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high rated
-==|==---==|==- CURRENT AFFAIRS -==|==---==|==-

Will be updated post game.

-==|==---==|==- ACTION LOG -==|==---==|==-
Day/Round 1 results:
No one was lynched.
GymHenson (6) - catte, Bookwyrm, ZFR, Lifthrasil, JoeSapphire, dedoporno
JoeSapphire (3) - dogmaus, flubbucket, GymHenson
Catte (1) - Microfish
Mango (Cadaver) (1) - Leoric
Not voting: Mango (Cadaver)
Closest to lynch: GymHenson (L-1). One more vote was needed to hammer.

Idle/Night 1 results:
Nothing of note happened

Day/Round 2 results:
GymHenson has been lynched. He was Vanilla Town.
GymHenson (7) - Lifthrasil, ZFR, dedoporno, JoeSapphire, Microfish, Leoric, flubbucket
JoeSapphire (5) - dogmaus, Bookwyrm, GymHenson, Cadaver, catte

Idle/Night 2 results:
Microfish has been killed. He was Town Macho Cop.

-==|==---==|==- RULES AND LISTS -==|==---==|==-


If you’re not in the list of Superior Guards (players), don’t post in the thread. If you’re here to make a bump as requested in the Forum Mafia general thread, you can go ahead, just don’t include any game relevant info.

For the uninitiated, Forum Mafia is a game of deception featuring two prominent teams: the majority but mostly clueless Town, and the minority but extremely organized Mafia. During the Day (or Round Phase for #73), everyone participates in a public vote to remove (lynch) a player from the game, based on reasoning and general helpfulness (or lack thereof) to Town. During the Night (or Idle Phase), night actions are submitted, especially the Mafia’s dreaded nightkill which removes a player from the game. The mafia know each other and have a secret chat to discuss their plans in secret. As a Townie, you’re on your own and the only way you can collaborate with other Townies is to earn their trust and corroborate with them in-game.

Starring the following Superior Guards:
Rionaldo Troy – a.k.a. my name is capitayn catte
Anthony Baker – a.k.a. Leoric
Marlin Hoover – a.k.a. flubbucket
Henry Booth – a.k.a. ZFR
Thomas Speed – a.k.a. dogmaus
Tony Grace – a.k.a. Bookwyrm627
Victor Lopez – a.k.a. dedoporno
Reagan Mann – a.k.a. GymHenson
James Adrian – a.k.a. Lifthrasil
Saber Morrison – a.k.a. Microfish
Pence Pramson – a.k.a. JoeSapphire
Grayson Bronze – a.k.a. Cadaver747 (used to be realMangoSenpai)


-2. Cryptoclaiming is forbidden.
(I'll get back to exactly what cryptoclaiming entails, but in short it is having everyone fullclaim in some sort of (preferably nearly unbreakable) code, which makes it all but impossible for the mafia to win.)

-1. Betting among players is strictly forbidden.

0. Real Life issues and situations should and will always take priority over what happens in the game. If a player presents a real life issue as a reason on why they need a bit more time or are temporarily unavailable to partake normally in the game that reason should be accepted and respected by everyone else (including the mod). Everyone should always treat real life problems/situations in a gentlemanly manner and never try to make accusations or gain leverage in the game based on that. If these issues become too overwhelming the incapacitated player should inform their mod and ask for a replacement as soon as possible or if they are unable to do so the mod should take steps in finding a replacement for them. Everyone should be playing the game for fun and treat each other with the necessary respect. Therefore we shall always assume that every real life reason for inefficient participation in the game is 100% real and has to be taken as such. We shall also count on everyone playing the game to show proper respect and sportsmanship to their fellow players and the mod by never abusing this "free pass". If someone is caught taking advantage of everyone's goodwill they will be immediately allowed to find another place to play forum mafia.

1. PookaMustard is the moderator of the game. I like to give chances but please don’t abuse it. If you personally harass or insult other players, or go against the spirit of the game, I WILL TAKE ACTION, and either warn you, punish you, or even modkill you. After all, we all want a fun game.

2. Mafia is a game of lying and deception. That means you can’t take any player at their word during the game, with few exceptions (most notable being Rule 0).

