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ZFR: No way anyone is stealing this.
Wait, do you or don't you believe Lift's claim? If you don't then you don't get any bragging rights for it as he's not it :P If you do believe it then why lynch him first and not Wyrm (if both of them are equally suspicious and you see them as W/W)? If Lift is in fact a Survivor he's the lesser evil (not really an evil even).

JoeSapphire: Even if he is a survivor we can't keep him around. Survivors can side with the mafia at mylo for the win.
What's your take on Wyrm?

a) why didn't you lie and say you're Town?

b) if you truly believe Bookwyrm is scummy for questioning you, why are you trying to take him down? They way I see it, a survivor's best bet now is not to play against Mafia but have another mislynch that puts Town at MYLO. Quicker way for the win.

I don't see a survivor going for their wincon claiming the way you did. But I could be wrong.

Still, my vote stands. I think now that your flip will answer many questions.

ZFR: No, no, no, no, no, NO NO NO NO NO. Heck no, no, no NO NO.
dedoporno: Was it you? Even better. Why did you think it was him back then? It might help with figuring out why he thought it's a good idea to claim it now.
I explained it in the very post where I made my bragging rights.

Why Lift? Just a feeling that his play is off.

ZFR: Lift. I have no proof or anything but it would fit with the fact that I found his play strange this game, but couldn't put my finger on anything in particular. Not scummy, just strange.

I'm not sure, and could be wrong. Could be RL issues or any number of reasons. Or I could just be plain wrong. But for bragging rights I'm adding: Lift is a Survivor.
As for why I thought there was Neutral Survivor in the first place? I explained that already: Because I thought Pooka changed it from 3-Mafia-11-player setup into 3-Mafia-12-player setup, in which case a good way of keeping balance is to add a Neutral Survivor.
ZFR: Why Lift? Just a feeling that his play is off.
I see. It's nothing then, I was hoping for something more (I bet he was, too).

Also, Lift already won as a Neutral Survivor not that long ago and if I remember correctly his play wasn't off back then. Until the end he was playing along with Town as it suited his needs best so I don't think he has suddenly become incompetent of it. Probably just scum.
dedoporno: Wait, do you or don't you believe Lift's claim? If you don't then you don't get any bragging rights for it as he's not it :P If you do believe it then why lynch him first and not Wyrm (if both of them are equally suspicious and you see them as W/W)? If Lift is in fact a Survivor he's the lesser evil (not really an evil even).
I don't believe it because I made it off a wrong premise: I thought initially that Pooka's original setup had 3 scum.

When I realised my mistake I no longer thought it's true.

I've explained that, but looks like you missed it.

Bragging rights posts are set in stone. I don't care why they were made and off whatever wrong premises. That's what bragging rights are for. Period.

But I think it's a moot point: There would be waaay too much of a coincidence if Lift is actually one. Lift is not a survivor, he just pretended to be one. So no bragging rights for me either way.
ZFR: There would be waaay too much of a coincidence if Lift is actually one.
One would almost wonder what the odds are of such thing happening.
PS: If Lift is Mafia, I'm taking that pelt too.
ZFR: PS: If Lift is Mafia, I'm taking that pelt too.
And if he's town?
ZFR: PS: If Lift is Mafia, I'm taking that pelt too.
JoeSapphire: And if he's town?
Then screw him for lying.
JoeSapphire: And if he's town?
You mean the greatest supporter of LAL lied? Come on.
I agree with ZFR on that it might have more sense to just lie/claim Town Bulletproof instead of Neutral, yet I can't deny the possibility that Lift prefers to stand truthful to the end.

