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ZFR: Screw it. I strongly insist on mass claim, starting with catte, followed by dedo.
Yeah, seems sensible as there's a chance we're at MYLO. Just plain vanilla sadly.

dedoporno: Wyrm was the Doctor?? Ermm...
Apparently so. A bit LAMISTy there though. Are you scum and were you already aware he was the Doc?

JoeSapphire: bleuh bleuh bleuh who da mafias??
Hmm, yes.

Cadaver747: We had about 3 days left. Lift was not Mafia, and who wants the easy lynches the most? But it seems I understand this game differently.
Uhhh, I dunno. We didn't know if Lift was mafia or not, just that he almost certainly wasn't town. It was kind of a policy lynch by then. With Lift voting for himself I don't think there was much point in stretching the day out by then.

dedoporno: I'm a Town Roleblocker.
Seriously? ¬_¬

A town roleblocker at the same time as a doc AND you blocked ZFR N1 but didn't point the finger at him (ok, Micro cleared him but that was a bit later). Then after finding out he's highly likely town you block him again? It's kind of convenient.

ZFR: I'm Tracker.
Ok, this makes a little more sense.

dedoporno: Also, why would I block you twice and not three times if I'm scum? I know you're not the Doctor, the Cop or whatever else that makes sense for scum to throw away a perfectly good block?
I don't follow your logic here. Why would scum!you be more likely to block three times?

dedoporno: Probably the same way you were trying to trick a scum Roleblocker on D2 when you asked for a Town Roleblocker to claim the save so you can step up on your high horse and said you were blocked instead
Why were you on the lookout for someone trying to trap a scum roleblocker if you're a town roleblocker?
dedoporno: I know you're not the Doctor, the Cop or whatever else that makes sense for scum to throw away a perfectly good block?
Hang on a minute!

We only just found out Book was the Doc. How did you know ZFR wasn't the Doc before toDay?
Too much information here! So what Dedo said is exactly matched with what ZFR said! He's absolutely RB but we just don't know if he's mafia or town?

@ZFR so you think it's more like a Goon+Mafia RB + 9 town + 1 neutral? Could it be still possible that we have 5 PR(cop+doc+tracker+skier+RB) (or more???) vs 3 Mafia? That doesn't sound balanced?

There are 5 almost confirmed PR! I still remember GH said it was odd that 2 PR claimed in a row. I won't even raise my eyebrow if everybody except me claim PR right now. I don't know what's balanced. I'm just a newbie vanilla town with nothing to claim.

I was completely AFK the whole time from Lift claim to his death. I trusted that he was hiking and he had no time. But I won't help anyway because I was supposed to vote for Bookwyrm! I can't believe Bookwyrm is a doctor! Why he didn't explain for himself?

So the scum killed Bookwyrm because he suspected ZFR & Joe? Are they trying to mislead us to suspect ZFR/Joe?
I caught up! @dedoporno The second day is from page 21-38, and I searched you posts in that range, you didn't seem suspecting ZFR back then! You even said he had many good points! And the people you suspected most were Joe/GH/Catte! And you voted catte out of nowhere!

Why didn't you block catte after you voted GH? That doesn't make sense! And I have a good feeling about Catte now.

I think I shouldn't vote and start some wagon right now. I always voted for the wrong person and now I have no confidence. I'll wait for you people to wake up and see if I'm correct.

I need a bump, please.
Post edited August 19, 2021 by Microfish_1
Dedo thought he was a Jailer?...


my name is supyreor catte: Apparently so. A bit LAMISTy there though. Are you scum and were you already aware he was the Doc?
I thought he was scum and didn't even consider the possibility of him being the Doctor so it is surprising to me that he was it and that he got killed.

my name is supyreor catte: A town roleblocker at the same time as a doc AND you blocked ZFR N1 but didn't point the finger at him (ok, Micro cleared him but that was a bit later). Then after finding out he's highly likely town you block him again? It's kind of convenient.
Why would I come up when I don't know what happened? There might be a Doctor or some other form of protection. Of course I'm going to keep quite and go from there to see try and confirm ZFR's alignment in another way (by blocking him again or waiting for more information to become available before revealing I have a potentially critical role).

