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Hm. Was going to argue with bookwyrm because I'd like to keep mafia wondering whether it's a good idea to try and go for me or not but I suppose bookwyrm was probably also right before about me kill not really being a priority for them.

I didn't commute Night One

Whatever stopped there from being a night kill, it wasn't me.
Bookwyrm627: I'm trying to come up with something funny about odds and how you should finally be scum, but it is even falling flat in my head. If you think of anything, please say it out loud to yourself, laugh, and give me credit.
hahahaha. Hilarious. You always crack me up.

Also, thanks for saying I have moxies. I have no idea what they are, but by Joe's and catte's jealous reaction I think it's high praise.
Just went and double-checked and yeah I definitely told Pooka I wasn't commuting.

ZFR: [...] moxies. I have no idea what they are, but by Joe's and catte's jealous reaction I think it's high praise.
Moxies are basically like shiny pokemon cards.
Bookwyrm627: Maybe that one time, when he was first modding and was all "Sure, let's toss in that Brothers pair!", is burning too brightly in my memory. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've actually seen a ZFR scum game. I'm not counting Russian Roulette, where's he's killed himself by accident.
Mmm, that was fairly unbalanced I suppose.

ZFR: I was only scum once (#58) 15 games ago. You day-vigged me.
Was it D1?
Bookwyrm627: Maybe that one time, when he was first modding and was all "Sure, let's toss in that Brothers pair!", is burning too brightly in my memory. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've actually seen a ZFR scum game. I'm not counting Russian Roulette, where's he's killed himself by accident.
my name is supyreor catte: Mmm, that was fairly unbalanced I suppose.

ZFR: I was only scum once (#58) 15 games ago. You day-vigged me.
my name is supyreor catte: Was it D1?
Yes. Yogsloth figured out the game by D1, so Bookwyrm knew whom to shoot.

It was D3, moxiless
Tomorrow morning I'm going to randomly select one of the not voters and vote them.

Good night.
oh yeah voting I almost forgot about that.

unvote dedoporno

vote flubbucket

I was gonna vote lifthrasil but it didn't feel right.

bargh. My brain is frazzled.
Sorry, I tried to sleep, but this kept nagging at me.

Bookwyrm627: Maybe that one time, when he was first modding and was all "Sure, let's toss in that Brothers pair!"
Lovers. Brothers is what they claimed.

Good night.
D1 - 7 posts (only what I personally find interesting),

#37 - Vote No-Lynch
Nothing special even though I don't understand NL voting.
#152 - New Player
Leoric explained that he is a New Player, not very active due to busy week, that he is a good guy (Town claim?) and promised to post more often. He played only once about 2 years ago.
Another mention of him being a good guy, an excuse to not paying attention, and a promise to change that approach. LAMIST? New players tend to act that way and it's too early to decide but still.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: @GymHenson, I've only played mafia once 2 years ago, it was Pooka invited me ;)
#167 - First analysis
He is honest and naive. Leoric mentioned yet again that he is a good guy, and the good guy should be honest (another Town claim?).
Leoric_AKA_Leo: I knew a little bit about Joe and Fish two years ago in Secret Hilter games, so I'll talk about them first.
Joe have been very relax and chill (and somehow maybe a little bit cocky?) and in my memory (2 years ago) Joe always invest a lot of emotion in games.
Does it mean that Leoric played more than once, or that he considered Secret Hitler games separately from Mafia game (in which he participated only one time), or even that he played once but read some other games as spectator out of curiusity?
@Leoric, could you please clarify on that? Does it mean that you played GOG Mafia 1 time and Secret Hitler games a few times? How many games in total?

Micro is random, making no sense. (Huh?)

Book's so called *rolefish* could not be done by a bad guy because it's too bold. A bit far fetched but I think the very same way, only crazy Mafia would do that (Do crazy Mafia exists?)

Dogmaus would be suspicious if not for a *newbie card* (nothing about Mango at the same time, wasn't he also a new player?)

NL vote explained: I'm newbie, I think this is how things work on first round (D1 I presume). *Following the crowd* approach, not good but make sense for inexperienced player.

Yet Leoric insists on NL vote, Lift arguments were not good enough for him to dissuade from his vote so far. Random lynch might kill Town (Who would have thought?). Appeal to Pooka-the-Mod for additional explanation.
#170 - Understanding of NL
Leoric thanked others for the explanation, lynch is a better option now than NL.

