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JoeSapphire: .........

Don't worry about it.
Thank you. That was all I needed.
ZFR: Yes in a way. But depending on who and how. I was looking for opportunistic votes.
JoeSapphire: So what is it about Microfish and the way he voted here that makes you think suspicious?
I seemed exactly that: opportunistic.
JoeSapphire: So what is it about Microfish and the way he voted here that makes you think suspicious?
ZFR: I seemed exactly that: opportunistic.
You kinda did yeah.
10 "Hurry up, dreamers of all ages" Votecount

GymHenson (5) - catte, Bookwyrm, ZFR, Lifthrasil, JoeSapphire
JoeSapphire (3) - dogmaus, flubbucket, GymHenson
Microfish (1) - dedoporno
Catte (1) - Microfish
Mango (1) - Leoric

Not voting: Mango
It takes 7 votes to reach majority. Closest to lynch: GymHenson (L-2)
If you find any discrepancies in this count, please notify me.

6 hours to deadline.
Post edited August 03, 2021 by PookaMustard
PookaMustard: It takes 7 votes to reach majority. Closest to lynch: JoeSapphire (L-2)
Might wanna fix that.
dedoporno: Might wanna fix that.
Nice and quick catch. Thanks!
PookaMustard: Not voting: Mango
If history is any indication, he's going to drop in, say he's forgotten about the game, and leave.
I don't have time to truly read the thread since my last post, but scanning for votes indicates that my preferred candidate might get the noose, and I'm okay with this.

I'm not sure if I'll be around again before deadline to change my vote. Joe seems to be the other leader at the moment, with Micro(?) a distant third. I'd lynch either to avoid No Lynch.
I'm also going to be absent in the next couple of hours as we're heading to my in-laws in some 30 minutes. I'm ready to place a vote now but may not be around to remove it in the next 3-4 hours, in case that's needed. I also don't want to cross-vote with anyone so

I will place my vote on GH in about 10 minutes from now.
vote GH
Doesn't that put GymHenson at L-1??
flubbucket: Doesn't that put GymHenson at L-1??
By golly! So it does!!
(no votes in this post)

Lifthrasil: Is Joe's absence the only reason for putting him in the lead position? Or do toy have other reasons to suspect him?
Weren't you the one that said we (collectively) usually have little to go on on D1? The point being, we have 3 newcomers who most (like me) won't vote on D1 & we also have several (including myself) that have some votes on them, with little time to play around with. We need to pick someone, and with what little info we have atm, some lynches(including mine) are (imo) as good as any.

Also toy? That was a misspelling/etc, I assume?

Lifthrasil: GH joined the NL train as well and gave it more substance. He even teased, whether he wasn't suspect too. Which he totally would also do as scum. Now he quite opportunistically hopped on the Joe train. Which is ok for town to save himself and avoid nl, but also convenient as scum, to save himself.
Question: would you rather I have voted myself?

I joined NL early on for laughs and mainly due to RVS, and I "hopped onto the Joe train" because several of y'all told me voting myself shouldn't be done, and I don't wanna vote Micro atm(he's one of my fave players and etc, so i'm giving him D1 at least)....and since there's less chance to get another wagon going with so little time left, then Joe it was.

Lifthrasil: Also, placing a third vote on the nl train and then going on about wanting to avoid nl is a bit hypocritical.
It was 4 votes away from being a sure thing when I placed my vote, and I knew I had time to remove it....which I eventually did.

Musing to Lift/All Players: At this point, it seems you're just reaching to find things to suspect me for. But eh, likely my imagination, right?

Lifthrasil: So, upon reflection out of the two, GH is the better choice than Joe after all.

Vote GH
Agreed.....Joe would be the better one to leave alive if he is indeed town, so i'd rather him survive than me...if he is town.

That said, are you so sure he is town this game? If I get lynched or not, maybe think on it a bit k?


(bump needed please)
(replies below to ZFR/Dedo)
(no votes in this post)

ZFR: Yes in a way. But depending on who and how. I was looking for opportunistic votes.
Seems i'm likely gonna be the lynch....if that's the case then make sure to check my wagon.

I'm guessing at least 1 scum is on there(probably later on in the voting order), and another off the wagon(possibly one of the newcomers, but might not be....dunno about the third scum, if they're likely on or off the wagon atm, that is).

ZFR: By golly! So it does!!
And you were seemingly (we replied around the same time just a few minutes ago) ok with that happening without me getting a chance to say anything in my defense?

What happened to "players should give those about to be lynched a chance to claim/say something" that we usually do? o.0

Reagan feels a bit nervous around what he assumes are his friends....everyone bought torches and pitchforks(only slightly used/rusty!) from him earlier, which he assumed were to be used for night farming or some other harmless activity.....but they approach closer and seem upset for some reason.


@Dedo - Post 235: I more or less soft claimed earlier by saying I am up to being the lynch if it saves another town. That said, I also ask you keep an eye on my wagon if I end up the lynch(as I suspect will likely happen).


Anyways, if i'm gonna be the lynch, let's get this over with so I can do my usual laughing at the silly town who voted me once again and so I can scoot to the observer thread.
GymHenson: (no votes in this post)

Lifthrasil: Is Joe's absence the only reason for putting him in the lead position? Or do toy have other reasons to suspect him?
GymHenson: Weren't you the one that said we (collectively) usually have little to go on on D1? The point being, we have 3 newcomers who most (like me) won't vote on D1 & we also have several (including myself) that have some votes on them, with little time to play around with. We need to pick someone, and with what little info we have atm, some lynches(including mine) are (imo) as good as any.

Also toy? That was a misspelling/etc, I assume?
Yes, toy was a misspelling and should be 'you'. Happens, when writing from a mobile.

As for your other questions: no, self-voting would not have been better. As I explained, your vote is NAI. But as you say yourself, it's D1, we have not a lot to go on. Also, I don't want to lynch new players D1. I don't want to spoil their game. So I am going by gut feeling, restricting myself to the repeat players for this Day, as far as votes go. I discredited my gut feeling concerning you in a past game and you were scum. Then again, it also happened that I followed by gut feeling some games before that and you were Town.

But yes, if you get lynched Joe will still be on my watch-list. As will be Bookwyrm. And of course the new players, where I will have to develop a gut feeling first. I don't know how they play, so we'll have to see whether there are any red flags.

If you are Town, your willingness to be the D1 lynch rather than risking no-lynch is commendable. But you're experienced enough to fake this willingness, so at this point, this close to the deadline, this willingness in not enough to make me withdraw my vote.