I'd like Lift to comment on ZFR's query first though. For me his play style was fine until the claim.
JoeSapphire: And if he's town?
dedoporno: You mean the greatest supporter of LAL lied? Come on.
No I just mean ZFR gets the pelt if he's Wolf, gets skin if he's Neutral...Nevermind.
Bookwyrm627: nothing about Leoric
Leoric_AKA_Leo: Hey! I'm playing this game with you!
Sorry about that. My read on you is relatively neutral. A little erratic, but my scum slots are full so you're probably town.

my name is supyreor catte: Throwing a godfather into the mix seems insane too. When you're adding extra scum to the game you wouldn't also give them an OP role like godfather.
I don't think the Godfather is OP. The mere fact that it exists says "You're going to have to play the game instead of blindly trusting whatever the Cop said", and that's all.

Scum don't get any extra power from it unless town just blindly believes the Cop was correc...oh. Yeah, I guess the godfather is OP. :P

I'll take a Lift lynch, though.

Bookwyrm627: Next, look at what happened last game, where Town only managed a single lynch, over the course of multiple game Days, before being at MyLo. ZFR kicked off No Lynch then too.
ZFR: Fake news.
You were the first to bring it up, and did so in Post 8. I stand by my statement.

ZFR: What I find strage is that apparently you didn't misread it. You knew it was RB+Goon vs 9 Townies. Yet somehow you believe that in the current setup Pooka added a thrid Mafioso and a Godfather. Yes, very balanced:
I didn't pay further attention to that role list when the player count changed and Pooka had to rework it. I reread it when it was brought up again in the game thread. I also reread posts like 156, where Pooka indicates he has a setup, but he doesn't say what it was.

Let me reiterate that last point: Pooka didn't say what the adjusted setup was. That means we don't know how it was adjusted when going from 11 players to 12 players. That means it is a closed setup. We know the 12th player "throws a wrench in the works" and we can reasonably guess that it is 9v3 (based both on the 25% guideline and on Pooka's words in 151). Maybe Pooka added Godfather and changed the Commuter into something more powerful; that's the point of a closed setup, that we don't know.

If Joe flips as 1x Commuter, I'll reconsider whether you're not Godfather. In the meantime? I'm waiting for hard information. Neither Cop nor Doctor are unusual enough roles for me to consider this setup effectively open. Note the following setup:

Dogmaus: What do you mean by where the meta is gone?
I was too busy for Mafia for a RL year or so. My recollection is that No Lynch was rather more strenuously avoided than in this game and last game (for example, 3-4 years ago someone would very likely have been lynched, perhaps for very arbitrary reasons, as people scramble to avoid No Lynch). Lift's claim about my alignment fishing was weird; I'd have thought it obvious what I was looking for from him.

dedoporno: If Joe is a scum and aware of that list he would have thought he was FUBARed if he decided that was the claim that gave him the best chance to escape. Additionally, if he knows he's going down stat and he wants to make a high risk/high reward play why not just claim Cop and fish out the real one whom Joe likely already suspects to be Macho and won't be able to survive the Night if revealed? One already compromised scum trade for one of the most powerful Town roles seems like a pretty good deal to me.
And yet here we are, with the claimed Commuter nearly being called lock town simply because he claimed Commuter. A Doctor claim doesn't let him skate, a Vanilla claim is always a gamble when you're on the edge, but a minor PR claim is a survival gambit.

Cadaver747: No counterclaim confirms it, risking his life to meet another Commuter confirms it even more. Don't you agree?
Obviously I don't agree, but it looks like I'm generally out-voted on this point.

Bookwyrm627: I think ZFR and Joe are scum. I'm not as sure about the third (and I think there is a third), but Lift or Dogmaus are by far my favorites.
ZFR: So he thinks scum!(ZFR+Joe+Lift) is a favorite possibility, yet doesn't see that if that were true then we could have coordinated the whole "Lift is Neutral" thing way way better given our Day chat. He must think the three of us are terrible players to drop the ball like this.
Mistakes can be made, especially if one player has very limited attention to spare while they're off hiking in the mountains and such. After all, if I'm right, then the three of you only had 48 hours from the Macho drop to work it out before the next Day phase, hampered by Joe's presence possibly being sporadic and Lift's presence very likely being sporadic. You suggested 3v8v1 right at the beginning of Day.

