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Well, that escalated quickly.
flubbucket: I don't understand, dedoporno.

Catte has NOT made a claim and his NOT claim is least believable of the two claims and one NOT claim, correct??
Two people have made claims, Catte hasn't. I can't compare something that doesn't exist against other things that do. Therefore his "claim" at the moment carries the least weight and his participation isn't compensating that difference.

No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying the other two people have their claims as part of their portfolio. Whether or not they are true is still to be confirmed but they have them and so far haven't been disproved. You on the other hand are unclear in that regard. GH maybe isn't making a terrible amount of sense always but at least he's trying. You and Joe on the other hand haven't contributed enough, in my opinion, so far and are more or less sitting on the same shelf. The difference is Joe's claim which may end up being the reason for the missing NK or at least is tailored to appear so. We're still waiting for Joe to decide on whether or not he wants to share if he did use up his power. You don't have that going for you. Does that make it clearer?

my name is supyreor catte: I'm not sure what your angle is here. Are you trying to bait me into claiming? Two claims today not enough for you?
Not necessarily. I'm putting my money where my mouth is with a vote as people urged non-voting people to vote. I didn't get the memo that my vote has to be locked between the people who have already claimed rather than someone I have some concerns about.

ZFR: You think no-claim, which is the default and the case for most of us here, is "less believable" than commuter and unsolicited vanilla?

Vote dedo
See above.
Thanks for the bump baby.

I love the flash votes and all, just know that I'm going to the park with my family so I'll be AFK for a couple of hours.
OK... I guess.

We still need to vote. We can't rely on another non-NK because Mango got replaced by Cadaver, and dogmaus learned that she must submit one.
ZFR: We still need to vote. We can't rely on another non-NK because Mango got replaced by Cadaver, and dogmaus learned that she must submit one.
dedoporno: I didn't get the memo that my vote has to be locked between the people who have already claimed rather than someone I have some concerns about.
It doesn't, it just seems strange to include lack of claim as a reason.

Having said that, the speed at which you picked up two votes after mine has me pausing. Especially Joe's post where he acknowledges and maybe even agrees with your logic before saying he has no partcular reason to defend you and finally votes for you.

Why would Joe back you up before feeling the need to put the disclaimer about defending you and then voting for you? Are you both scum?

JoeSapphire: Is it that difficult to understand what dedo's saying?

He had three suspects; two of them have claimed and he's swayed by the claims. No?
"Hey, leave dedo alone!"

JoeSapphire: Don't really have any particular reason to defend him though.
"I mean... I don't care what happens to him. We're not on the same team! Wait! I mean we are on the same team and the name of that team is town. (Phew, good save)"

JoeSapphire: vote dedoporno
"Better show them I'm serious about having nothing to do with dedo."
JoeSapphire: Don't really have any particular reason to defend him though.
my name is supyreor catte: "I mean... I don't care what happens to him. We're not on the same team! Wait! I mean we are on the same team and the name of that team is town. (Phew, good save)"
yeah, I really felt I'd backed myself into a corner there but I managed to write my way out of it.

Ive got to say I'm finding the game much more challenging ever since gog instigated the "once you've started writing a post you have to post it" rule.
OK, I'm back. Come at me, bitches.

my name is supyreor catte: It doesn't, it just seems strange to include lack of claim as a reason.
Maybe my I could have worded things better but Joe did got the right idea. I'm considering both GH's and Joe's claims. I can't do the same with yours so you're running behind right now. I thought I made it clear that you're among my main suspects as I've included you in top spaces of all of my lists so far. Maybe it wasn't that obvious. Sorry not sorry.

About those votes - yours I kind of get. ZFR lashed out though which seemed strange. Joe's vote also seemed weird as he seemed to understand and accept my explanation yet he voted me. Maybe more OMGUS, maybe baiting other flash voters maybe scum. No idea but it amuses me how this is at least the third time a flash mob forms to vote someone in hasty succession. There is a trend forming apparently, the only problem is that it's not always the same three people but maybe some.
Last flash vote mob was Leoric-flub-Bookwyrm voting Joe. 416-8.

Seriously, this stage I just want to see a lynch. In order of preference

GH, Lift, dedo (Bookwyrm, flub, catte), Leoric. No on rest.
ZFR: GH, Lift, dedo (Bookwyrm, flub, catte), Leoric. No on rest.
I thought you believed GH Vanilla claim. Is he your top preferred choice again?
dedoporno: Catte is the common denominator between my original list of suspects and the very last one one where I said I'm taking everything claimed so far as true and my reads on the newer players as correct. Catte has been coasting along nicely so far and right now his claim is the least believable one out of the three as he hasn't made one. The other two have at least bound themselves with theirs if that makes sense.
flubbucket: I don't understand, dedoporno.

