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joppo: Lastly I wanna point out that on the scumchat there was a lot of back-and-forth whether Flub or Catte should do the kill on N3. Had they went with Flub Dedo would have half the game won for Town. He would have prevented a kill, get Flub lynched and confirmed himself all in one go.
Bookwyrm627: Hm. It might have worked out, but it might not have. I'd still be alive, and thus suspected, and I might have gotten credit for saving ZFR instead of Dedo saving [someone]. The lynch might have gone my direction, but I'd have been after Catte and Dedo, and I might very well have stayed on Dedo.

It would have been a different game, certainly. I'm not sure we'd have gotten Cadaver by the end, and I don't think he'd have been a block target. If we lynched Catte as a compromise on D4, then it might have come down to who targets whom. If we didn't lynch Catte on Day 4, then I suspect it would still have been a Mafia sweep.
It definitely would be different. I think there would be a lot more pressure on Catte and Flub and they probably would not get out unscathed. At the very least it would get one of them lynched, prolong the game and the pressure could cause them to make mistakes. It would still be completely impossible to predict what would it take to find Cadaver, tho.

Bookwyrm627: If you want real chaos, toss in a bus driver. If you want lots of Night Actions but no one having any idea what the heck actually happened at Night, toss in two of them. Then even you won't be sure what happened with the targeting.
Two bus drivers looks like hilarious fun. For extra fun you could add a modifier I can't remember right now that sends the cop or other investigative role's results to a random player instead of the investigator.


Last, I just realized one thing. In the Observer thread I commented how Micro withholding his Macho modifier at first looked bad for Town, when it was actually good. But ultimately it was bad after all because not only it didn't help in the way it could, it also caused the doctor to be found that way.

Not that Micro could have any way of knowing that at the time. Even Pooka who knew which roles the scum had available couldn't predict that. It goes to show how small actions can have major consequences in this game.
Post edited August 23, 2021 by joppo
joppo: Your only mistake was putting enough credit on the godfather theory to RB ZFR on the second night.
I know but ZFR calling out a Town role in a closed setup in the way he day REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. That along with how he just felt different from his usual behavior stuck a splinter in my brain to the point that I actually forgot he did it for a good while but the feeling of serious uneasiness remained to fester.

It is what it is, though. I'm at least glad I was able to figure out the scum team eventually so I got that going for me which is nice :)
joppo: Your only mistake was putting enough credit on the godfather theory to RB ZFR on the second night.
dedoporno: I know but ZFR calling out a Town role in a closed setup in the way he day REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. That along with how he just felt different from his usual behavior stuck a splinter in my brain to the point that I actually forgot he did it for a good while but the feeling of serious uneasiness remained to fester.

It is what it is, though. I'm at least glad I was able to figure out the scum team eventually so I got that going for me which is nice :)
Sorry. It would have been different if you claimed D1 or D2. But when literally every other role from the original setup got confirmed (except Commuter which was semi-confirmed by a no-counterclaim), I had reason to believe you're lying.

It rubbed me the wrong way when you repeated several times that I accusing you just want to be right. I did take into consideration that you could be Town, but as I said, you still had the higest scum equity given the info I had. Even if there was 30% chance of you being Town, you were still the better lynch, given how the rest (flub and catte) only had PoE going for them.
Bookwyrm627: Gratz to Mafia for winning the Day game.

I'll go ahead and say it: after seeing it, I think this setup was heavily in favor of Mafia for the Night game. Between Strongman and Watcher, the Cop was a trap to be exploited by the Mafia. With half of Town wandering around at Night, the Watcher is almost a better Rolecop than a Rolecop would have been. x.x
Yeah, I would tend to agree. While the town had multiple kill-prevention roles and a tracker, we had a strongarman and a ninja so we could pretty effectively combat those. It's a good thing that not only did I forget the role list suggesting a macho cop, but so did Bookwyrm. ;)
PookaMustard: Strongman - To counter Bulletproof and Doctor, but not Roleblocker and Commuter
Please be aware that normally Strongarm trumps Roleblocker. Was yours different?
PookaMustard: I think the bigger crime I made was actually releasing that godforsaken role list in the sign-up thread.
No. This was the bigger crime *Town* made, including yours truly. Not your fault.

You said this was a different setup. You had no obligation to completely change it without reusing some roles.
Post edited August 23, 2021 by ZFR
PookaMustard: Strongman - To counter Bulletproof and Doctor, but not Roleblocker and Commuter
Aha, I figured it was only going to be one that my ability couldn't counter - commuter seems like the logical one since you can't use brute force to kill someone who just isn't there. Normal strongarman usually overpowers RBs, but then you did explicitly mention that I couldn't overcome everything in the game.
PookaMustard: Strongman - To counter Bulletproof and Doctor, but not Roleblocker and Commuter
ZFR: Please be aware that normally Strongarm trumps Roleblocker. Was yours different?
Well my PM did say I could overcome most, but not all roles so I knew I wasn't necessarily "normal". However I wouldn't call being able to overpower half of the kill preventing roles as "most"...
Post edited August 23, 2021 by my name is supyreor catte
Have I been the only one suspecting Mang/Cadaver and ever voting for him? Well played. 8)
flubbucket: I'm like a basket of three years olds.
You don't give yourself enough credit, you're more like a basket of five year olds.
Did you think the long night was due to us not submitting an action? :P

Sorry for exploiting your jailer mistake, it was just too good to pass up! Rolling Town Roleblocker in a game with a doc is a pretty tricky situation to be put in, I felt bad for you.
Post edited August 23, 2021 by my name is supyreor catte
ZFR: Sorry. It would have been different if you claimed D1 or D2. But when literally every other role from the original setup got confirmed (except Commuter which was semi-confirmed by a no-counterclaim), I had reason to believe you're lying.
It's alright.