my name is supyreor catte: I don't follow your logic here. Why would scum!you be more likely to block three times?
I believe ZFR said somewhere that my supposed mafia team role copped someone and that's why we did what we did. Why would scum!dedo waste two blocks on someone but not three if we know that person has a powerful role? Or why block two times and not kill him on the third? You and ZFR are saying I kept blocking the Tracker and decided to leave him alone WHEN he got pretty much cleared by a Cop post-Cop flip. Don't you see how dumb this sounds?

my name is supyreor catte: Why were you on the lookout for someone trying to trap a scum roleblocker if you're a town roleblocker?
I wasn't but when I block someone and on the very next Day the guy I blocked opens up with "UuHUhH yeah, Town Roleblocker should come out and claim the kill!" when there could be a ton of other possibilities on why the kill failed is role-fishing at worst, nothing thinking clearly at best.

my name is supyreor catte: Hang on a minute!

We only just found out Book was the Doc. How did you know ZFR wasn't the Doc before toDay?
Seriously? Is anyone going to try and think for a moment here?

I blocked ZFR on N1 and a kill didn't happen. With the information I had during the first 2 days this meant either I blocked the scum killer or I didn't block the Town Doctor.

Leoric_AKA_Leo: I caught up! @dedoporno The second day is from page 21-38, and I searched you posts in that range, you didn't seem suspecting ZFR back then! You even said he had many good points! And the people you suspected most were Joe/GH/Catte! And you voted catte out of nowhere!
I can't be sure he was scum, I only knew there is a chance he is one. Here you go:

dedoporno: (to ZFR) Second time you mention something as not guaranteed that is part of the official rules of the game.

ZFR has felt weird for a while - I don't think I've seen him as aggressive before as he has been in this game. Some small bits and pieces that look a bit strange.

I feel the scumz are likely among Micro, ZFR, Catte, Joe and Mnago (not in any particular order). I'd be fine with voting anyone of these fine gentlemen.
dedoporno: I considered a crazy scenario today. I noticed Micro said that ZFR can only be scum if he's a Godfather. It seemed a bit weird to me Micro felt the need to explain that (although I do realize we have some new players who may not be aware of these types of roles but still). I thought that he may have been inspired by the fact that he does know there is a real Godfather in the game which would in turn suggest that there has to be a Cop to get fooled by it. Micro, knowing he's done for claims Cop, confirms another player who can be a powerful enemy so when the real Cop comes out, Micro gets lynched anyway but the Cop is next and ZFR's name has been stained. The real Godfather remains hidden. Crazy, huh? I believe everyone besides Joe has made an appearance after Micro's claim and no counter-claim has been maded so probably a bunch of bollocks but still fun to think about.
dedoporno: Plot twist: ZFR knows Joe lied about skipping Town because he [ZFR] tried to strangle him [Joe] in his sleep and Joe is still here.
On D3 when I got enough confirmation of ZFR I was ready to move him to my Town Core:

dedoporno: I don't think ZFR is a Godfather. I also think Joe is what he says he is.
dedoporno: I wouldn't call the Godfather exactly OP, especially in a situation where the Cop is Macho. Unless the Cop investigates the Godfather and lives to report about it the GF is nothing more than a glorified Goon. At this point ZFR is the only one who could benefit from the role but I'd bet a large amount of money he's not it, if betting was allowed.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: Why didn't you block catte after you voted GH?
My main goal was to follow-up on ZFR and avoid hitting the Doctor. Remember that I'm blocking both anti-Town and pro-Town actions. ZFR was the only one I knew wasn't the Doctor, he didn't complain about missing out on his role, a Night Kill didn't go through that same night and he got a boost by unconfirmed Cop. If I were him (in case he was scum and Godfather, that is) I'd be doing the kill since I wouldn't expect Townies to waste investigation on me because they don't know better. Additionally Micro's claim wasn't 100% clear until his flip. The dude said he asked the mod if he could investigate TWICE in the same night. I mean...

