

ZFR: If Frost is Town, Mafia will have to do something about him at Night, or risk his PR interfering with them.
ZFR: Do you read it as:
a) Mafia will: [Do something about Town!PR at Night] OR [(do nothing and)risk his PR interfering with them].
I've read it as (A) the mafia will need to make a choice. If there is any misunderstanding or confusion, it is most likely out of an assumption that making a choice requires an action. Doing absolutely nothing at all about the situation is still making a choice.
i don’t know what to think of anything but for sake of a vote:

vote babark

maybe it’ll give them a nudge? hopefully they’re okay ^^
LordCephy: 3. As for the FrostburnPhoenix and ZFR situation more specifically. I found it extremely hard to follow, but this one post here really stuck out:
ZFR: I just remembered this morning that Lift in his previous game gave Mafia a fake-claim (i.e. a role that is definitely not appearing for Town, so won't be counterclaimed). trent also claimed prematurely in that game, and as it turned out it's because he was eager to use the fake claim.

Could something have happened here too? Could the presence of a fake claim the reason Frost assumed it's role madness and the reason he wanted to claim early? I don't think so, to be honest, but it's something to keep in mind.
I don't think so either - it would have been a somewhat convoluted way to go about dropping the information and the 'misread' derp and the following interest in catte's name change suggest an attentive, outward-focused state-of-mind. If these posts were designed to draw attention in order for him to bicker and reveal his info in false-frustration it's a sophisticated approach. If not the 'i wonder what's going on with everybody else' mindset seems contrary to a 'i want you to wonder what's going on with me'
does that sound right?

And also I can see why hypothetically-town-zfr would have this thought so that's nice.

Is this basically the exchange between az & zfr:

zfr: this is what the mafia would want to do
az: why are you saying what the mafia are going to do?
zfr: NO U
az: NO U

? Is there any subtlety that I missed there?
the questions I was probing zfr for was I noticed he made the point of numbering the mafia "(three)" in a way that seemed like he wanted us to be aware of it's significance, but when dedo asked him about numbers he said he didn't understand what dedo was getting at. To me, and it seems to Frostburn who answered dedo's question, it was obvious what dedo was talking about, and it looked like zfr may have planned to be questioned about it, the way he put the statement.

So I wondered if zfr's "what do you mean, dedo?" post was fake misunderstanding to make a scumslip less sinister. However I am satisfied with his answers, and think his recent "did frostburn want to broadcast fake role?" more town-telling than this is scum-telling.

Does that seem fair my dudes?
JoeSapphire: be aware of it's significance,
be aware of it *is* significance. Indeed.

JoeSapphire: To me, and it seems to Frostburn who answered dedo's question, it was obvious what dedo was talking about, and it looked like zfr may have planned to be questioned about it, the way he put the statement.
No, I just didn't see "number" as a verb in uit, so I couldn't parse the sentence. I kind of thought I knew what dedo was asking, but without the verb the sentence didn't make sense, so I though maybe dedo accidentally deleted part of it like "Wait, did Frostburn (mention the) number (of) them?"

@JoeSapphire (and everyone else), do you have a read on the newbies (we have many of them this game) so far?
dedoporno: Does this mean you don't intend to participate unless pressed by the timer?
*is now getting flashbacks of being yelled at for not participating enough in previous Mafia games*

ZFR: So, any general first opinions?
General first opinions? You seem to talk a LOT, but apparently (according to in-joke images) that's par for the course, and you're some sort of detective digger upper.

JoeSapphire also seems to talk a lot, but it seems like less substance?

See? I'm not going to get some magical "read" on people by all the talking you're doing here, especially not on the first day.
babark: JoeSapphire also seems to talk a lot, but it seems like less substance?
JoeSapphire: be aware of it's significance,
ZFR: be aware of it *is* significance. Indeed.

ZFR: @JoeSapphire (and everyone else), do you have a read on the newbies (we have many of them this game) so far?
Frostburn I'm townreading since post 25, nothing's happened to change that.

Cephy I've only just realised is the same as the lego prof. Henry Jones sr. avatar who was posting near the beginning of the game. No huge read on them but the roleplaying and cephalopod trivia seem innocent enough.

Razza I maybe sense a willingness to participate which I attribute towny, but perhaps I'm being fanciful.

AZ I dunno. I don't feel willing to give him a town read for the az/zfr conflict. I'd like to know if anybody sees anything significant in that.

Babark says my posts are insubstantial. This is the language of les scummes.

When I get a mo I'll reread and see if I should re-evaluate any of this.

babark: See? I'm not going to get some magical "read" on people by all the talking you're doing here, especially not on the first day.
Nevertheless! It's important that we get your thoughts so that we can establish a read on you.

It's easiest for the mafia to win by blending into a the background - not giving away any connections to anybody - not committing to any reads.

There's a skill to the game in generating content for yourself and others to pick into - try and engage other players, get them talking about the game and putting their thoughts down. Tell us what you make of an interaction, and see if other people agree or disagree.

In that spirit, two questions for you:
- Can you give example of how my posts are less substantial than zfr's? What does it signify to you?
- If we got told "There is one mafia in dedo, bucktooth and RWarehall" who would you say it was? What would your process be?

LordCephy: The reason I am less confident about Frost being Town is that none of his posts actually read like someone that is completely new. I haven't played in a long time such that there's lots of new/unfamiliar stuff, and even I know not to offer to share my role function.
Tell me more about the feeling Frostburn is not completely new.
JoeSapphire: be aware of it's significance,
ZFR: be aware of it *is* significance. Indeed.
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dedo said I was asking psychoanalysty questions before and I was like "am I?" and

JoeSapphire: Tell me more about the feeling Frostburn is not completely new.
yeah I see it... o_O
babark: JoeSapphire also seems to talk a lot, but it seems like less substance?
JoeSapphire: fml
Funniest interaction so far.
JoeSapphire: In that spirit, two questions for you:
- Can you give example of how my posts are less substantial than zfr's? What does it signify to you?
- If we got told "There is one mafia in dedo, bucktooth and RWarehall" who would you say it was? What would your process be?
It just seems a lot of talking just for the sake of talking (blending in the foreground rather than the background, as you said lurkers might do) with non-content jokey responses and therapist style questionifying of other people's statements

Why would you choose dedo, buckgrooth and RWarehall? What is the significance of that choice?
*talk of new players*

JoeSapphire: AZ
To me you're the new player, diluted less sassy version of yogsloth.
babark: It just seems a lot of talking just for the sake of talking (blending in the foreground rather than the background, as you said lurkers might do) with non-content jokey responses and therapist style questionifying of other people's statements
And in comparison, zfr...?

babark: Why would you choose dedo, buckgrooth and RWarehall? What is the significance of that choice?
Just that they haven't hade loads of attention on them, but I reckon they do have some posts that you might be able to analyse. Off you go then!

Ambiti0nZ: *talk of new players*

JoeSapphire: AZ
Ambiti0nZ: To me you're the new player, diluted less sassy version of yogsloth.
fukkin. Ouch.

We've not played together before then?