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my name is supyreor catte: Sorry for being such a control freak about the NKs, I have PTSD from that game of ZFRs where we diDn't kilL the cOp.
My ex was a control freak, I can't forgive you for something you are not.

ZFR? I guess some of us got our portion of PTSDs in cruel GOG Mafia games, here is mine:
Gratz to Mafia for winning the Day game.

I'll go ahead and say it: after seeing it, I think this setup was heavily in favor of Mafia for the Night game. Between Strongman and Watcher, the Cop was a trap to be exploited by the Mafia. With half of Town wandering around at Night, the Watcher is almost a better Rolecop than a Rolecop would have been. x.x
Congratulations to the Mafia team, you guys played good. Gotta admit that it was hard for me to see Cadaver as scum, but then again he was fooling everyone else.

I kinda think the scum team could be a teeny tiny bit nerfed, or maybe Town beefed up but that would still be more swingy. That's alright anyway. Thanks Pooks for hosting and hopefully everyone had a lot of fun.

Lastly I wanna point out that on the scumchat there was a lot of back-and-forth whether Flub or Catte should do the kill on N3. Had they went with Flub Dedo would have half the game won for Town. He would have prevented a kill, get Flub lynched and confirmed himself all in one go.
Post edited August 23, 2021 by joppo
@Pooka don't we get an Admin thread where we can see every night action and the results thereof?
Post edited August 23, 2021 by joppo
joppo: Congratulations to the Mafia team, you guys played good. Gotta admit that it was hard for me to see Cadaver as scum, but then again he was fooling everyone else.
Agreed. Well done Cadaver747. Your hard work paid off.

Fun game, thanks PookaMustard.
Bookwyrm627: Gratz to Mafia for winning the Day game.

I'll go ahead and say it: after seeing it, I think this setup was heavily in favor of Mafia for the Night game. Between Strongman and Watcher, the Cop was a trap to be exploited by the Mafia. With half of Town wandering around at Night, the Watcher is almost a better Rolecop than a Rolecop would have been. x.x
The thing is, I DID anticipate Follow the Cop, but not that a watcher would be used to find out who visited the Cop. It is because of this well played move on the Mafia's part that Cadaver watched you visit Microfish N2, and promptly kill you next Night. Perhaps an Ascetic Cop would've forced Mafia to waste their watch and keep fighting.

joppo: I kinda think the scum team could be a teeny tiny bit nerfed, or maybe Town beefed up but that would still be more swingy. That's alright anyway. Thanks Pooks for hosting and hopefully everyone had a lot of fun.
That's the fun part about this setup. Someone will say it's swingy because of mafia roles, another will say Town is beefy, someone else will say having a neutral in this setup is lunacy. I kinda wanted to see lots of roles clashing and causing quite a stir for both Mafia and Town, but gotta tip my hat to the Mafia, they were exceedingly efficient for the most part. Once I knew we had Catte, flub and Cadaver on board, I knew Town was going to be burned badly.

I think the bigger crime I made was actually releasing that godforsaken role list in the sign-up thread. Seeing it brought up again and again to try to guess at the current closed setup upset me, but what's done's done. I think I know better now as host. I think.

The idea behind the setup was of course:
Ninja - To counter tracker
Strongman - To counter Bulletproof and Doctor, but not Roleblocker and Commuter
Watcher - To inform the Mafia of visiting Town roles, but not what they actually do.

They watch some random dude overnights and say it's dedo, and he is visited by Leoric. But Leoric is a fruit vendor. They kill a mostly not that deal-breaking role. Now another time Bookwyrm visits and he's a doc and they hit the jackpot, but one jackpot is all they needed.

joppo: Lastly I wanna point out that on the scumchat there was a lot of back-and-forth whether Flub or Catte should do the kill on N3. Had they went with Flub Dedo would have half the game won for Town. He would have prevented a kill, get Flub lynched and confirmed himself all in one go.
Just imagine if this happened. Scum half-nuked because they had the Ninja go. Would've been a vastly different endgame.

Glad everyone liked the game! If you think the balance is a bit weird, please tell me, now that the setup is no longer closed. I will also release the admin actions later, but that would be a Word file this time instead of a QT. Still, at least try not to figure out if the game is balanced or not while it's still ongoing ;)
PookaMustard: Once I knew we had Catte, flub and Cadaver on board, I knew Town was going to be burned badly.
The mafia QT should be clear to all. Catte's leadership and decisiveness were critical to our success as a team. Cadaver played a heck of a town game. I aspire to chaos to I pity the players with me on their team. I'm like a basket of three years olds.

But seriously, has any of youse heard anything about perhaps this being the best mafia team ever??
Ah well, that was a well deserved town loss. Congrats, Mafia!

