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Thanks for the bump Micro, less so the vote. :P

ZFR: I tend to believe your claim. If true, it could explain the lack of NK.
EBWOP: On closer reading it looks like Joe saying he didn't do anything was specifically about breadcrumbing, so your speculation makes a bit more sense to me.

Microfish_1: Joe said he didn't do anything right after talking about a NK. In context:
Huh? He's not talking about a NK but a breadcrumb, which is exactly the correction I asked for the bump for. Your post is confusing to me.
(OP: A vote is near the bottom of this post)
(also to all: saw there's more posts since I started this one....will get to em in a bit)

ZFR: Vote GH

ZFR: No strong feelings about Joe. But I beg to differ about "as good or better than any"
If you'll recall, I also did the whole "push people to claim" thing several games back, and it helped town find scum!trent.

As for suggesting Micro investigate me: what's so bad about the suggestion? It would likely remove me as a distraction either way(either i'd survive the night phase and be confirmed by Micro, or i'd get NKd by scum who probably wouldn't want me around while not a distraction)

But you're right in a way....I am vanilla town and people with PRs are (usually) more valuable/helpful/etc than me.


As for Joe's claim in Post 467: What are the odds that we'd get TWO PRs to claim in a row, I wonder? I mean it's gotta be possible, but i'd imagine it to not be that high.

Also something(gut feeling, two PRs claiming in a row after like that after we built wagons on em, etc) tells me one of em might be scum....and since a commuter (from my skimming of the wiki) doesn't seem as useful as a cop and it'd seemingly be "safer" to risk a vote on Joe's role claim vs Micro's:

Vote JoeSapphire

(I believe that puts Joe back at L-2)


Anyhoo, i'm still up for a Joe lynch.......but if anyone wants to make me the lynch instead, that's fine by me:

Reagan hums again to himself as another tune comes from his strange box

"There's a strange obs thread in the jungle, and I think I hear it calling someone's(maybe even my own) name. There's a strange obs thread in the jungle....and it's offering lynch without pain. Voting up voting up voting up"

"Wagon train, aahh ahh ohh ee ohh! Wagon train, aahh ahh ohh ee ohh!"
my name is supyreor catte: Thanks for the bump Micro, less so the vote. :P

EBWOP: On closer reading it looks like Joe saying he didn't do anything was specifically about breadcrumbing, so your speculation makes a bit more sense to me.

Huh? He's not talking about a NK but a breadcrumb, which is exactly the correction I asked for the bump for. Your post is confusing to me.
you are right, I got confused. what i meant to say was
Joe said he didn't do anything right after talking about a breadcrumb. In context:
JoeSapphire: I joked with pooka that my three day absence Day One could be a sort of breadcrumb. Other than that I didn't do anything.
(no votes in this post, but there was one in Post 482)

my name is supyreor catte: How so? Joe just said he didn't do anything. Are you suggesting he may be lying?
I believe ZFR is suggesting that Joe might've been the NK target for N1, and as a commuter (if he used his PR on n1) that would potentially explain the lack of a NK.

That said, if we are to believe that then why would scum go after Joe, who hadn't posted much on D1?


To All

I noticed that Flub took their vote off of Joe earlier.....and iirc they also hesitated to vote me on D1. Could both Joe and Flub be scum, I wonder?

A silly little theory: a scum!flub chose not to vote me on D1 in part to keep me around as a distraction, and they were gonna let scum!joe be the lynch(in part to gain town points by helping lynch a scum) in part due to Joe not being around as much(and therefore a bit more expendable) but then took their vote off of joe now that Joe is back and active once more.

Unvote: JoeSapphire

Is this how this game usually works? We go after people one by one until they claim?

If fish is a cop, will bad guys kill him tonight? Or they will kill ZFR?
Microfish_1: you are right, I got confused. what i meant to say was
Ah good, then we're on the same page. I misremembered Joe's post and asked for the bump so I could EBWOP it.

GymHenson: I believe ZFR is suggesting that Joe might've been the NK target for N1, and as a commuter (if he used his PR on n1) that would potentially explain the lack of a NK.
No, I understood what ZFR was suggesting. The misunderstanding was me thinking Joe had said he didn't do anything but I realised he was talking about breadcrumbs rather than in general. The lesson here is that I shouldn't be posting at 02:45 in the morning (it's 03:27 now).

