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dedoporno: Although I appreciate the time and effort put into going through what appears to be each and every post of Dogmaus and supposedly others in the next hours do keep in mind that we have some 12ish hours left before the Day ends.

According to Pooka it's 1 day 3 hours and 10+ minutes.
Also I chatted with Pooka and he confirmed that the offer for 1 day prolongation stands (I'm considering it).
Dogmaus: Again my ignorance: why 12 hours and not 27 as I see on the counter of remaining time?
Because for some reason I considered a day an actual day rather than a 24 hours cycle.

Cadaver747: According to Pooka it's 1 day 3 hours and 10+ minutes.
Also I chatted with Pooka and he confirmed that the offer for 1 day prolongation stands (I'm considering it).
Yes, I cut it down in half because I can't tell the time. OK if you have that padding option still available to you. Just make sure you have enough time left to place a meaningful vote.
ZFR: I've been thinking about the Commuter.
Oh My GOD You Suck!
ZFR: I've been thinking about the Commuter.
JoeSapphire: Oh My GOD You Suck!
I spoiled some trap you set up?

Whatever analysis I made in that post scum could have made too.
Dogmaus: Cadaver. In the street on my phone. I've lost all my answer trying to have a look at your post. Dmn.
One last thing I remember, I am not friends with GM. I just thought he's town and didn't want to help scum lynch Town. I'm ok with lynching GM on D2 as I want so see lynching. Also I'm an inexperienced player so I don't have a predetermined strategy or anything.

Another thing I remember, you admit to asking the same questions over and over (like a cop). I have answered those questions more times and that's enough. Play cop with someone else. Your effort going through all my posts is encomiable. And I think you are pretending not to understand what I said and distorting my words in a long list of right quotes, so mixing truth and your fiction.
Why not ZDR? He's my other suspect. Let's see how votes go. I see that these "trains" change quickly. Why not anybody else? Because one can vote just for one person. Joe appeared to be closer to lynching so I'm sticking to that. I don't want another NL. I believe that you are trying to work towards that - a second NL.
Dear Dogmaus, I don't have much time left to go over and over, consider this my last post addressing you ToDay unless something happens.

IRL (sh!t happens, today I've lost my whole notepad file because of power outage). No friends with GH - OK, good. You didn't want to lynch Town, perfectly fine, rarely it's the case though. You stated how you agree with Lift arguments about NL and he stated the following I quote:
Lifthrasil: The only way we can reliably gain information is by lynching people, looking at their flip and then discussing their wagon that led to their lynch. Yes, on Day 1 it is far more likely that we mis-lynch than that we lynch scum.
It's either you're OK to risk the mis-lynch on D2 OR I can't understand you again. Lynch GH on D2 partially supports my assumption. I don't see anything illogical here, hope I haven't *distorted* your words. New Player - it's nothing to worry about really.

Another thing, I did NOT admit asking the same questions, I was indeed asking you why am I scummy, the problem is I did get different answers with dubious reasoning as to why I could be Mafia. I will play how I want to play, you mentioned how you don't like feeling being manipulated into doing something, so please don't try to change my own way of perceiving things. Muchas gracias, much obliged, for you I would the same thing again. Funny how I feel the same way, that it is you who pretending to not see direct quotations confirming my statements. Mixing truth and fiction, does it mean I lied? Huh. Perhaps agree to disagree?
ZFR is your other suspect - OK, fine. You mentioned something about Joe being mafia (probably a truth mixed with fiction or something), so I see it is that you don't have concrete opinion on a subject but willing to vote Joe in order to assist with Lynch. IF my assumption is correct I also don't see anything illogical here.
You think that I want another NL even though I stated that I won't (truth or fiction?). I wonder who is distorting whose words. Technically it's possible yet I hardly see a second NL, too much suspicion already.

Feel free to ignore my post completely. I've got everything I wanted from you already. Not going to vote you for now, but if I had to chose between GH, Leoric and You, I would choose You.
As for the L-1 wagon, I stated before and I stand my ground: I will hammer no matter what (check my posts again if you like, it's not a fiction).
Fuggit, thems a lot of posts.

Unvote Dedo

Don't want to place a vote without being fully caught up but I'm leaning towards voting Joe. His reaction to dedo still rubs me up the wrong way.
Sorry, long day at work. I'm very tired. But not much seems to have changed. Joe and GH are leading and between them I prefer GH.

@Cadaver: I'm not sure I understand your question. yes, I am willing to risk a mis-lynch on D2. And on any Day. Of course I try to hit scum, but almost nothing is 100% sure in Mafia. So there's always a risk of mis-lynch and yet lynch we must. Otherwise we can't win. And we can't rely on an unproven cop either.

So what's your point? We're still in a situation where a mis-lynch is better than a no-lynch. But of course a correct lynch would be best. Therefore I target someone whom I feel might be scum with a higher likelihood than the other candidates.
ZFR: Joe, why oh why did you claim?
That's a very good question and L-2 wagon based on Joe's lurkiness was nothing serious indeed. So why he claimed the? More on that below.
ZFR: No. Telling Cop whom to target is rarely good, but in Commuter's case is particularly difficult to carry out. The role's power comes from its non-targetable property. This is what I said there is no "reliable way to confirm".
Requesting clarification:
1) Town Cop targets Town Commuter > result = Town, that would clear Joe's name in our case.
2) Town Cop targets Town Commuter > result = no results, that would mean that Joe left Town and used his ability shot, that he is indeed a Commuter however with unknown alignment.

