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ZFR: Well, that escalated quickly.
I was about to say something to that effect. People talking about wagons taking off fast should have a look at this mess. Would a scum team of Catte + ZFR + Joe be willing to start a wagon like that? I could easily see ZFR having the moxie, but I'm not convinced about Catte or Joe. However many scum are in this group, I think it isn't the full team.

Can't say I care for Joe popping in to throw some suspicion like this without addressing the distinctly relevant question addressed his way in more than one post. As willing as I was to take anything moving previously, I don't think I want to leave this wagon, and I don't see this slot getting resolved. Joe isn't talking enough to do it himself. Even if he isn't scum, scum have no reason to try this kill and some very good reasons not to bother. Any attempt to cop resolve it could be blamed on the commute, especially if scum have a RB. Commuter is a dang safe scum claim.
Bookwyrm627: I could easily see ZFR having the moxie, but I'm not convinced about Catte or Joe.
>:0 how dare you

Bookwyrm627: Can't say I care for Joe popping in to throw some suspicion like this without addressing the distinctly relevant question addressed his way in more than one post.
Is that the "have you used any of your shots yet how many shots do you have left?" question?
I supposed I should have said, but I don't care to answer it.

Lifthrasil: @Joe: what is your reason for voting dedo?
Just what I said; I didn't have any reason not to vote him.

I doubt anybody's going to be overjoyed by these but here's what you're getting. These are my reads so far (elaborating on yesterday's list, then reorganising further down.):

I think these are town -
microfish - did a claim, is pretty microfishy.
dogmaus - some good learning of things and asking about stuff and a generally nice vibe

I'd put these on the towny side of things -
gym - seems pretty normal
zfr - seems fairly normal but some things recently have vaguely concerned me perhaps I just got

these could be mafia and I wouldn't be shocked -
mangdaver - mango wrote very little, cadaver's written a lot. sus?
flub - flub seems kinda normal, defending Lifthrasil is a thing? it's hard to know what to make of flub.
bookwyrm -
and catte (double bill) -
I thought maybe the pushing catte to vote thing before was bookwyrm taking the 'bloodthirsty' persona they've developed too far, but looking at it again it was less significant than it seemed at first. Bookwyrm usually pushes for votes and Catte tends to get defensive. Catte getting defensive at dedo just now, and having a go at me also fits. It all fits! Catte and Bookwyrm are going on the leaning town pile.
lifthrasil - flubbucket thinks he wreaked of town once. I'm not sure I get much of a mafia vibe from him and maybe that's something I should be concerned about because I usually suspect lift.
leoric - has a nice sensible sort of tone and continues to suspect me which I find reassuring.

Dedo - I like the crazy scenario of post 451, I think that comes from a reassuring place I'm going to say dedo's leaning town.

so it now looks like


hum. guess I do suspect lifthrasil after all?


so I wrote this list before but then thought I may as well hang about and see if there's any interesting reactions to my vote for dedo before I post. I guess there sort of was.

the problems -
lift's recent post looks good from my standing. Unless he's trying to nudge the Joe-wagon without appearing to support it but that's not really Lift's style.

If it's Lift and flubbucket then flub is being very bold drawing such attention to lift's wreakage.

Does cadaver focus so much on gym as mafia? Seems an odd move.

if it is dedo I'm going to look like a proper idiot for unvoting him.

conclusion -
I suck?

--more on this story as it develops--
PookaMustard: ...
It bothers me 441 is still not corrected.
JoeSapphire: yeah, I really felt I'd backed myself into a corner there but I managed to write my way out of it.

Ive got to say I'm finding the game much more challenging ever since gog instigated the "once you've started writing a post you have to post it" rule.
Oops, I forgot to add "(interpolated)" after all that. Forgive me!
The D1 voting list is a good representation of my prime suspects (marked in bold):

GymHenson (6) - catte, Bookwyrm, ZFR, Lifthrasil, JoeSapphire, dedoporno
JoeSapphire (3) - dogmaus, flubbucket, GymHenson
Catte (1) - Microfish
Mango (1) - Leoric plus I would add Mango here if I could but he is dead to me.

