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FrostburnPhoenix: Since I already revealed I have a role, should I claim? Or wait?
No. Please don't.

HypersomniacLive: Why does the alternative have to be 2vs10? And is there any sort of assurance that in case it's only 2-mafiosi team, the rest's all town?
I'm writing from a Mafiosi_who_has_slipped!Frostburn point of view. 4 Mafiosi is extremely unlikely, and 1-Mafioso would mean the "slip" makes even less sense than 2.
The rest are not necessarily all Town, but Mafia!Frostburn wouldn't know that. He only know the PRs of his scum team.

PS I still think my bragging rights call of non-scum (i.e. one whose win condition doesn't exclude Town winning) being present has a good chance of being there. So 2vs9vs1 or 3vs8vs1 or even 2vs8vs2 are possible.
And I'm sad no one asked me about that, because I had a nice Colombo style answer prepared about my brilliant reasoning powers.
HypersomniacLive: Got it. Why do you only expect a new player, with no prior experience (as stated directly to you in post #57), to slip as mafia, but not as town getting carried away by the flavour in post #2?
I didn't, really. So I asked about it for clarification. Next thing I know it bam! escalated into "I clim PR".

No, gun to my head, I'd think Frost is more likely to be who he claims he is: Townie PR who got carried away, slipped, realised his mistake, corrected it.
Wow, lots of activity. Gut feeling says FBP is town, ZFR's part feels NAI.
ZFR: [...] I'm writing from a Mafiosi_who_has_slipped!Frostburn point of view. [...]
ZFR: I didn't, really. So I asked about it for clarification. Next thing I know it bam! escalated into "I clim PR".

No, gun to my head, I'd think Frost is more likely to be who he claims he is: Townie PR who got carried away, slipped, realised his mistake, corrected it.
Thing is, going over your exchanges, it seems to me that your "Gotcha!" moment had to do with FrostburnPhoenix, which would mean that, by asking for clarification, you were looking for some sort of confirmation of what you had already thought, and not trying to understand his mind state and in turn make up your mind.

Would you say that you took into account that they're a new and inexperienced player, and what and how they had posted overall, when you decided how and how much to push them?
ZFR: And I'm sad no one asked me about that, because I had a nice Colombo style answer prepared about my brilliant reasoning powers.
I saw your post and didn't ask intentionally. Since you seem eager to do it, if it doesn't have to do with knowledge that's only available to you which appears to be the case - please do.

ZFR: No, gun to my head, I'd think Frost is more likely to be who he claims he is: Townie PR who got carried away, slipped, realised his mistake, corrected it.
Is the claim that changed your mind or something else?
I'm confused. I thought roles were only revealed at the end?

Although in those fast paced games I played in the past, there was no time to goof around, chit chat, or reveal roles.
HypersomniacLive: Thing is, going over your exchanges, it seems to me that your "Gotcha!" moment had to do with FrostburnPhoenix, which would mean that, by asking for clarification, you were looking for some sort of confirmation of what you had already thought, and not trying to understand his mind state and in turn make up your mind.

Would you say that you took into account that they're a new and inexperienced player, and what and how they had posted overall, when you decided how and how much to push them?
No, if you're refering to my #82, my gotcha moment had to do with something else. I was reading a bit while working and for a teeeny moment, someone's post (Lift's) gave me a strong feeling of deja vu and I went "aha!" and then I completely forgot what was it. So I reread everything but couldn't put my finger on it, but while rereading I realised I never really got what was it that Frostborn misread so I asked him.

No, I don't think I really thought about Frostburn's experience when I asked. I just asked.

ZFR: And I'm sad no one asked me about that, because I had a nice Colombo style answer prepared about my brilliant reasoning powers.
dedoporno: I saw your post and didn't ask intentionally. Since you seem eager to do it, if it doesn't have to do with knowledge that's only available to you which appears to be the case - please do.
Glad you asked.

Ambitionz joined the game extremely late, after Lift already asked joppo to check his setup for balance. And what best way to add a player to an already balanced setup? Make him a survivor or similar.

Oh, and one more thing.

In the latest games, Lift's games had more non-scum neutrals than all the other hosts combined: Lyncher in Witches of Salem, Survivor in NRA and the infamous pseudoJesters in Shining.

(OK, I did learn my lessons about outguessing the mod about the setup, so I won't really base my actions on the assumption that there is a neutral, unless we get more info later, but if it does turn out to be true than my bragging rights are in post 11).
ZFR: No, gun to my head, I'd think Frost is more likely to be who he claims he is: Townie PR who got carried away, slipped, realised his mistake, corrected it.
dedoporno: Is the claim that changed your mind or something else?
The claim. I just see a newbieMafia defending himself in a different way. Try to downplay it, or invent some excuse, or quickly go over Lift's post and find a fake misreading. Not "I'm a Town PR".
I could be wrong, but it feels like a Town response.

Oh, and speaking of
Unvote Frost
FrostburnPhoenix: Unfortunately, flavor-wise, we all have personalities/powers different from our name. So RWarehall is actually less likely to be serial killer, if anything.
my name is catte: No, that doesn't make sense either. RWarehall is no more or less likely than anyone else to be a SK, role assignment is completely random with no regard for the characters we chose.
I think this is correct. The way I read it, role assignment is something akin to a random draw and since we could choose our characters at the beginning, that has absolutely no bearing on what we might have drawn (or, technically, was drawn for us).
my name is catte: No, that doesn't make sense either. RWarehall is no more or less likely than anyone else to be a SK, role assignment is completely random with no regard for the characters we chose.
Ambiti0nZ: I think this is correct. The way I read it, role assignment is something akin to a random draw and since we could choose our characters at the beginning, that has absolutely no bearing on what we might have drawn (or, technically, was drawn for us).
Since we're still harping on this, I'm just going to agree that I'm too inexperienced to play this game. Thee fast games ten years ago isn't enough.
Oh, wait I totally missed this post

FrostburnPhoenix: Unfortunately, flavor-wise, we all have personalities/powers different from our name.
Yeah, so Frost just gave away he has PR here...


You know you made yourself a target?

Yeah... I think I'll just derpclear Frost here.
Ambiti0nZ: [...] And I am also interested in hearing dedoporno's answer to that question as well! [...]
HypersomniacLive: How's that going?
I actually lost track of that exchange, but now I'm curious to go back and check!

LordCephy: Since we're still harping on this, I'm just going to agree that I'm too inexperienced to play this game. Thee fast games ten years ago isn't enough.
Eh, you'll get it by the end of it. I wouldn't sweat it. When I joined this forum to play, I didn't quite know where to begin with things the first (literal) day, but then it all made sense by the end of the first (game) night.

The worst are the really exclusive inside jokes cause they can throw you off.
ZFR: Yeah, so Frost just gave away he has PR here...


You know you made yourself a target?

Yeah... I think I'll just derpclear Frost here.
HypersomniacLive: How's that going?
Ambiti0nZ: I actually lost track of that exchange, but now I'm curious to go back and check!

LordCephy: Since we're still harping on this, I'm just going to agree that I'm too inexperienced to play this game. Thee fast games ten years ago isn't enough.
Ambiti0nZ: Eh, you'll get it by the end of it. I wouldn't sweat it. When I joined this forum to play, I didn't quite know where to begin with things the first (literal) day, but then it all made sense by the end of the first (game) night.

The worst are the really exclusive inside jokes cause they can throw you off.
That just makes me feel worse like this is some private club that I invade.