3. During the Round (Day) Phase, you can vote a player by writing your vote on a new line, in all bold. For example, Vote zeogold. Same goes for unvoting, except you don’t need to write the name of the player. You also don’t need to unvote when changing your vote. If no majority is submitted before the end of the Phase, no lynch happens. In case you deliberately want a no-lynch to happen anyway, you can always vote no-lynch.

4. A player is immediately lynched once they receive the majority of votes. You cannot unvote to cancel the lynch. A lynch immediately starts the Goodbye (Twilight) Phase, which ends when the moderator announces the flip of the lynched player. The lynched player can still talk until the Phase ends. If no majority vote is achieved, the Goodbye (Twilight) Phase is automatically started at the specified End of Phase.

5. During the Idle (Night) Phase, any player actions available to you are submitted to the moderator via PM. Nobody may talk in this thread. If an action is not submitted by the player, the moderator assumes that the action is “do nothing.” (Pro-tip: don’t waste your actions, they’re valuable for your team).

6. Players receive their alignment, role, win condition and character backstory in a PM. Please add me as a friend or enable PMs from non-friends so the game can start. Also please READ your PMs before you write any posts.

7. To win, players must fulfill the conditions specified in their PM’s Win Conditions. Players who don’t fulfill them lose the game. Unless otherwise specified, these conditions apply even if you’re dead. If you get modkilled, you automatically lose the game.

8. Discussing this game outside of this main thread (or the quicktopics for the players) is prohibited.

9. DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS. Yes, I feel you there, grammar and spelling errors are pretty bad, but it’s worse when your edits break the game by correcting impressions you wouldn’t like other teams to have. If you feel the need to edit the post, PM me and I will allow or reject on my discretion. Likewise, do not double post within 11 minutes of your last post: either wait at least 13 minutes before posting, or ask for a bump in the Forum Mafia thread.

10. You are expected to make at least one post every 48 hours. If you need to be away for longer, let me know (or post in the thread) and you’ll be excused as per Rule 0. However, posting more should make for a more interesting and fun game.

11. If you die, stop posting in this thread. You have one single “bah” post to express your frustration, but don’t hand out any game-relevant info.

12. If you have any questions, mention my name on a new line, and write your question. Both in bold. For example, PookaMustard can we have a sample PM?

13. Read the rules

14. Have fun, and stay classy

Game Specific Rules

- Any organized factions in the game have access to an always-open daychat.
- Rounds (days) are roughly six RL days long. Idles (nights) are two RL days long. This is only a guideline; the times may change depending on activity, player issues, my presence, etc.

Sample PMs


You are Mordecai Waterson. Applying to the Soleanna Guard in 2012, you quickly gained your place as a Superior just by impressing the Captain with how quickly you put down incidents. Your urge to work even more is still burning and won’t run out soon.
You are a Town 1-Shot Vigilante.
- You can vote.
- You can shoot anyone during the Round (day) phase by saying, e.g. “Shoot zeogold” the same way you do a vote. The target is instantly killed, the vote count is reset, and the phase resumes uninterrupted. You can use the Shoot ability once.
Win Condition: You win when all threats to Town are eliminated.

You are Rigby Waterson. Applying to the Soleanna Guard in 2011, you cemented yourself in that position just by managing your lower guards and making sure your part of the town was quiet and calm. But hey, that’s the person you’re just impersonating right now. You’re actually Harley Major, one of three people looking to reignite the flames of Solaris, along with your pals Jared O’Toole and Kent Hoplin.
You are a Mafia 2-Shot Fruit Vendor. Your teammates are Jared O’Toole and Kent Hoplin. You can talk to them here:
- You can vote.
- You can use the Mafia factional night kill.
- You can give fruit at night to any player. The player will then know they have received fruit from you, via PM. You can only use this ability twice.
Win Condition: You win when you remove all other players, or nothing impedes you from doing so.
Post edited August 19, 2021 by PookaMustard
high rated
-==|==---==|==- FLAVOR -==|==---==|==-
Well, it’s the day I was waiting for. 2 July, 2012. Just a week away and I can retire to Station Square, and better my art skills like I always dreamed. I just had to wait for all the guards to show up in the Castle’s court. Always took their time, but not like I was any better.

