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Thank you very much for not hammering when Pooka was online.
ZFR: Thank you very much for not hammering when Pooka was online.
A wise man once said:

ZFR: Stop whining.
ZFR: Thank you very much for not hammering when Pooka was online.
dedoporno: A wise man once said:

ZFR: Stop whining.
That wise man was an asshole.
dedoporno: A wise man once said:

That wise man was an asshole.
And with that, town, mafia and neutrals all found something they could agree on.

Peace reigned for one thousand years until...

James seems to be in a bit of a bind. "Why are you all on me!?" he says while looking in all sorts of directions, at the people pointing at him.

"You don't seem to be straight, man." Thomas said in his usual slang knowledge, "You'd work for the person most convenient to you."

"What the heck are you talking about?" James retorts.

"Even if you aren't crooked, you've proven yourself not worthy of captainhood. Think about that." Henry spoke.

"Yeah, you're pretty much not fit for the job description." Rionaldo added.

"Fine! If that's how you're all going to play, then I'm a crook! There you have it, happy now? And there, you can have this stupid armor." He takes off his jacket, then throws the body armor he was wearing. "The guilt's been eating at me for a while now. Now end my misery."

It took a while for Captain Pietro to show up on the scene. "Wait, you bribed your way to guardhood?" A nod was all the captain got from James. "I suppose that's the end of the line to your captainhood and your days as a guard. Maybe try going the honest way will you?"

And so, a bunch of lesser guards walked James out of the castle court, no longer donning his guard uniform and overall...humiliated. But hey, at least his guilt isn't eating him out anymore.


Lifthrasil has been lynched. He was a Neutral 1-Shot Bulletproof.
Night/Idle Phase 3 has started. Please stop posting (Post #997 by Bookwyrm is exempted). If you have any actions, send them to me in PM.
Lifthrasil has one bah post, as per the rules.
1 day and 20 hours left.

Lifthrasil (6) - catte, ZFR, JoeSapphire, Bookwyrm, Lifthrasil, dedoporno
Bookwyrm (1) - Dogmaus

Not voting: flubbucket, Cadaver, Leoric
Post edited August 17, 2021 by PookaMustard
Bad thought: What if Pooka intends to let the Day timer run out before changing the phase? 3 days of Twilight.
Bookwyrm627: Bad thought: What if Pooka intends to let the Day timer run out before changing the phase? 3 days of Twilight.
Normally I'd shout "SILENCE!!" just like I did on the second night, but this post is so gold, I'm going to officially exempt it from the "Please stop posting" rule. It's just that great of a post.
Told you so!

Now, what numbers are you going to play, ZFR? And are you going to share your win with us?
“Tony? Where are you!?” The Captain opened as the guards did the usual assembly thing. Once again, he looked up a little bit and saw the slumped body of Tony Grace at the opposite end of where he found Saber the day before. Again, he got struck by one of these weird syringes with the maniac man emblem as the guards called them.

“Just...are we supposed to watch each other now?” He was moving quickly left and right as Tony was carried on another stretcher to the infirmary. What a stupid day. He could be next! “You know what, we’ll do just that. But I’m sure at least one of you is responsible for this mess. Sort it out!”


Bookwyrm has been killed. He was Town Doctor.
You may resume posting.
Round Phase/Day 4 will run for 6 days.
Post edited August 18, 2021 by PookaMustard
Alas! I have failed!
We could be at MYLO.

Does anyone want to do a mass claim?
Screw it. I strongly insist on mass claim, starting with catte, followed by dedo.

By the way, with Doctor gone, we probably are at parity-won't-change stage, so we can NL since the number of players are even.

However this time I'll play against my usual EV-centric game and actually lynch someone.


Funny, you spend ages analysing posts by a player come up with a very very plausible theory and it turns out completely wrong. Then one time you make a very wild one based on wrong premises, and BAM bullseyes.

I'm going to brag.

ZFR: I'm not sure, and could be wrong. Could be RL issues or any number of reasons. Or I could just be plain wrong. But for bragging rights I'm adding: Lift is a Survivor.

Called it.
JoeSapphire: fml
You'll get your bragging rights right someday too.