JoeSapphire: Dedo thought he was a Jailer?...
When I saw the role I automatically assumed I'm removing the player from the game for the night. Later on I remembered a Jailer does that.
Leoric_AKA_Leo: I think I shouldn't vote and start some wagon right now. I always voted for the wrong person and now I have no confidence. I'll wait for you people to wake up and see if I'm correct.
For someone who's played Mafia before, this sounds extremely weird.


I'm not going to change my vote.

Even without the claim, dedo was on my dwindling PoE list. Add to that:

* Extremely weird (and that's putting it lightly) blocking choice D2.
* Unwillingness to come out D1.
* The fact that giving Doctor and Blocker to Town is unusual. If you add (nonconfirmed but probable) Commuter to the list you end up with 3 kill-prevention roles.
* Couple of other actions that pinged me wrong. But then again, so did Bookwyrm, and he's Town.

Regardless, you can Columbo-mock me, dedo, but my job is to pick the most likely Mafia, and at this moment it's you by far. Whom do you expect me to vote instead?

Did you breadcrumb by the way?
ZFR: * Unwillingness to come out D1.
Why would I do that exactly? I don't know if I'm responsible for blocking the kill. If I come out and point a finger at you there is a risk I flush Town!ZFR out and a Town!Doctor also comes out to say they might have been the one who did it and you might be clear. Your logic here makes no sense to me.

ZFR: Regardless, you can Columbo-mock me, dedo, but my job is to pick the most likely Mafia, and at this moment it's you by far.
I'm going to insist on that Columbo bit, by the way, because if you think about the whole thing a even a little bit you'd see how much more unreasonable would all of this be if I was scum and did all that.

ZFR: Whom do you expect me to vote instead?
That I don't know. You have your reads and you need to weigh them to figure this out. The issue is that right now I feel you want to get another "Called Lift for being it" so much that you're getting blinded by it and letting it cloud your judgement. If you stop for a moment and think about what I'm saying you should be able to put yourself in my shoes and see things from my perspective.

You know you're good.
I assume you trust the non-counterclaimed Commuter Joe.
Dogmaus derpcleared on D2, if that was intentional play more power to her.
Leoric has had this Townie aura around him which I find somewhat hard to emulate for a player who isn't that experienced.
If you think about my claim and what you know about me and how the game has went so far you should be able to figure out I'm telling the truth.

That leaves Catte, Flub and Cadaver (I'm not missing anyone, am I?). There have to be at least 2 scum. There should be 3 based on what Pooka said in the sign-up and the scum PM although I'm not sure how the Neutral factors in against those numbers.

ZFR: Did you breadcrumb by the way?
You know I don't do that.

ZFR: I'm not going to change my vote.

Even without the claim, dedo was on my dwindling PoE list.
That's too bad. Oh well... If others follow you I hope at least there are just 2 scum left.
dedoporno: The issue is that right now I feel you want to get another "Called Lift for being it" so much that you're getting blinded by it and letting it cloud your judgement.
Hero syndrome or something I think it's called, and I admit it happens to me, however I am willing to change my view if a better alternative is provided (like that game where I thought catte fell into my "trap", but later changed it based on better evidence).

In this case though, there is *no* better alternative for me. Your trio of catte/flub/Cadaver seems to be based off PoE, but if I use PoE then from my point of view you fit in PoE too and you have other evidence against you, making you a better choice.

If I vote you and it turns out you're Town, I'll tell myself I did the best I though based on the evidence. But if I don't vote you and it turns out you're Mafia I'll be kicking myself till kingdom come for having almost had you and later changing my mind.