Vote on Mango (me-the-other-me)
Seems like a semi-serious vote to counter ridiculous and broken ill-vote cast from Mango (that vote wasn't even considered as a vote).
#173 - Going after Mango for now
Leoric_AKA_Leo: Now I fully understood. And there are several kind people explained to me as well. I'm going after mango right now.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: Joke aside, most people trusted me right now.
Is it a self-belief (based on what exactly?) or a soft attempt at manipulation? I don't trust anyone, especially the person who tells others that he should be trusted. Could Mafia play *a newbie card*? Too risky I guess, yet how else should Leoric play being Town or Mafia? Hmm...
@Leoric, did you really think that most players trusted you back then or it was a figure of speech or something? Haven't you changed your mind since then? Lastly who do you think trusted in you on D1?

Leoric stated that everyone who liked his posts will get his attention. Too open, yet perfectly understandable given his experience.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: ...people told me newbies are only safe in the first round.
Wait, that means I shouldn't vote mango in this round. It won't work anyways.
A courtesy of GOG Mafia to not lynch new players on D1 because again *Following the crowd* approach. There is some logic in that of course, but what about making our own opinions? Perhaps it's too early for that.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: I assume our hotpicks are Joe, GH and fish? Joe is out of contact, fish is shooting everybody, and I don't have bad feelings about GH for now.
I'll wait for more people vote in. We still have time I assume?
#216 - Insignificant post.

Day 1 passed, no hammer, no vote change, IRL?

D2 - current round
#380 - Leoric was going to place his vote but forgot to do it (sounds almost like Mango's lame excuses). Was it done on purpose (lurking or choosing that particular reason to not attend)? Hard to say but I don't like it.
#387 - Ready to jump any wagon
Leoric_AKA_Leo: I feel like I could jump on any wagon and end this day without several more (real life) days to decide.
Willingness to end the Day prematurely? Why?
Leoric_AKA_Leo: my imagination, an experienced scum player tend to talk a lot to distract or try to control how people would vote.
Well, in my imagination an experienced Mafia player is indistinguishable from a Town player. But in reality it could be literally any play style. I don't get it, why Leoric is so open and willing to *Follow the crowd* yet he is fine with reading others based on his own *imagination*. Perhaps I'm biased, I just can't see logic here. Then again I was asking for Leoric's own opinion, I should be happy, I'm not.

Leoric decided to consider having a notepad for posts. And I agree with him on that reading all the posts is time consuming.
#389 - Probability theory
Leoric did a good job explaining GH his *2 times in a row Micro theory*. Kudos on that.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: A fun fact is that I'm a townie in every forum games Pooka held (maybe 5 or 6 games?), but I'm still a town this time.
A hard claim of Town Alignment. And again how many Mafia games there were? Only 1 and the rest (4 or 5) are for Secret Hitler?
#392 - Vote on Micro
Leoric mentioned that his vote might be necessary because of possible IRL (he is a busy man, that would explain his rare posting).
Leoric_AKA_Leo: I didn't read what fish said since they won't make sense anyway.
Why? What's wrong with Micro???
Leoric_AKA_Leo: I won't take too much time to explain for myself since most people still believe I'm town.
Again why do you think most people believe you're Town? Because you declared so? This is not how it works, even a New Player should know that!
Leoric_AKA_Leo: GH have been drawing too much attention but we still can't tell if his scum or not.
True, yet we can't tell if anyone else is Mafia or not. If you can now, then please tell me.
Some analysis on Dedo, Flub, ZFR.
Dedo and Flub probably Town because they are careful with reading posts and share their thoughts.
Since when Mafia is NOT careful with the same thing?
Leoric liked how ZFR stated that Mafia withhold the NK option seems unlikely (Smooth).
Book and Joe should be suspicious equally, but Joe more so. (Here I agree that Joe's posts were mostly joking)

And another statement about willingness to hammer anyone. (Frightening, this I can understand, but I would hammer only after a claim and at least a short discussion with others unless it's 5 minutes before EOD).

My verdict:
No significant help for Town, lurker during final phase of D1, lurker on D2 (yes, it could IRL), odd logic. Could be both an inexperienced Town or Mafia (but in this case it's even less smart).

Vote Leoric - Consider my attention for now and please reply to bold when (if) you can.
Preface to all: there are 3 pages of posts to go through, so replies to each user might get a bit long. Sorry for that.

dedoporno: GH's continued insistency on offering himself as a sacrificial lamb is getting old. I'm starting to second-guess myself and think there is a chance he's lucky scum who dodged a bullet and is milking it a bit too much now.

If I have to choose between GH and Joe, on paper GH is the better option to vote out first.
As I told others, I just get over the top when it comes to new things I try and etc. You should probably pay it no mind.

