JoeSapphire: be aware of it's significance,
ZFR: be aware of it *is* significance. Indeed.
ZFR: @JoeSapphire (and everyone else), do you have a read on the newbies (we have many of them this game) so far?
Frostburn I'm townreading since post 25, nothing's happened to change that.
Cephy I've only just realised is the same as the lego prof. Henry Jones sr. avatar who was posting near the beginning of the game. No huge read on them but the roleplaying and cephalopod trivia seem innocent enough.
Razza I maybe sense a willingness to participate which I attribute towny, but perhaps I'm being fanciful.
AZ I dunno. I don't feel willing to give him a town read for the az/zfr conflict. I'd like to know if anybody sees anything significant in that.
Babark says my posts are insubstantial. This is the language of
les scummes.
When I get a mo I'll reread and see if I should re-evaluate any of this.
babark: See? I'm not going to get some magical "read" on people by all the talking you're doing here, especially not on the first day.
Nevertheless! It's important that we get your thoughts so that we can establish a read on you.
It's easiest for the mafia to win by blending into a the background - not giving away any connections to anybody - not committing to any reads.
There's a skill to the game in generating content for yourself and others to pick into - try and engage other players, get them talking about the game and putting their thoughts down. Tell us what you make of an interaction, and see if other people agree or disagree.
In that spirit, two questions for you:
- Can you give example of how my posts are less substantial than zfr's? What does it signify to you?
- If we got told "There is one mafia in dedo, bucktooth and RWarehall" who would you say it was? What would your process be?
LordCephy: The reason I am less confident about Frost being Town is that none of his posts actually read like someone that is completely new. I haven't played in a long time such that there's lots of new/unfamiliar stuff, and even I know not to offer to share my role function.
Tell me more about the feeling Frostburn is not completely new.