Catte has NOT made a claim and his NOT claim is least believable of the two claims and one NOT claim, correct??
I think it is not that difficult to understand. Null is less than a little. So compared to two at least somewhat believable claims no claim offers the least defense.

Ah, I see Joe has understood it as well and yet votes dedo... @Joe: what is your reason for voting dedo? The others jumped on him because they misunderstood what he wrote. Or maybe chose to misunderstand. But what is your reason?
ZFR: GH, Lift, dedo (Bookwyrm, flub, catte), Leoric. No on rest.
dedoporno: I thought you believed GH Vanilla claim. Is he your top preferred choice again?
Because apparently not enough people believe it, and if we have to deal with it I'd rather do it now than at M/LYLO when it might cost us the game. Plus, always a chance he's lying and improved his scum game to resemble his town game.

Also, I'm going to remove Bookwyrm out of the brackets and ahead of (flub, catte). His "oh noes! I'm going to be NKed soon. Poor me" LAMIST statement earns him a place in front.
I'm back! Sorry it was a busy Monday, the whole Tuesday and most of Wednesday should be free.
#309 - I agree, a roleblocker, if it was a roleblocker, might not need to speak up toDay (however later on it might be useful), and probably just continue doing his good work. I don't see a point of creating a new target for Mafia.
Your addressing to ZFR about suspecting him might not be right, for me it's clear that ZFR is having his portion of fun.
GymHenson: Wait, do you actually think Micro would land scum two games in a row?
If you meant the probability theory, well you might of course try to apply it here but it's so no going to work. I tried that thing in my second GOG Mafia game I think and no one was happy about it. I guess it has little sense to apply that approach in trying to guess if Person A could be Alignment X if he/she had Alignment Y for 2 or 3 times before that. One thing is to toss the same coin over and over again, and another is to try to calculate the probability on someone tossing a coin in one building based on a probability of another person tossing a different coin in different building, time and space (those 2 realities are not mixed together, the same goes for different GOG Mafia games). Maybe it sounds a bit vague but I hope you'll understand my meaning. I see that others already tried to explain why it will not work to you several times.
#313 - So you're fine with being lynched (for a second time?), this is worrysome. I don't like it, it might be passable for a newcomer but not for an experienced player. Do you see now why this is hard to analyze you, it's almost always should be done through an artifical *but this is GH* filter.
Again your *2 times in a row Micro* theory... twice in one post.
GymHenson: If anyone doesn't like my play style, I am open to suggestions(if civil and within reason).
Do you know a Batman character from comics / movies? Try Batman, I dare you ;)
#320 - Good point about light indicator, I remember when Laser-Plasma player pushed his assumptions based on that. Technically it might work, but in reality it doesn't, and what if a person just closed GOG page, he will be marked as Online, sometimes even after a logout GOG sees user as Online.
You insistance on being lynched does not look good, like at all.
#322 - If you wanted to be a team player then try to think out of the box more I guess, find the scum. What I see from you is self-reflection. Remember about the *Batman style* I suggested earlier.
#... - Some other posts which I can hardly analyze, or maybe I'm getting sleepy.

My verdict: It's the same you, a chaotic player, could be anything. Too many posts without a significant impact (distraction?), WAY too many bumps and flavor, in my opinion self-reflection is your biggest drawback. If I weren't lying brain dead yesterDay I would hammer you without a second thought. Can't say I would do the same for you on ToDay but you never know. I hope you Town, but I couldn't find anything concrete to support by feeling.

P.S. Well, this is tiresome. I'd rather stop spend so much time on analysis. It's time to get on with my prime suspects. I HATE long posts!

GymHenson: Wait, can undead even do that? o.0 ;)
It's evident that you haven't played Planescape: Torment (the very beginning), and no one was talking about True Death. Jokes aside, no more distraction.
18 "TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life" Votecount

JoeSapphire (3) - dogmaus, Bookwyrm, GymHenson
dedoporno (3) - catte, ZFR, JoeSapphire
catte (2) - Microfish, dedoporno
GymHenson (1) - Lifthrasil

Not voting: Cadaver, flubbucket, Leoric
It takes 7 votes to reach majority. JoeSapphire and dedoporno are closest to lynch (L-4).

2 days and 2 hours left.