That said: if you or anyone else want to make me the lynch, then by all means.
(trivia time: I was somewhat thinking of helping to hammer myself on d1, to help remove myself as a distraction, but didn't want to play in such an anti town fashion)
(no votes in this post)
ZFR: to save you time, i've bolded the questions and more important bits so you know what to focus on.

ZFR: Nope. I'm not gonig to reread all posts and comment on every single one. Not for you, not for anyone else.
Important note: I wasn't asking for that level of effort....just pointing out good/valid points you think I made from time to time, and saying why you felt they were good/valid.

This way, I can get a better idea how to lean people and how to play a bit better(also the encouragement helps as well)....etc etc.

ZFR: You think no-claim, which is the default and the case for most of us here, is "less believable" than commuter and unsolicited vanilla?

Vote dedo
I think dedo meant that Catte is more an unknown variable due to not having claimed...whereas Joe and Micro have made claims that people can consider and maybe use to lean those two a bit better.

ZFR: Seriously, this stage I just want to see a lynch. In order of preference

GH, Lift, dedo (Bookwyrm, flub, catte), Leoric. No on rest.
Question: do you have me at the top of your list because you really suspect me to a high degree, or because you "really love my style of posting and want me to stick around as long as possible"(i.e. suspecting me for personal reasons)?

ZFR: New crazy theory. We are all Town and Pooka wants to find out whether Town can lynch itself to oblivion.

Still a better story than Mafia-purposely-didn't-NK
Ok, this made me chuckle quite a bit.

What would we call it, btw? Para(noia)Mafia?

ZFR: Tomorrow morning I'm going to randomly select one of the not voters and vote them.

Good night.
What? Not me? :|

Oh well, still plenty of other fine lads and lasses to dance with.

Note: Jokes aside, I will be waiting to see what comes of this(i.e. whom you will be voting for) with an-ti-ci............................pation.
Lifthrasil: What I wrote in the last paragraph. I started to write that to you, then I decided to write it more generally to everyone, since Micro even asked for it. I just forgot to delete what I had started to write to you: trying to direct the Cop is almost always bad for Town.
You mean if scum knows whom the cop will be using their PR on, right?

If so: if players just give suggestions and the (claimed) town cop doesn't say which they're following up on(or even if they will follow up on any suggestion given), is it as bad for town?

Lifthrasil: And yes, I can believe that you go a bit over the top when trying something new. That's totally on-brand for you. However, that doesn't mean that you are Town. You might as well overdo it as scum with a 'showing Townnieness' strategy. So, for now I'll keep you on my suspect list.
Well obviously I might do such as scum, and you 're one smart cookie for keeping me on your suspects list.
(I also keep near everyone on my suspects list at most times as well)
my name is supyreor catte: The bit that seems weird to me is that your theory is dependent on both Flub and Joe being scum but you're fixating on Joe.
My fixation on/voting for Joe is actually partly separate from my side flub/joe theory thing.

And it's for a number of reasons: one is that I have a hunch that one of the claims is likely to be false, and as Joe's claimed role is less valuable and also just feels a bit more "off" (vs Micro's) to me atm I am voting for them(and hoping I chose correctly of the two). I also voted for Joe because they had a sizable wagon against them at the time....unlike most other players i'd be willing to vote for....and I wanted to do my part to avoid another NL situation.

my name is supyreor catte: We don't know how many town PRs there are in the game so we can't really bring odds into it at this stage.
Still I don't think it's role madness or similar, so there's probably more vanilla than PRs.

my name is supyreor catte: General opinion: (snip) It's also unhelpful and LAMIST to volunteer to be investigated or lynched.
If my lynch spared a better player(and/or a town PR) from being the lynch, or if an investigation of me removed me as a distracting element in the game, how are such not helpful to town?
(I admit my suggestions of such are LAMIST, though)

my name is supyreor catte: I can't work out whether GH's LAMIST is above his normal level or not.
Have I said something LAMIST about every other post? Then it's prolly about normal.

my name is supyreor catte: ....I would regard ZFR as one of the least reckless players in general, although I can't really remember if that differs in his scum game.
Fact check status: mostly true
(he does seem to tend to suspect/vote me a good deal, no matter what I do...which to me seems a bit unwise.....other than that he seem to be a very careful player)
Microfish_1: Not answering for Catte (he should answer for himself!),
my name is supyreor catte: That's kind of a weird thing to say. I could see someone saying that if they were answering a question directed primarily at me, but that was a question directed at everyone in the game. Why didn't you say "Not answering for catte, Leoric, flubbucket, ZFR, dogmaus, Bookwyrm627, dedoporno, Lifthrasil, JoeSapphire, Cadaver747 (they should answer for themselves!)"?
Okay, my response was to GH's question to you of
my name is supyreor catte: How so? Joe just said he didn't do anything. Are you suggesting he may be lying?
GymHenson: ... That said, if we are to believe that then why would scum go after Joe, who hadn't posted much on D1?
To All
Does that explain things?