It was discussed how NL is not helping Town, some players might disagree of course, yet I agree that NL is not helping much. So I think that Mafia hides among those who have not hammered poor GH. If we count off Micro since he claimed cop only 4 players remains (and me, however, like I stated in my previous post to GH, I would hammer without a second thought). I think that Mafia *chickened* to put a last vote. It was presumed by many that there are 3 Mafia players, I think Mafia usually like to disperse themselves as much as possible, for now I would assume that only 1 Mafia player was on that GH's wagon, 2 is possible but not likely, 3 is very bold.

Later today if I manage to stay awake I would provide my thoughts on those marked players (except for Micro, also for now) starting with Leoric.
JoeSapphire: zfr - seems fairly normal but some things recently have vaguely concerned me perhaps I just got
You just got??? But you can't be just gotten?

JoeSapphire: MOST TOWNY
New crazy theory. We are all Town and Pooka wants to find out whether Town can lynch itself to oblivion.

Still a better story than Mafia-purposely-didn't-NK
JoeSapphire: zfr - seems fairly normal but some things recently have vaguely concerned me perhaps I just got
ZFR: You just got??? But you can't be just gotten?
uhhhhh 'perhaps I just got paranaoid'? I dunno. Looks like I was writing this and I suddenly got

JoeSapphire: MOST TOWNY
ZFR: New crazy theory. We are all Town and Pooka wants to find out whether Town can lynch itself to oblivion.

Still a better story than Mafia-purposely-didn't-NK
I would feel a lot less stupid if that turns out to be the situation.
Bookwyrm627: I could easily see ZFR having the moxie, but I'm not convinced about Catte or Joe.
I have moxie for days!

JoeSapphire: conclusion -
I suck?
The feeling you're experiencing is called OMGIS.
Bookwyrm627: I could easily see ZFR having the moxie, but I'm not convinced about Catte or Joe.
JoeSapphire: >:0 how dare you
It isn't a knock against you, just noting that it takes a particular kind of recklessness that I don't recall seeing either of you display.

JoeSapphire: Is that the "have you used any of your shots yet how many shots do you have left?" question?
Only the first half: Did you commute last night? If scum aimed at you, they already know whether you commuted. If they didn't target you last night, then it doesn't matter anyway as long as you don't answer how many shots you have total/remaining (and I think shots remaining is info best kept in your pocket).

Sharing whether you commuted only helps town. The only real risk that I see from it comes if you are Scum fake-claiming, since it exposes you to Town PR's that might have targeted you, like a Tracker.
Bookwyrm627: It isn't a knock against you, just noting that it takes a particular kind of recklessness that I don't recall seeing either of you display.
That's funny because I would regard ZFR as one of the least reckless players in general, although I can't really remember if that differs in his scum game.
Bookwyrm627: It isn't a knock against you, just noting that it takes a particular kind of recklessness that I don't recall seeing either of you display.
my name is supyreor catte: That's funny because I would regard ZFR as one of the least reckless players in general, although I can't really remember if that differs in his scum game.
Maybe that one time, when he was first modding and was all "Sure, let's toss in that Brothers pair!", is burning too brightly in my memory. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've actually seen a ZFR scum game. I'm not counting Russian Roulette, where's he's killed himself by accident.
Bookwyrm627: Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've actually seen a ZFR scum game. I'm not counting Russian Roulette, where's he's killed himself by accident.
I was only scum once (#58) 15 games ago. You day-vigged me.
JoeSapphire: if it is dedo I'm going to look like a proper idiot for unvoting him.
Never in my eyes, luv. No to worry though, I'm one of the good guys (not Goodfellas!!).

JoeSapphire: I suck?

Bookwyrm627: Only the first half: Did you commute last night? If scum aimed at you, they already know whether you commuted. If they didn't target you last night, then it doesn't matter anyway as long as you don't answer how many shots you have total/remaining (and I think shots remaining is info best kept in your pocket).

Sharing whether you commuted only helps town. The only real risk that I see from it comes if you are Scum fake-claiming, since it exposes you to Town PR's that might have targeted you, like a Tracker.
I pretty much support this line of thought.
Bookwyrm627: Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've actually seen a ZFR scum game. I'm not counting Russian Roulette, where's he's killed himself by accident.
ZFR: I was only scum once (#58) 15 games ago. You day-vigged me.
Oh right. That's the one where Yogsloth put everything together and both of ya'll died the same Day.

I'm trying to come up with something funny about odds and how you should finally be scum, but it is even falling flat in my head. If you think of anything, please say it out loud to yourself, laugh, and give me credit.

JoeSapphire: I suck?
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