By the way, very considerate of you to target me early, like I asked in the signup thread. Unfortunately I couldn't turn off the bulletproof ability. ;-)
Lifthrasil: Ah well, that was a well deserved town loss. Congrats, Mafia!

By the way, very considerate of you to target me early, like I asked in the signup thread. Unfortunately I couldn't turn off the bulletproof ability. ;-)
And yet time and again you doubt my towniness.

I'm a giver, and if that's not town i just don't know what is.
Bookwyrm627: Gratz to Mafia for winning the Day game.

I'll go ahead and say it: after seeing it, I think this setup was heavily in favor of Mafia for the Night game. Between Strongman and Watcher, the Cop was a trap to be exploited by the Mafia. With half of Town wandering around at Night, the Watcher is almost a better Rolecop than a Rolecop would have been. x.x
I agree. Town had only 66% of players, and 3 of their PRs, Tracker, Doc, Blocker, could be countered by Mafia.


Sorry again I messed up a few times, but again given the info I had I think I was right to go after dedo. Especially since literally every other role from the famous original setup was there, so I had no reason to think Pooka will switch sides for this particular one. I probably should have been less cocky about it, but hey: ooopsie


Congrats to Cadaver in particular, you were good in keeping your scum game same as your Town game.
Lifthrasil: Ah well, that was a well deserved town loss. Congrats, Mafia!

By the way, very considerate of you to target me early, like I asked in the signup thread. Unfortunately I couldn't turn off the bulletproof ability. ;-)
So considerate of to give the only role that loses on death to you.
Post edited August 23, 2021 by ZFR
ZFR: So considerate of to give the only role that loses on death to you.
*Python 3.9's random module
You should have used then
Ah. Thank god I had blindly followed ZFR so now I can blame him for everything.

Blame ZFR for everything
Post edited August 23, 2021 by Leoric_AKA_Leo
joppo: Lastly I wanna point out that on the scumchat there was a lot of back-and-forth whether Flub or Catte should do the kill on N3. Had they went with Flub Dedo would have half the game won for Town. He would have prevented a kill, get Flub lynched and confirmed himself all in one go.
Hm. It might have worked out, but it might not have. I'd still be alive, and thus suspected, and I might have gotten credit for saving ZFR instead of Dedo saving [someone]. The lynch might have gone my direction, but I'd have been after Catte and Dedo, and I might very well have stayed on Dedo.

It would have been a different game, certainly. I'm not sure we'd have gotten Cadaver by the end, and I don't think he'd have been a block target. If we lynched Catte as a compromise on D4, then it might have come down to who targets whom. If we didn't lynch Catte on Day 4, then I suspect it would still have been a Mafia sweep.

PookaMustard: The thing is, I DID anticipate Follow the Cop
You certainly did! XD

PookaMustard: They watch some random dude overnights and...
My suggestion: remember that Mafia aren't going to just target some random dude, they are going to pick people they think are more likely to give them information. If they want a cop, tracker, or other offensive role, they'll target someone suspicious. If they want a doctor or other defensive role, they'll go for someone looking really town. If they want to know whether their kill might have been protected, they'll watch their victim. If they want to know whether the killer might have been spotted, they'll watch the killer. The power of the Watcher is that it scoops up *everyone*.

On that note, a Town Ninja Tracker/Watcher might be a fun idea for the future.

If you want real chaos, toss in a bus driver. If you want lots of Night Actions but no one having any idea what the heck actually happened at Night, toss in two of them. Then even you won't be sure what happened with the targeting.

Regardless, thanks for hosting!

ZFR: Sorry again I messed up a few times, but again given the info I had I think I was right to go after dedo. Especially since literally every other role from the famous original setup was there, so I had no reason to think Pooka will switch sides for this particular one. I probably should have been less cocky about it, but hey: ooopsie
I like to think I could be forgiven for eventually buying into that setup, but I'm not as sure about the Town Tracker. ;)
Well I am not everyone then. I guess my mom was right after all. :-)

If it is any consolation I did trust you to be capable of making mistakes. Wait, that sounds like I think you're a terrible player. Ah well you know what I mean.

Actually you played a pretty good game. Once I put myself in your shoes it wasn't hard to see a logic towniness in the explanations for your choices. Your only mistake was putting enough credit on the godfather theory to RB ZFR on the second night. I say that now but I gotta admit I wasn't giving it much credit because I was still working with the assumption that the setup wasn't too far off from the one proposed in the sign-up thread. Your role however made it clear for you that the signup shouldn't be taken as Gospel so I think it was easier to think of a godfather as plausible.

Too bad you and ZFR couldn't work together this time because you were the best player Town had in that whole mess.