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Lifthrasil: Did you just reveal the number of your shots?
You'd love to know wouldn't you?
Dogmaus: Votes on Joe are worrysome, but me reconsidering not voting for Joe is bad? How come?
Accusing Joe all the way yesterDay only to *reconsider* your opinion after ZFR's post is very convenient. That is why you could be a Puzzled Town or Mafia role-playing Puzzled Town.
Accusing me of being Mafia, calling me Town now for what reason exactly?

Any Vote on Joe is worrisome, toDay especially.
Cadaver747: Accusing Joe all the way yesterDay only to *reconsider* your opinion after ZFR's post is very convenient.
What should a player's response to new evidence be?
JoeSapphire: What should a player's response to new evidence be?
Exactly my thoughts. A very convenient change of mind.
JoeSapphire: What should a player's response to new evidence be?
Cadaver747: Exactly my thoughts. A very convenient change of mind.
But NOT changing one's mind in response to new evidence would be...?
Dogmaus: probably Town: ZFR (there shouldn't be any Godfather)
3 scum and 1 neutral hiding among
Sorry, this is a recap of what exactly?
JoeSapphire: But NOT changing one's mind in response to new evidence would be...?
Come on, am I the ONLY one who can see?

#330 - "I was disappointed at the NL in the first day but I didn't want to lynch GymHenson just cause."
#637 - "The more you go on the more I'm convinced about you and Joe being mafia team."
#643 - "I'm ok with lynching GM on D2"

#739 - "My main suspects are Joe, Book and ZFR. I'm more inclined to think of Cadaver as of Town now."

#776 - "probably Town: ZFR (there shouldn't be any Godfather)"

Cadaver is Mafia, Cadaver is Town. NL is bad, I don't want GH lynched, I'm OK lynching GH. ZFR is Mafia, ZFR is Town.

A very convenient way of changing mind. That's why I think Dogmaus is either a Puzzled Town or something worse.
D1 was meant for D2; and D2 - for D3.
As someone who often swings wildly with their reads I'm not sure Dogmaus' change of mind is suspicious.

When you say she's either confused town or mafia acting as confused town, are you saying you think she is mafia, or you're not sure?

I think Dogmaus is town still mostly based on Day 1 questions about the game and working things out.

I think Cadaver is town because of how focused he is on Dogmaus.
ZFR: And I have an idea who the Neutral might be.
Bookwyrm627: I admit I haven't been watching for neutrals. Who do you think might be neutral?
Lift. I have no proof or anything but it would fit with the fact that I found his play strange this game, but couldn't put my finger on anything in particular. Not scummy, just strange.

I'm not sure, and could be wrong. Could be RL issues or any number of reasons. Or I could just be plain wrong. But for bragging rights I'm adding: Lift is a Survivor.

Now for my Town core. I'm Town reading Joe. I'm Town reading the two newbies, especially dogmaus, less so for Leoric. If I'm wrong here, well played.
I don't think scum!Cadaver will put all the effort into pos-by-post analysis. Not 100% sure, but going to put in town pile for now.

If Lift is neutral, that leaves flub, dedo, Bookwyrm and catte, and I think our 3 scum are hidden among those 4.

Vote dedo

The best pick of the quadrio.

I admit it's PoE, but PoE can be a viable strategy too.

dedo did have a couple of moments that pinged me wrong. His arguing semantics and the whole "why have you twice misread the rules" incident feels odd.
Dogmaus: Votes on Joe are worrysome, but me reconsidering not voting for Joe is bad? How come?
Cadaver747: Accusing Joe all the way yesterDay only to *reconsider* your opinion after ZFR's post is very convenient. That is why you could be a Puzzled Town or Mafia role-playing Puzzled Town.
Accusing me of being Mafia, calling me Town now for what reason exactly?

Any Vote on Joe is worrisome, toDay especially.
you still have not answered why bookwyrm voting Joe is sus and at the same time me not voting Joe is sus.
"Accusing Joe all the way yesterDay only to *reconsider* your opinion after ZFR's post is very convenient."
How is convenient?
Accusing me of being Mafia, calling me Town now for what reason exactly?
never accused you of being mafia, never said you ARE Town. Mango made me sus, you have been more convincing.
Willing to vote for any of the four, as a last resort Lift. Will vote Cadaver only to avoid NL, perhaps Leoric too. Not voting Joe or dogmaus.

Cadaver747: A very convenient way of changing mind. That's why I think Dogmaus is either a Puzzled Town or something worse.
I'd be more wary of someone who doesn't change their mind.
ZFR: I admit it's PoE, but PoE can be a viable strategy too.
For sure. Process of Elimination is good.

JoeSapphire: Who else remembered this all yesterday but kept it to themselves?
dedoporno: I didn't remember it as I missed it in the sign-up but it's not this. Or at least not exactly this.

I don't think ZFR is a Godfather. I also think Joe is what he says he is.

I don't have an opinion on the Neutral, I didn't consider it at any point.
This post makes me not want to vote dedo though.

The fact that each point can be understood as a tacit confession of mafianess makes me think a mafia didn't write it.

Does that mean I think the scum team is Catte, Bookwyrm and Flubbucket? The very notion! It's absurd!

I agree with ZFR about Dogmaus, Cadaver. Not so confident with Leoric. I don't believe Lift is a neutral survivor.

I think I think, then, that the mafia is Bookwyrm, Leoric and Flubbucket.

Probably I should Vote Bookwyrm.
Dogmaus: you still have not answered...
I just got a very strong feeling of deja vu.

Did we have a game recently where two people were arguing the way godmaus and Cadaver are arguing now?

Or is it true that all time happens simultaneously and I just remembered this very game because quantum?
Dogmaus: you still have not answered...
ZFR: I just got a very strong feeling of deja vu.

Did we have a game recently where two people were arguing the way godmaus and Cadaver are arguing now?

Or is it true that all time happens simultaneously and I just remembered this very game because quantum?
Do you remember if either of the people arguing turned out the be mafia?