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flubbucket: Unvote: JoeSapphire


I think that's a hammer.
ZFR: Pussy.

Let us play chicken for a while.
I'm so sorry. I'm not trying to spoil the fun, but the last time the fish got outta the boat.

Not gonna happen again,,,nope...nosireebob
Cadaver: I could use that Day extension

Flub: ....................
z50xp.jpg (43 Kb)
Right before the deadline, after a scramble on what to do, one of the guards had their eyes fixated on one single target.

"What kind of buffoonery is this?" He pointed towards Reagan. "Were we supposed to be merchants but missed the memo?"

"Hey, I said that too, early on!" Another guard chimed in.

"Took you long enough, but he sure is doing a great job at being a did he even become a Supreme?"

The arguments escalated into a full blown, concentrated attack on Reagan simply because he decided to pursue another hobby side by side with being a guard.

"Enough!" Pietro shouted. After five seconds of silence, he cleared his throat. "So I take it it's a consensus on Supreme Reagan Mann, am I right?" Nearly everyone, including Reagan himself, nodded their heads.

"You don't seem to be too interested in captainship yourself. You have better aspirations in mind."

"Of course! And if you let me go, you'll have a deep, 60% discount off my wares! Limited time only!"

The Captain stood in place, thinking for a few seconds. Almost twenty seconds later, he spoke again. "You may go now, Supreme Reagan. Just keep the sale for later, alright?"

"Of course, of course!"

Without any resistance whatsoever, Reagan just leaves the premises of the Castle. For all the fuss that surrounded him, he didn't even need any guards to guide him out. He just did.


GymHenson has been lynched. He was Vanilla Town.

It is now the second Idle (Night) phase. Please stop posting in this thread.
(Except for GymHenson, he still has one "bah" post as defined in the rules)
If you have any night actions, please submit them to me as detailed in your PM.

Round 2 Votecount:
GymHenson (7) - Lifthrasil, ZFR, dedoporno, JoeSapphire, Microfish, Leoric, flubbucket
JoeSapphire (5) - dogmaus, Bookwyrm, GymHenson, Cadaver, catte
Post edited August 12, 2021 by PookaMustard
Remaining time: 2 days 5 hours
PookaMustard: Not voting: catte
Catte voted.

I mean "snore snore snore".
PookaMustard: Not voting: catte
What is this falsehood?
And 441 still not corrected.

Micro had 2 votes.
(this be my bah be a little long, but no is all within the game rules[no game info/etc])



dedoporno: Cadaver: I could use that Day extension

Flub: ....................


The above aside, I am somewhat sad I didn't get the chance to use my pre-prepared self hammer post. Ah well, i'll post it at game end in case anyone is curious to see what it says. For now, I will post the song link at least:

Reagan smiles and bows as he drives his multitude of wares to the (hopefully boobs filled, going by what some say when they go there) land of observer thread.

Now without further ado, some (imo) apropos music to help close the day
PookaMustard: Not voting: catte
my name is supyreor catte: What is this falsehood?
There we go, fixed. And 441 also fixed.

Now, SILENCE! do the same thing you were doing since 23 hours ago, that is not replying to this thread.

The Captain summons the guards once more, and so they show up just on schedule. Pietro did his usual thing, counting heads and making sure nobody was absent.

“Where’s Saber?” he asked. All the other guards turned left and right to see where Saber could’ve been, but he wasn’t around. Pietro did the same, and that’s when he saw him. He was laying down behind one of the benches in the castle court. Without telling the guards, he quickly runs off there, with everyone following him.

Of course, he wasn’t conscious! Pietro had no idea if he was dead or something got to him, but then he noticed a weird syringe dart sticking out of his shoulder. Said dart had some sort of insignia representing a head wearing goggles with an awfully long mustache and a creepy smile. Nobody had any idea what was the meaning behind it, but the good news was that one of the guards confirmed Saber still had a pulse.

“What the heck is this.” Pietro spoke quietly. “Who did this!?” he shouted at the guards. Naturally, nobody admitted it. “Great. I have a sinking feeling it’s one of the things you guys did.”

He went back and forth aimlessly. He then stopped, and pointed at the dart. “This thing couldn’t have struck poor Saber out of thin air. It has to be someone’s doing. And I don’t think there’s anyone here but us. Maybe it’s time we figured out who did it? Here, that’s the best thing you could do for captainhood.”

A few seconds later, some lesser guards have taken Saber on a stretcher to an infirmary. Here’s hoping he wakes up with all his health!


Microfish has been killed. He was Town Macho Cop.
You may resume posting.
Round Phase/Day 3 will run for 5 days, 20 hours.
Post edited August 14, 2021 by PookaMustard
Vote JoeSapphire
I don't know, it sucks we have lost a Town member by our own lynching and another one with a NK. That's life/the game, I guess.
I think I can safely remove ZFR from my suspects. I understand that scum probably haven't all voted for GymHenson.
Okay now that Microfish's macho quality is public I'm able to point out that we're probably working with something that looks like this:

Who else remembered this all yesterday but kept it to themselves?
Damn it wait.

I strongly dont think it's Joe.