I didn't know about the list and even if I did I wouldn't even think of claiming the role on D1 just because it was listed as a scum role on some list I'm told has changed.

There's also no way I claim that on D2 under these circumstances. I don't care who says what about it. If it was an open setup and I knew it was me who prevented the kill - insta-claim without any remorse that I likely won't finish the game. But with 12 players and undisclosed roles - nope.

On D3 when that list was brought up (for which I didn't know about) I considered coming out just to let people know it wasn't the setup (or at least not exactly) but then I decided against it as I considered you and/or Joe might be scum and may try to use that against me. The way the list was brought up as the most likely scenario and you calling me out on the previous day was just concerning. Ironically neither of you were scum but both did turn my role against me :D I did hint at knowledge that the setup wasn't it hoping that other will be able to confirm it but unfortunately it turned out you were the only Town who would have known beside myself and weren't having any of it.

I was going to claim first on D4 but then you said you have information that Flub is Town which threw the largest wrench in the works and from then on things went to shit and both Town and scum rolled with it.

ZFR: It rubbed me the wrong way when you repeated several times that I accusing you just want to be right.
Sorry about that but in the end it felt like you'd go through the toughest mental gymnastics to align the data with your own views.

I suppose we both played our sides the way we thought best and it just didn't work out. The scum made sure to capitalize on it so more power to them.

gg everybody! Well done mafia team!

I should have played better, sorry town :/
my name is supyreor catte: Did you think the long night was due to us not submitting an action?
I thought I may have been wrong all along and it really was the less participant and/or newer players who just weren't around to pick a target or were overthinking why the game hasn't ended right then and there.

my name is supyreor catte: Sorry for exploiting your jailer mistake, it was just too good to pass up!
It's fine. I thought it was pretty obvious and was a bit bummed out that no one else would see it but my claim picked up so much flak that everything else was just grayscaled and mushed together with the background. Flub was even more obvious but had the Plot Armor of ZFR's claim going for him so yeah. I believe only Dogmaus picked up on him near the end but by that time it was already too late.

Cadaver did the best job in appearing Townie and he was the one I least suspected of you three, and has once again proved that effort shouldn't be mistaken with innocence.

Congrats on your victory once more.
ZFR: Sorry. It would have been different if you claimed D1 or D2. But when literally every other role from the original setup got confirmed (except Commuter which was semi-confirmed by a no-counterclaim), I had reason to believe you're lying.
dedoporno: It's alright.

I didn't know about the list and even if I did I wouldn't even think of claiming the role on D1 just because it was listed as a scum role on some list I'm told has changed.

There's also no way I claim that on D2 under these circumstances. I don't care who says what about it. If it was an open setup and I knew it was me who prevented the kill - insta-claim without any remorse that I likely won't finish the game. But with 12 players and undisclosed roles - nope.

On D3 when that list was brought up (for which I didn't know about) I considered coming out just to let people know it wasn't the setup (or at least not exactly) but then I decided against it as I considered you and/or Joe might be scum and may try to use that against me. The way the list was brought up as the most likely scenario and you calling me out on the previous day was just concerning. Ironically neither of you were scum but both did turn my role against me :D I did hint at knowledge that the setup wasn't it hoping that other will be able to confirm it but unfortunately it turned out you were the only Town who would have known beside myself and weren't having any of it.

I was going to claim first on D4 but then you said you have information that Flub is Town which threw the largest wrench in the works and from then on things went to shit and both Town and scum rolled with it.

ZFR: It rubbed me the wrong way when you repeated several times that I accusing you just want to be right.
dedoporno: Sorry about that but in the end it felt like you'd go through the toughest mental gymnastics to align the data with your own views.

I suppose we both played our sides the way we thought best and it just didn't work out. The scum made sure to capitalize on it so more power to them.
JoeSapphire: braggingrights

realMangoSenpai, Lifthrasil, bookwyrm627

prove me wrong.
Post edited August 23, 2021 by ZFR
Oh yeah, what actually became of Mango? Did they formally drop out or just completely forget about us? I wonder if they're going to come back in a month or two and make another "Oh, I forgot about the game again!" post.
my name is supyreor catte: Oh yeah, what actually became of Mango? Did they formally drop out or just completely forget about us? I wonder if they're going to come back in a month or two and make another "Oh, I forgot about the game again!" post.
I hope Mango is OK