GymHenson: A silly little theory: a scum!flub chose not to vote me on D1 in part to keep me around as a distraction, and they were gonna let scum!joe be the lynch(in part to gain town points by helping lynch a scum) in part due to Joe not being around as much(and therefore a bit more expendable) but then took their vote off of joe now that Joe is back and active once more.
So you think scum!flub was bussing scum!Joe but has changed his mind and therefore you're voting for scum!Joe?
my name is supyreor catte: The lesson here is that I shouldn't be posting at 02:45 in the morning (it's 03:27 now).
I hear ya on that.....but in my case, more so on posting when tired in general.

my name is supyreor catte: So you think scum!flub was bussing scum!Joe but has changed his mind and therefore you're voting for scum!Joe?
In part. As I said earlier, I also don't think it's too likely we'd bring 2 players to claim and for both of them to be town PRs. My gut says 1 is likely scum.

As such, and because we need to get a lynch and because it'd (if I get the game right) would be worse to lose a town cop than a town commuter, I put my vote on Joe.

Of course, as I also said: i'd be even less a risk to lynch than either(especially if both claims are somehow genuine), so i'm also ok if everyone wants to make me the lynch instead.
Unvote: JoeSapphire

Is this how this game usually works? We go after people one by one until they claim?

If fish is a cop, will bad guys NK him tonight? Or they will NK ZFR?
Well, it depends on mind-games. WIFOM and all that.
1) They could go after me as NK or with a RoleBlocker, but could also expect any sort of protective role to protect me.
2) OR, they could count on the protector to protect me and thus go after ZFR.
3) OR they could go after a sure guaranteed NK, assume their chances of getting me or ZFR were about 50/50; any protection role would be drawn off unknowns and instead be on me/ZFR clearing the way for unimpeded NK of everyone else.

GymHenson: (no votes in this post, but there was one in Post 482)

I believe ZFR is suggesting that Joe might've been the NK target for N1, and as a commuter (if he used his PR on n1) that would potentially explain the lack of a NK.

That said, if we are to believe that then why would scum go after Joe, who hadn't posted much on D1?


To All

I noticed that Flub took their vote off of Joe earlier.....and iirc they also hesitated to vote me on D1. Could both Joe and Flub be scum, I wonder?

A silly little theory: a scum!flub chose not to vote me on D1 in part to keep me around as a distraction, and they were gonna let scum!joe be the lynch(in part to gain town points by helping lynch a scum) in part due to Joe not being around as much(and therefore a bit more expendable) but then took their vote off of joe now that Joe is back and active once more.
Not answering for Catte (he should answer for himself!), but scum could have gone for the "low-hanging fruit" that is, someone who wasn't very vocal=not many leads and all that.

Your willingness to be the DK and all is admirable, and yet begs the question, "are you a Jester?" I don't mind helping a 3rd-party Jester win if town can also win; I DO mind helping a 3rd-party Jester win if town loses.
Microfish_1: Not answering for Catte (he should answer for himself!), but scum could have gone for the "low-hanging fruit" that is, someone who wasn't very vocal=not many leads and all that.

Microfish_1: Your willingness to be the DK and all is admirable, and yet begs the question, "are you a Jester?" I don't mind helping a 3rd-party Jester win if town can also win; I DO mind helping a 3rd-party Jester win if town loses.
Musing: tbqh fam I don't think i'd have the heart to cause town to lose if I had such a role.

That said, I swear I am not a crook...err jester.
(I am just trying to put the rest of the team above myself a bit more this game)
(sorry for the late reply....forgot to post this one earlier)

Leoric_AKA_Leo: Is this how this game usually works? We go after people one by one until they claim?
It's more or less a new thing I(and maybe others, I forget atm) started as a reaction to the fact that we kept dilly dallying around till EOD then rushing lynches at the last minute with little to go on.

Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, but imo it's better than rushing around to get a lynch at EOD like we used to do a good deal in prior games.

As to my vote: I did it in part because I often hesitate and second guess and etc....seemingly more often than not not doing town any favors.....this time I wanted to stick with my guns for a change, and see what comes of it.
17 "Joe Did Appear On Monday After All" Votecount

JoeSapphire (3) - dogmaus, Bookwyrm, GymHenson
Bookwyrm (1) - catte
catte (1) - Microfish
GymHenson (1) - ZFR

Not voting: Cadaver, dedoporno, Lifthrasil, JoeSapphire, flubbucket, Leoric
It takes 7 votes to reach majority. JoeSapphire is closest to lynch (L-4).