So unless there is very hard evidence from flub or dogmaus (the only two who didn't show up yet), my vote stays.
ZFR: So unless there is very hard evidence from flub or dogmaus (the only two who didn't show up yet), my vote stays.
Consider I'm who I say I am for a moment. All that could have been said is already said. Flub is not trustworthy because at this point he is going last in a situation where you're prejudiced against me and in his favor. Dogmaus can't say anything as she already hinted at being Vanilla. Leoric came and went so apparently knows nothing of value.

At this point you're waiting for the scum team who have been nicely sitting back and going through all of this together to do something that exonerates me and gets them in trouble. If you actually thing this is going to happen you're being unwise.

I only hope enough Townsfolk step for a moment and think why I would do all of this as scum.
Why would I claim the role when I didn't need to? I could have just lied about being Vanilla because at this point that role is the one that's most likely to pop up based on that sign up thread.
Why would I kill Micro confirming you in the process when I could have blocked him and kept both of you alive and under question?
Why would I block you twice but not keep blocking you if I knew you were what might be the last useful PR?
Why would I kill Wyrm when he was already the next best thing in terms of lynch targets?

I mean, at one point the "why would he do that"s start to become a bit too much, don't they?
You only learnt I am the last useful PR this Night. You investigated Wyrm N2 and myself N3.

This explains these questions:

Why would I claim the role when I didn't need to? I could have just lied about being Vanilla because at this point that role is the one that's most likely to pop up based on that sign up thread.
Not if you knew I'm Tracker and from me clearing flub you figured whom I tracked. I admit that looking back I should have just kept quiet and waited for the mass claims.

Why would I block you twice but not keep blocking you if I knew you were what might be the last useful PR?
You only learned I'm PR N3

Why would I kill Wyrm when he was already the next best thing in terms of lynch targets?
You knew he was a Doctor.

Which leaves the last question
Why would I kill Micro confirming you in the process when I could have blocked him and kept both of you alive and under question?

Cop has to go. As I've said before Mafias which leave an outed tend not to do too well. Leaving me and Micro "under question" was too risky a play.
I was very wrong. I'll have a busy day than will need some re-reading under the light of this fact.
ZFR: Why would I block you twice but not keep blocking you if I knew you were what might be the last useful PR?
You only learned I'm PR N3
Lol what? Why would I block you twice and THEN learn you are a PR? If I think you are a useful PR wouldn't I keep blocking you if I already did it twice and investigate someone else? Now you're just twisting things to make them fit with your theory.

ZFR: You knew he was a Doctor.
I'm also a Blocker. I can just block him to oblivion and call it a Day. He didn't have much going for him in terms of Town credit and Lift already said he soaked the N1 kill. Wyrm has only his word for being a Doctor while already looking bad. At this point the Town Cop is out, we know who the Doctor is, we know who the Commuter is.

ZFR: Cop has to go. As I've said before Mafias which leave an outed tend not to do too well. Leaving me and Micro "under question" was too risky a play.
And my claim right now along with claimed actions aren't. Got it.

ZFR: Not if you knew I'm Tracker and from me clearing flub you figured whom I tracked. I admit that looking back I should have just kept quiet and waited for the mass claims.
I know you're a tracker and I openly agree to go first along with Catte before I know who you tracked. Right.

Then I specifically wanted Flub to go before me so if he claimed yet another power I could say I blocked him and call him out but that's because I knew you were a Tracker who tracked me to him. Right.

The only thing I could give you here is that me asking you to go before me because your claim of knowledge about Flub being Town makes little sense to me might be read as scum trying to figure out what you know/who you are. But then again I know you're a Tracker, don't I? Right.

I'm honestly amazed how deep your digging yourself into your hole of wanting to be right so much that you can't see how much more sense all of this makes when coming from Town!dedo than scum!dedo.

I'll leave you at it. Knock yourself out.
dedoporno: I'm honestly amazed how deep your digging yourself into your hole of wanting to be right so much that you can't see how much more sense all of this makes when coming from Town!dedo than scum!dedo.
As a wise man said

Bookwyrm627: I see what I see. If I'm wrong, then oops.