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(no votes in this post)

Bookwyrm627: Good enough for me.

Unvote GH

Vote JoeSapphire
Always the bridsemaid, and never the bride.....*sigh*


Note to all:

Just like Catte, I find it a bit interesting that 3 people(Leoric, Flub, Bookwyrm) have jumped onto Joe's wagon in short order.

That said, I don't want another NL, and Joe is as good as any so:

Vote JoeSapphire

(the above, of course, isn't an actual vote....but Joe may consider themselves at L-1)


@Joe: You might want to claim soon, unless IRL isn't allowing for such atm....if that's the case, then I wish you the best with whatever is taking your time/attention from the forums/game.
Microfish_1: I saw ZFR's acerbicness and wondered if he was scum; i wasn't sure if I could trust him or not. A bit of "he think's I'm scum so is he scum?" Lots of little things contributed. I almost investigated Flubb because of the NL/not-hammer. I even asked Pooka if I could investigate both and he said no. :(
Good call, imo.

A silly thought: maybe investigate me on N2? That way, i'd be less of a distraction either way(whether I somehow got the NK or not).

Microfish_1: Not really, but
25: flavour joke post about cop stereotypes,
204: a joke post about GH's Breadcrumbs and binocs) (when he was town cop) in the past.
210: referenced magnifying glass peering closely at stuff
Them be some tasty crumbs there, m8(they remind me of some of mine, in some ways) compliments to the chef. :)

(Btw, hope yer doing good IRL, and saw the song I left for ya in Post 412 to cheer ya up :))
@Mod - Shall I begin? - bump
my name is supyreor catte: Cool, we're getting a fresh mango. Well, maybe fresh is not the right term for a decomposing body.
Ok, now this....this is comedy.

my name is supyreor catte: I see no reason Cadaver should join the game with undeserved pressure.
Well it's just one vote, and if the current wagon goes through then your vote would be cleared from the board....still, I hear ya and agree.

my name is supyreor catte: I am, have always been and will always be lurky. I will say I have never deliberately lurked as a scum strategy, I am always just myself.
Still, either way you fooled we well and good, so *tips cap*
(no votes in this post)

Cadaver747: @Mod - Shall I begin? - bump
I think ye may begin when ya want.....that said, welcome to the game.

A note: Joe is at L-2, but is considered at L-1 as per what I wrote in Post 421.
(I am holding back my vote, in part, to avoid accidental/"accidental" hammers and give them time to claim if they choose to do so)

Also, one question: I know yer undead and all, but are ye a vampire? o.0
(yer predecessor said early on that they were a vampire, and I MUST must must know if it's true...the suspense is truly killing me ;D)

Reagan hums/sings a tune along with another seemingly disembodied voice coming from a strange box on one of his stand's shelves, as the song reaches a small pause, he says "Will Pence keep driving into the night on this crazy train along with the rest of us, or will there be a late goodbye in their future? I wonder...."
Cadaver747: @Mod - Shall I begin? - bump
Yes you can.

Cadaver747 officially replaces realMangoSenpai.
If Cadaver wants to extend this Day by 1 IRL day, I will happily grant it. Offer valid until the last 12 hours of the Day.

Votecount coming soon.
PookaMustard: If Cadaver wants to extend this Day by 1 IRL day, I will happily grant it. Offer valid until the last 12 hours of the Day.
Just out of curiosity: what if somehow we end up lynching early?
Would Cadaver instead be offered/given an extra IRL day for D3?
Cadaver747: @Mod - Shall I begin? - bump
Hi, Cadaver747!
Welcome to the game!!! Good to have you back.


@GH & others:
While avoiding NL is critical, we have
3 days
15 hours
46 minutes

before end of day. This rush is unseemly and anti-town. As the Ents would say, "Let's not be so hasty!"
Rushing to have L1 in the 5 hours since I claimed reeks of scumminess.

[Micro muses:] What would be absolutely insane is if no one on the scum team s on this wagon
15 "Rigging the votes" Votecount

JoeSapphire (5) - dogmaus, Microfish, Leoric, flubbucket, Bookwyrm
Microfish (3) - JoeSapphire, Lifthrasil, ZFR

Not voting: Cadaver, dedoporno, GymHenson, catte
It takes 7 votes to reach majority. JoeSapphire is closest to lynch (L-2).