2 days and 15 hours left.
my name is supyreor catte: Good to have you on board.
Thank you.

dedoporno: I don't see how they are in terrible trouble just yet but hopefully you're right.
I do, there was no NK and the only explanation I have is that it's either we have a lucky Roleblocker (but in this case he/she would probably tell us sooner or later who exactly was blocked) or a doctor who for some reason knew whom to save that Night. There was a speculation that Mafia just might have decided to postpone the killing, fat chance. There is also another possibility that Mafia tried to NK a bulletproof Town.
Now we are in D2 with no casualties and with a Town Cop. I'm most certain that it's a real cop but let's think over possible options:
1) Micro is Town Cop > ZFR is Town (most likely)
2) Micro is Town Cop > ZFR is Any Alignment because Mafia had a lucky Redirector
3) Micro is Town Cop > ZFR is Mafia-Godfather, it's possible but unlikely
4) Micro is Mafia > ZFR is Town, a very bold move with a plan to put a blame on ZFR at the end
5) Micro is Mafia > ZFR is Mafia, an insane tactics so stupid that it could actually work (almost impossible)

If Micro is Town Cop all we need to do is to protect him be it a Doctor or a Roleblocker. The case with Bulletproof will not save Micro of course but I see it as a death sentence to Mafia in the end.
Hmm, I just read #467 with Joe's claim that he is a Commuter and a Shooter, seems genuine and would also explain the no NK. But does it mean that there is no Doctor or Roleblocker? And could it be a bold move from Joe-Mafia?
I don't know, for some reason I believe there is a Doctor among us (not me) but I don't think that revealing my thoughts as for who he is would help Town more than Mafia. Joe was a bit lurky at some point and I can't say his posts were very helpful, but he promised a detailed reads, so I would rather wait a bit and decide later. For now I think it's genuine.
JoeSapphire: anyway I'll give more detailed reads in a bit, but that's not what you're all here for is it?
dedoporno: Touché. Indeed it might be a bit unfair but technically it's not rules-breaking as the mod generously offered it. The fact that you don't need the extra time to catch up doesn't automatically mean you can't choose to accept it still. More time means more discussion and fewer people being prevented by RL to take proper part and share their views.

Anyway, I do concede that it may be seen as unfair advantage when used in this way so it's up to you to decide.
To be honest I don't really care to have more time for Town to analyze. I think we had a similar case in one game where ZFR explained to me perfectly well that it's not a good thing to do. The last thing I want is an easy victory (this is not an alignment claim mind you).

dedoporno: I considered a crazy scenario today. I noticed Micro said that ZFR can only be scum if he's a Godfather. It seemed a bit weird to me Micro felt the need to explain that (although I do realize we have some new players who may not be aware of these types of roles but still). I thought that he may have been inspired by the fact that he does know there is a real Godfather in the game which would in turn suggest that there has to be a Cop to get fooled by it. Micro, knowing he's done for claims Cop, confirms another player who can be a powerful enemy so when the real Cop comes out, Micro gets lynched anyway but the Cop is next and ZFR's name has been stained. The real Godfather remains hidden. Crazy, huh? I believe everyone besides Joe has made an appearance after Micro's claim and no counter-claim has been maded so probably a bunch of bollocks but still fun to think about.
An interesting thought, and what if Town has no cop even to make a counterclaim. Last night (the real one) when I was in bed I thought why ZFR was not killed by Mafia, if he is Town he would be a perfect target for elimination on D1. Then I thought that maybe he was targeted but he had an immunity or a lucky blocker came forward, in that case Micro-the-Mafia pressed on L-1 could put a blame on ZFR (see my option 4) above), but now and especially after Joe's claim I'm not sure it's even possible. I need to ask Joe first.

Requesting a Bump.
Thank you very much!
Cadaver747: Joe's claim that he is a Commuter and a Shooter
I mistakenly read shots as if Joe has a gun but just in case I would like to get a confirmation.
JoeSapphire: I'm a commuter.

I have a certain amount of shots.
Joe I don't know how exactly current version of Commuter works (never seen in in my experience). Does it mean that you may or may not leave Town each Night, that you can decide to use your ability or not, and that you did leave Town on N1 and spend one shot of your power?
*Bump if needed again*