Lift now claims Neutral Survivor.
["And here we go" - Joker]

dedoporno: I'm now curious how Wyrm managed to pinpoint Lift as the Neutral Survivor (which role came out of nowhere by the way).
...really, Dedo? You really wonder why I asked Lift, specifically, whether he was Neutral Survivor, specifically? Try the following:

PPE: I see ZFR has already claimed credit for that bit of insight, so removing the quote to save space.



Vote Lift

It's clear I'm not getting Joe toDay regardless, but Lift is just as good now.

ZFR: I'm caught up, so feel free to drop a vote any time.
dedoporno: Catte speaking fax.

ZFR: Could Bookwyrm think so for real? He's usually much better at analysis than that.

Heck, he's the one who's usually poking at far fetched theories. For example, last game when we were (or rather you were; I was dead) discussing why Mafia chose a given NK target.


I want to hear from fully-caught-up Bookwyrm, just so there is no "oops, I still haven't read up to post X yet" before I vote.
Hmm, I suppose it is kind of out of character.

Lifthrasil: OK. Fine. With my limited and hard to plan availability here, I'll answer. That takes me a bit out of the picture.

Yes, I am neutral survivor. To make my life easier, I am also limited shots bullet proof. One shot was used up in N1, when I was targeted with a NK. Apparently I was towny enough on D1.

Now, I think this information benefits scum more than town. Scum already know thay I'm not scum and now they know that they can safely ignore me. If I were Town, I wouldn't lie. So now they know that I'm no dangerous Town-PR.

Town however can't just believe me. They always have to wonder whether I lied. So I'm not a distraction removed and no proven neutral. Just a claim.

Therefore I still think that Bookwyrm's asking was scummy. He asked for information that would benefit scum, but not town. Also, scum already knows that the NK on me failed. So they had a vested interest on finding hot more about me.

Well, those are my thoughts. What you do with them is up to you.
I had, at this point more or less discounted the possibility of a neutral survivor. Goddamnit, seriously?

And why claim now with one vote?

dedoporno: Of course!

I'm now curious how Wyrm managed to pinpoint Lift as the Neutral Survivor (which role came out of nowhere by the way).

This is getting fun although I feel we can't go wrong either way here.
That is a bit sus, yes. I find the suddenness of Lift's claim a bit off.

This could all have been a planned distancing dance between Book and Lift, or it's possible Book is town and Lift has decided that he's taking too much heat and has decided to go with the "Is Lift neutral?" narrative.

Lifthrasil: Yes, I am neutral survivor.
ZFR: I don't buy this.

No way, absolutely no way, Pooka went from 2vs9 into 3vs8vsN. Strengthened Scum, weakened Town and added a Neutral? No way.

Unless it's 2vs9vsN, in which case as I said Pooka simply balanced it out by adding 1 Neutral. That I guess is possible.

There is nothing in rules that say 3 Mafia. Question: Can we take the 3Mafia PM as truth? It was a sample PM after all. The roles in them aren't real either.
It's certainly very convenient and it seems that one vote from me was enough to make Lift spill the beans.

Well the game has certainly become dead exciting.

JoeSapphire: No I just mean ZFR gets the pelt if he's Wolf, gets skin if he's Neutral...Nevermind.
I thought neutrals were a bit like androids in Alien, all full of fibreoptics and milk. ZFR gets the android milk if Lift is neutral.
Bookwyrm627: It's clear I'm not getting Joe toDay regardless, but Lift is just as good now.
You can still try to get him Tonight ;)

Well then. I believe Lift is at L-2?

Nothing important has come up so what I said earlier still counts. I'm fine with voting both Lift and Wyrm. Lift is the ongoing consensus and a proven safe lynch so no point in arguing against it.

@Pooka, can we get a votecount? I don't want to cross-vote with someone and end the day if someone else has things to add.
Hey. Sorry to be that guy who only cares about himself but

why do you think I'm scum? Just because I was 5th vote on Gym's wagon Day One?