3 days and 15 hours left.

GymHenson: Just out of curiosity: what if somehow we end up lynching early?
Would Cadaver instead be offered/given an extra IRL day for D3?
The offer is valid only for D2, to quickly catch up on what happened and post any input of his.
OK, I got a confirmation from PookaMustard (I preferred Miss Pookina) that I'm in the game from now on. I'll need some time to come up with something more or less solid.

As of now I'd like to address 2 things. No, my body is not decomposing since I have a lifetime supply of jars of embalming fluid. And no, I'm not a vampire but this requires some explanation. I met a beautiful girl, she said she is a miller's niece (I had no idea he had a niece) and she visited me during nighttime only, one time she asked me to announce that I'm a vampire, said that it would be funny and she bite me the next day. I had no idea what it was, maybe she was a vampire after all, thank goodness due to my undead specific I didn't die (or did I?), but as a side effect I completely lost my memory and forgot about the game, it's almost like it was the other me back then. But I take full responsibility and ask to be treated like everyone else. Pity that she never visited me since then, I still feel her flavor on my cold lips ;(

Please also note that I just love to insert round brackets here and there.
(no votes in this here post, OP)

Microfish_1: While avoiding NL is critical, we have
3 days
15 hours
46 minutes
before end of day.
True, but a bunch of times when we have delayed in the past it oft ended up in everyone scrambling to get a lynch through at close to the last second.....and a number of times they were mislynches.

Microfish_1: This rush is unseemly and anti-town. As the Ents would say, "Let's not be so hasty!"

Rushing to have L1 in the 5 hours since I claimed reeks of scumminess.
And you likely know that this post of yours could be seen as scum trying to keep a fellow scum from being lynched, right? ;)
(not saying that that's the only possibility, of course)

Anyways, I agree we shouldn't be so hasty, which is partly why I didn't vote for real in Post 421. But eventually, we need to lynch, else we land another NL......and Joe (for me) seems to be as good a choice as near any other atm.

Beyond that one of the main points of this wagon(and yours, at least that's a large part of the reason I voted for you earlier) was/is pressure.

By growing wagons we can see how players with wagons on them react/don't react, and then decide where to go from there. If we don't get anyone close to lynch and muddle about, then there's little pressure on players in that regard(vote wagons) and less chance we can get some solid leads/info to use to make informed decisions.

Microfish_1: [Micro muses:] What would be absolutely insane is if no one on the scum team s on this wagon
I doubt the odds on that one, tbh.....I feel there has to be at least 1 scum on the wagon.
PookaMustard: If Cadaver wants to extend this Day by 1 IRL day, I will happily grant it. Offer valid until the last 12 hours of the Day.
Thank you, I think I'll manage. No special treatment, no extra day for me please.
Cadaver747: ...thank goodness due to my undead specific I didn't die (or did I?), but as a side effect I completely lost my memory....
Just ask Morte to read the stuff scrawled on your back again. ;)

Cadaver747: Please also note that I just love to insert round brackets here and there.
("Bracket bros 4 lyfe!")
Microfish_1: I even asked Pooka if I could investigate both and he said no. :(
Why would you ask such a thing?!

Welcome Cadaver! I love your choice of avatar.

Cadaver747: ~ Some story about girls and vampires ~
You know how some movies say that any resemblance to actual people and events are purely accidental? Would you say the same applies to your story?

Cadaver747: Please also note that I just love to insert round brackets here and there.
My man!

Cadaver747: Thank you, I think I'll manage. No special treatment, no extra day for me please.
I implore you to reconsider. We can still make use of the extra time and we can always cut the day short if we decided to.

As I said earlier I support a wagon on that wild thing Joe but I also agree the momentum it picked up is somewhat alarming. I think the balls are in Joe's court now.
Cadaver747: OK, I got a confirmation from PookaMustard (I preferred Miss Pookina) that I'm in the game from now on. I'll need some time to come up with something more or less solid.

As of now I'd like to address 2 things. ....
It seems to me prefectly credible story. Are you in the Vampire's Fall: Origins writing team?
Welcome in town :) Your predecessor was quite puzzling before vanishing in the woods.

I know I might be wrong but I prefer the current state of voting. I'm glad I waited rather than jumping on GH's train.