I fully understand Dedo's reasoning in 527.

my name is supyreor catte: Having said that, the speed at which you picked up two votes after mine has me pausing. Especially Joe's post where he acknowledges and maybe even agrees with your logic before saying he has no partcular reason to defend you and finally votes for you.

Why would Joe back you up before feeling the need to put the disclaimer about defending you and then voting for you? Are you both scum?

JoeSapphire: Is it that difficult to understand what dedo's saying?

He had three suspects; two of them have claimed and he's swayed by the claims. No?
my name is supyreor catte: "Hey, leave dedo alone!"

JoeSapphire: Don't really have any particular reason to defend him though.
my name is supyreor catte: "I mean... I don't care what happens to him. We're not on the same team! Wait! I mean we are on the same team and the name of that team is town. (Phew, good save)"

JoeSapphire: vote dedoporno
my name is supyreor catte: "Better show them I'm serious about having nothing to do with dedo."
ROFL!!! Thanks for the laugh :D


JoeSapphire: yeah, I really felt I'd backed myself into a corner there but I managed to write my way out of it.

Ive got to say I'm finding the game much more challenging ever since gog instigated the "once you've started writing a post you have to post it" rule.
1) yes you did :)

2) wait, what?
(no votes in this post)

Cadaver747: Your addressing to ZFR about suspecting him might not be right, for me it's clear that ZFR is having his portion of fun.
The tone/wording I used in that post(309) indicates I was only half serious with that suspicion.
(though I did/do find some of his early posting to be a bit "off seeming")

Cadaver747: If you meant the probability theory, well you might of course try to apply it here but it's so no going to work.
No need to explain this to me....several others already explained probability/etc to me several pages back.
(though I thank you for making the effort here :))

Cadaver747: So you're fine with being lynched (for a second time?), this is worrysome. I don't like it, it might be passable for a newcomer but not for an experienced player. Do you see now why this is hard to analyze you, it's almost always should be done through an artifical *but this is GH* filter.
I was/am trying to move a bit away from my selfish "want to stay in the game at all costs" ways.....and since I am vanilla I figured i'd offer myself up to possibly spare a town PR and/or better player.

That said, i'd prefer us to find scum and be able to stay in the game, if possible.

Cadaver747: Do you know a Batman character from comics / movies? Try Batman, I dare you ;)
Reagan gets out a sharp Ax before realizing he might have misheard "Oh, you said BATMAN and not BATEMAN? My mistake"

#322 - If you wanted to be a team player then try to think out of the box more I guess, find the scum. What I see from you is self-reflection. Remember about the *Batman style* I suggested earlier.
#... - Some other posts which I can hardly analyze, or maybe I'm getting sleepy.

Cadaver747: It's evident that you haven't played Planescape: Torment (the very beginning), and no one was talking about True Death. Jokes aside, no more distraction.
I have actually played a good portion of the start of that game(and it's one of my favorites, though I can never get myself to finish it as there's so much to do/see).

That said, noted: I will try not to distract you too much with silly bits in my replies to you. :)
(though i'd like to note as well that I do like to do a good deal of roleplay/flavor, as it makes the game more fun for me and some others, and it makes up for my lack of investigative play....which is my weak suit)

Cadaver747: It was discussed how NL is not helping Town, some players might disagree of course, yet I agree that NL is not helping much. So I think that Mafia hides among those who have not hammered poor GH. If we count off Micro since he claimed cop only 4 players remains (and me, however, like I stated in my previous post to GH, I would hammer without a second thought).
Hammer or no, you could of course still be scum.
(though I am leaning you more town than scum atm for things like your long winded analysis of my posts and etc)

Cadaver747: I think that Mafia *chickened* to put a last vote.
My guess is that scum wants me around as a distraction.
(I said this before to other players, but saying it here in case you missed it and to answer this bit)

Cadaver747: Book's so called *rolefish* could not be done by a bad guy because it's too bold. A bit far fetched but I think the very same way, only crazy Mafia would do that (Do crazy Mafia exists?)
It is very bold, and imo it's likely that scum!Book wouldn't do such a thing.

That said, such bold mafias have existed(for example: we once had a mafia say they were in slytherin in the harry potter game near the start of the game, iirc).