There they were. All 12 guard heads, standing in a line and facing the castle. The sounds of the ocean waves splashing against the shore could be heard, as was the cry of the seagulls. Pretty sunny day, made the foliage and trees shine green.

“Guards.” I began speaking. “I had served the Castle of Soleanna for years, but it’s time for me to go.” I heard the crowd gasp, some of them widening their eyes.

“What’s going on, Captain?” asked Rionaldo.

“Nothing to worry about. I’m just retiring. But here’s the thing.” I gestured towards the guards. “I haven’t decided on a successor to the title of Captain of the Guard.”

“I didn’t know you could do that.” Anthony sharply noted.

“Yes, I could. In fact, the Queen has no idea either. You’ve all done a stellar job at doing whatever it is to you.” After all, there hasn’t been much of a fuss in this quiet country since the King passed away. A few small-time criminals here and there, most of them burglaries, you never even needed us to catch them. “So I’ve come up with an idea. I’m sure you guys won’t mess it up.

“Captain Pietro, please, tell us it’s not another one of your genius ideas.” sighed Marlin.

“I will have you vote each other in a series of rounds. The guard who gets the most votes on a round is disqualified from being a guard, and then we carry on to the next round. We keep doing this until there’s few of you left.”

“Ridiculous!” Marlin shouted. “Are you trusting the kingdom’s guards and what little protection it has to that backstabbing Lady Luck?”

“Well, I could arbitrarily choose one of you right now, I have no problems, but I’m not sure it’d be any better either. I’m welcome to fresh ideas, Superior Marlin.”

At a loss of words, Marlin just opened his mouth, then shut it a few seconds later. Even with his hotheadedness, I appreciated his passion for the job, but seeing him unable to come up with any better both saddened me and made me believe that my idea was at least not too terrible. “Fine. Let’s have at it. If only we were more remarkable than this.” He sighed again.

“Any objections from the rest of the crowd?” I ask with a smile. Half of them shrugged. The other half just muttered variations of “fine” and “it’s alright,” or just kept silent. “Alright then. Now for-”

“I overheard some commotion last night.” Pence broke the silence.

“Commotion? What about?”

“Screams. The problem is, nobody could tell me what went wrong. They just heard them and that was the end of it.”

“Anything else?” I had a feeling it was something much worse than a random incident.

“Well, it sounded like one of us was screaming.”

Dangdarnit! “I can’t really postpone this whole deal though. Bear with me.”

And so we began.
Post edited July 28, 2021 by PookaMustard
Round 1 starts!

You may start posting.
high rated
Vote NL

Come at me, pussies!
Alright let's do this

vooooooooooooooote!!!! Nooo-Lyyyyyyynnnnchhhhhhhh
JoeSapphire: Alright let's do this

vooooooooooooooote!!!! Nooo-Lyyyyyyynnnnchhhhhhhh

What's this nonsense?
JoeSapphire: Alright let's do this

vooooooooooooooote!!!! Nooo-Lyyyyyyynnnnchhhhhhhh
ZFR: Sseriously?

What's this nonsense?
you don't want no lynch?
01 "Sigh, May God Have Mercy On Our Souls" Votecount

No-Lynch - ZFR, JoeSapphire

Not voting: catte, Gym, Mango, Lift, Microfish, dogmaus, flubbucket, Leoric, Bookwyrm, dedoporno
It takes 7 votes to reach majority. Closest to lynch: No-Lynch (L-5)
high rated
Hello, I am vampire
realMangoSenpai: Hello, I am vampire
From Slytherin? Or Kalunga?
realMangoSenpai: Hello, I am vampire
ZFR: From Slytherin? Or Kalunga?
explain your thought process here
realMangoSenpai: Hello, I am vampire
ZFR: From Slytherin? Or Kalunga?
Vampires? In slytherin??

ZFR: From Slytherin? Or Kalunga?
JoeSapphire: ^
explain your thought process here
My thought process started with J and ended with E.

please :3