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Bookwyrms said it too:

Bookwyrm627: An offensive role (Roleblocker) might want to speak up, but defensive roles (Doctor, Commuter) should keep their mouth shut.
This is why I specifially asked RB to claim, but not Doctor or "whoever else".
ZFR: Yes, I read what I write, which is why I said a Roleblocker may or may not claim (I would).

Doctors/Jailers.. etc should never claim in such a situation.

Your original problem with my statement wasn't that I asked RB to claim, but that I haven't asked anyone else.

If you think RB shouldn't claim, then sure. But don't hold it against me that I didn't ask Doctor or anyone else to claim.
Wait, I think we have a misunderstanding here. I don't have a problem that didn't call out the rest. I have a problem with you calling out the Roleblocker in particular and at all. Why would you do that if you believe there might be a Town Roleblocker in the game and you risk them getting outed for no good reason (also knowing you're likely going to get outed as well in the process as you know you got blocked)? If you don't believe they are in the game why are you playing under the assumption the game setup is what you think it is just because you saw some post for a previous version that Pooka told everyone is changing somehow? This is what I'm holding against you.
ZFR: Bookwyrms said it too:

This is why I specifially asked RB to claim, but not Doctor or "whoever else".
No, no, no. Don't hide behind Bookwyrm. He took his words back like 3 posts after saying it and said it's a bad idea which it very well is under the circumstances. You said it first right out the door, literally first post of the Day after Pooka's opening. Wyrm agreed initially but then immediately regretted his words and took them back.

He also listed the others and told the to keep quiet. You specifically called out only the Town Roleblocker knowing that you have been blocking, not knowing if the there isn't actually a Town role that did it. When you're me, I know I blocked a kill and the guy I blocked calls me out with his initial post do you really expect me to see this as anything other than trying to fish me out?!
dedoporno: do you really expect me to see this as anything other than trying to fish me out?!
so you think he is mafia trying to fish you out....

so why isn't he the one getting caught?
JoeSapphire: so you think he is mafia trying to fish you out....

so why isn't he the one getting caught?
JoeSapphire: so you think he is mafia trying to fish you out....

so why isn't he the one getting caught?
dedoporno: Huh?
U thought zfr calling you out was mafiazfr trying to work out who blocked him so his mafia team could kill you.

So you thought "aha I'll keep quiet and town read zfr for the rest of the game! That'll teach him to try and fish me out!"

JoeSapphire: So you thought "aha I'll keep quiet and town read zfr for the rest of the game! That'll teach him to try and fish me out!"
What? I have no idea what you're on about. I only decided to trust him from D3 when the Cop that cleared him flipped and my block didn't prevent another kill.
ZFR: Bookwyrms said it too:

This is why I specifially asked RB to claim, but not Doctor or "whoever else".
dedoporno: No, no, no. Don't hide behind Bookwyrm. He took his words back like 3 posts after saying it and said it's a bad idea which it very well is under the circumstances. You said it first right out the door, literally first post of the Day after Pooka's opening. Wyrm agreed initially but then immediately regretted his words and took them back.

He also listed the others and told the to keep quiet. You specifically called out only the Town Roleblocker knowing that you have been blocking, not knowing if the there isn't actually a Town role that did it. When you're me, I know I blocked a kill and the guy I blocked calls me out with his initial post do you really expect me to see this as anything other than trying to fish me out?!
^ That's the full post.

dedoporno: When you're me, I know I blocked a kill and the guy I blocked calls me out with his initial post do you really expect me to see this as anything other than trying to fish me out?!
^ That's the relevant sentence.

dedoporno: do you really expect me to see this as anything other than trying to fish me out?!
^ This is what I want you to clarify.
It looks to me like zfr's saying

"why didn't u claim when you thought you might have blocked a kill?"

and dedo's saying

"why would I claim when I thought you were mafia trying to get me to claim?"

which, if it were so, seems as though dedo really should have been telling us about how zfr was mafia and should die.

is that sense? I'm tired and reading is bread
That was a good reason (for me at least) to not buy Micro's confirmation just because so I went for another round of blocking. The next Day brought Micro's flip which meant ZFR is Godfather or Town and my working theory was that if he's in fact a Godfather rather than in cahoots with Micro, now that his cleared he can kill again without fearing any more interruptions. His block didn't prevent the kill so I had to roll with the scenario where he just made a mistake in calling the role out and is correctly cleared.
dedoporno: What? I have no idea what you're on about. I only decided to trust him from D3 when the Cop that cleared him flipped and my block didn't prevent another kill.
Dedo, you believe only dead Cops it seems. If only you could have considered the option of Town Bulletproof soaking the NK, super lucky Doctor or anything else besides your lucky hit on ZFR on N1 (for instance someone else's lucky hit besides the Doctor). And if you didn't believe the living Cop claiming ZFR is Town on D2, how would it change the possibility that you blocked Mafia 1 (ZFR) on N1, that Mafia 2 player did NK on N2 instead of Mafia 1 (it would make no sense for Mafia to do the NK with the same exact player if he reported to his buddies - Someone has blocked me!) and that ZFR is NOT an actual Godfather? I mean according to your logic blocking ZFR on N3 would be only reasonable, targeting Flub because he is less likely to be a Doctor (among your two scum candidates Catte and Flub). Why did you think that Flub if he is your Mafia suspect could be a Town Doctor?
dedoporno: His block didn't prevent the kill so I had to roll with the scenario where he just made a mistake in calling the role out and is correctly cleared.
Doesn't occur to you that a different mafia might have killed instead of the guy who just got blocked?
ZFR: Bookwyrms said it too:

This is why I specifially asked RB to claim, but not Doctor or "whoever else".
dedoporno: No, no, no. Don't hide behind Bookwyrm. He took his words back like 3 posts after saying it and said it's a bad idea which it very well is under the circumstances. You said it first right out the door, literally first post of the Day after Pooka's opening. Wyrm agreed initially but then immediately regretted his words and took them back.

He also listed the others and told the to keep quiet. You specifically called out only the Town Roleblocker knowing that you have been blocking, not knowing if the there isn't actually a Town role that did it. When you're me, I know I blocked a kill and the guy I blocked calls me out with his initial post do you really expect me to see this as anything other than trying to fish me out?!

Again: RB may or may not claim. But there is *NO* reason for Doctor or whatever else to claim. So that is why I didn't mention Doctor or whatever else.

I'm not explaining again. You're being obtuse on purpose now.
has it been explained why townzfr calls for blocker to claim when he knows he got blocked so blocker isn't going to have hit mafia?