Correct, wrong? Anything I missed.

As for the Joe's claiming. Let's think over possible options:
1) Town Commuter - Joe was afraid of sudden death and opened up to fellow Town players, stupid or not but Mafia would rather not target the *untargetable*, at the same time he could analyze his wagon
2) Mafia Unknown - Joe was afraid of the same fate and decided to put up a *clever ruse*, Town Cop would rather not investigate him since he is untraceable (unless it's clearly stated that he would not use his powers of course)
3) Mafia Unknown - same as 2) this time Joe asks to be investigated while Mafia Redirector (another variable) work his magic towards nearest Town
4) Town Unknown - Joe knows that Mafia might suspect him so he decided to name himself a Commuter while at the same time he has a different yet important role, if Town Cop investigate him this will prove his Town innocence, he could always tell others that on that Night he didn't left Town, at the same time he will help Town to succeed.
5) Neutral Unknown (Pro-Town) - Joe is a Neutral (I want Neutrals in each and every GOG Mafia game) with or without Commuter abilities, this would help him avoid both Town Cop and Mafia attention, winning conditions: Town kills Mafia
6) Neutral Unknown (Pro-Mafia) - same as 5) but Mafia should win (almost impossible scenario to win the game but would explain the role claiming so early quite well)
7) Neutral Unknown (Pro-Joe) - a crazy Neutral with or without Commuter ability or Killer ability, or even Arsonist ability, winning conditions: half the Town/Mafia should die (just a crazy example), perhaps he *marked* someone on D1 already, and just need to live through D2 - super crazy, yet I like crazy ideas.

Cadaver747: 2) Town Cop targets Town Commuter > result = no results, that would mean that Joe left Town and used his ability shot, that he is indeed a Commuter however with unknown alignment.
Not at all. It could mean Joe is Mafia Goon/Rolecop/Strongarm and Town Cop got roleblocked or otherwise silenced.
ZFR: Not at all. It could mean Joe is Mafia Goon/Rolecop/Strongarm and Town Cop got roleblocked or otherwise silenced.
You mean IF Mafia have a Roleblocker (another variable)? That would be a 3) option, is it not?
ZFR: Not at all. It could mean Joe is Mafia Goon/Rolecop/Strongarm and Town Cop got roleblocked or otherwise silenced.
Cadaver747: You mean IF Mafia have a Roleblocker (another variable)? That would be a 3) option, is it not?
Yes, but my point was: No Result doesn't guarantee commuter. Heck, by itself it usually means something else other than commuter. The only person whose word we have about the existance of a commuter is the one whom we are investigating. Hence my initial point about Commuter being such a difficult PR to verify.

Cadaver747: 4) Town Unknown - Joe knows that Mafia might suspect him so he decided to name himself a Commuter while at the same time he has a different yet important role, if Town Cop investigate him this will prove his Town innocence, he could always tell others that on that Night he didn't left Town, at the same time he will help Town to succeed.
This is terrible play. Even by Joe's low standards.
Lifthrasil: Sorry, long day at work. I'm very tired. But not much seems to have changed. Joe and GH are leading and between them I prefer GH.

@Cadaver: I'm not sure I understand your question. yes, I am willing to risk a mis-lynch on D2. And on any Day. Of course I try to hit scum, but almost nothing is 100% sure in Mafia. So there's always a risk of mis-lynch and yet lynch we must. Otherwise we can't win. And we can't rely on an unproven cop either.

So what's your point? We're still in a situation where a mis-lynch is better than a no-lynch. But of course a correct lynch would be best. Therefore I target someone whom I feel might be scum with a higher likelihood than the other candidates.
Dear Lifthrasil,
Please re-read my post, that question was directed to Dogmaus, not you. She mentioned, I beleive, 2 times how she agreed with your points regarding NL (that it's worse than Lynch), at the same time she mentioned, I beleive, at least 3 times that she would rather lynch someone else than GH, since I'm against *distorting* others words here is a direct quotation:
Dogmaus: I'd rather see other names than GH lynched.
Wanting to prevent the NL, at the same time ignoring possible GH lynch - for me it's a disrepancy. She answered to me that myslynch Town is bad, and that lynching GH on D2 is OK from now on, that's why I clarified if she meant that risk of mislynch Town on D2 seems more plausible. I quoted you to better represent my query. I would add, we can't rely on anything really, but votes.

My points stands the same: NL is worse than mislynch. Feel free to ask some additional info or clarification.
@Cadaver: if a Cop targets a Commuter who is away, he will get no result because the Commuter is not targetable. But as discussed before, announcing the target of a Cop beforehand helps scum foil the investigation, if they have appropriate PRs. Also, while a verified Townie is good, a found Scum is better. So I, if I were Cop, would target someone whom I suspect. I would try to find scum and not merely verify Town.

Others may play Cops differently, of course, but I suggest that we let the supposed Cop do his thing without directing him and discuss what he got Tomorrow. If he makes it to tomorrow.