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Dogmaus: ohoh, who's passive aggressive? :P is this game the best way to lose friends IRL?
Sure, the mafia instruction book is called "How to Lose Friends and Discourage People". ;)
26 "1AM" Votecount

dedoporno (5) - ZFR, flubbucket, JoeSapphire, Cadaver, catte

Not voting: dedoporno, Leoric, Dogmaus
It takes 5 votes to reach majority. dedoporno was lynched.


Jeez guys, a hammer? and I only logged in just now, and I have lots of work ahead of me tomorrow, in the office

I'll announce the flip tomorrow. Can't be bothered to write flavor and the likes right now. You can continue discussion, yes, dedoporno included.
Haha, the suspense is real!
PookaMustard: 26 "1AM" Votecount

dedoporno (5) - ZFR, flubbucket, JoeSapphire, Cadaver, catte

Not voting: dedoporno, Leoric, Dogmaus
It takes 5 votes to reach majority. dedoporno was lynched.


Jeez guys, a hammer? and I only logged in just now, and I have lots of work ahead of me tomorrow, in the office

I'll announce the flip tomorrow. Can't be bothered to write flavor and the likes right now. You can continue discussion, yes, dedoporno included.
┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
"Yeah, I think you were the one shooting all these syringes." Henry pointed at Victor.

"I'll be damned if it wasn't you. You were looking at me weird." Marlin glared at him.

"Yeah, you give me some strange vibes." Pence nodded.

"Hmph." Grayson adjusted his suit. "What a scam."

"Well, I'm going to vote you. Captain, that's it for him, right?" Rionaldo looked towards Captain Pietro.

Pietro nodded. "Yes. Guards, see to it that he leaves these courts, and held somewhere for questioning."

The other guards who didn't vote him reluctantly grabbed him. He was resistant to getting dragged, but ultimately gave up.

"Fine. But you'll eventually know I'm innocent. It's only a matter of time." Victor sighed.

"Maybe you're innocent." Rionaldo spoke. "Maybe you're not. But until then..."

"Hasta la vista, baby!" - Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991


CHANGE OF PLANS! Turns out, I wrote the flavor anyway. I had a reason to stay up.

dedoporno has been lynched. He was Town Roleblocker.
As per the rules, dedoporno has one bah post.

Please stop posting. Send your actions to me in PM.
Night/Idle Phase 4 ends in 1 days and 20 hours.

Henry was searching for Marlin, trying to see what the other fellow guard was up to. Little did he know, Marlin has snuck right behind him. "Have a nice little nap," he says in a voice uncharacteristic of Marlin before injecting Henry. He quickly disappears off the scene, as Henry slumps to the ground, unconscious.


ZFR has been killed! He was Town Tracker.


"Yep, he's done nothing fishy." An electronic voice emerged out of Marlin's clothes. "Good thing Grayson didn't have to get close this time."

"Worry not, Jeffrey." Marlin spoke to the mic. "Everyone's going down. Just give Carlos the signal."

"I will, Jonathan."

Marlin quietly approaches Pence, who was mulling about whether he'd go see his fiancee quick or not, and injects him, again disappearing as the guard was (forcibly so) lulled to sleep. On the other hand, Rionaldo approached the grouping of Thomas and Anthony, and injected them with both of his hands.

Captain Pietro saw the commotion. "What the hell?!" He didn't expect to have to pull out his gun and point it at other guards. Nay, he didn't even expect to ever see his gun outside of its holster, but this was different. However, Grayson was already right next to him.

"I'm sorry, but I'm tired of watching people." He pushes the captain to his side with all the strength he could muster, knocking him out.

The wicked trio of Grayson, Rionaldo and Marlin regrouped where the Captain fell, and soon their forms sort of glitched out, revealing who they really were. Laden in gray jumpsuits were Jeffrey Pearl, Carlos Tray and Jonathan Earl, respectively. None of which happened to be guards, they just worked for another powerful man, and they were finally about to prove their worth to him.

"Let's get in, shall we? I can't wait to get those flames back to the old doc." Jeffrey gestured to the other two. They quickly stormed the castle, shooting syringes at every lesser guard they happened upon. There was no one stopping them this time around, and no one will. After navigating into the depths of the castle, they finally found it. The advanced candle that would have held the Flames of Disaster itself, Solaris.

Jeffrey pulled out a matchstick, lit it, and...brought it over to the candle.

Even after a minute, it didn't ignite.

"What?" Jeffrey threw away the matchstick, and used another. Again, to no success. "Ridiculous!"

"No way..." Carlos uttered.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jonathan hit the wall.

"What the hell are we gonna do now?" Jeffrey approached the other two. All they did was stare at each other in complete despair. And right as they were doing that, the room they were in was sealed with bars.

"Reviving Solaris with matchsticks? Novel idea, Just no." Saber was right behind the bars, hands on the lever. "I knew t'was the three of you. Not gonna lie though, you embarrassed us pretty damn bad. We'll be Soleanna's laughingstock for years, so at least you won that."

The three bad guys just fell to their knees, one of them screaming "NO!" at the top of his lungs, and the others mostly speechless.

"Uhh, at least you could have the decency to tell us what you did with the real Martin, Grayson and Rionaldo."



Mafia have won the game!

This was GOG Mafia #73, starring our wonderful cast:
Leoric - Town Vanilla
Dogmaus - Town Vanilla
Gymhenson - Town Vanilla - Lynched Day 2
Bookwyrm - Town Doctor - Killed Night 3
Microfish - Town Macho Cop - Killed Night 2
JoeSapphire - Town 1-Shot Commuter
ZFR - Town Tracker - Killed Night 4
dedoporno - Town Roleblocker - Lynched Day 4
Lifthrasil - Neutral 1-Shot Bulletproof - Lynched Day 3
flubbucket - Mafia Ninja
catte - Mafia Strongman
Cadaver - Mafia Watcher

Observer chat link:

Mafia chat link:
Post edited August 22, 2021 by PookaMustard

After that nearly normal length night we thought the town might have had some secret moves left.

I approve of you keeping us on our toes though Pooka, thanks for hosting!
Post edited August 22, 2021 by my name is supyreor catte
I don't approve of the ending. Mafia won but it does not sound like it. Bad Pooka.

Anyway, official Mafia disco starts now!
Post edited August 22, 2021 by Cadaver747
PookaMustard: flubbucket - Town Ninja
mafia chat was fun. thanks for hosting @Pooka & for playing @everyone! it was a lot of fun
Congrats mafiosos!

Thanks for hosting, Pooka!

Congrats, Mafia, thanks for hosting, Pooka. Sorry I messed up.
Cadaver747: I don't approve of the ending. Mafia won but it does not sound like it. Bad Pooka.

Anyway, official Mafia disco starts now!
Sorry for being such a control freak about the NKs, I have PTSD from that game of ZFRs where we diDn't kilL the cOp.