bucktoothgamer: It wouldn't put it past the scum to help hammer home the NL, and use their voting record down the line to argue their town-ness.
joppo: I find it at least interesting (funny/worrisome, depending on your alignment) that you say this in the same post you vote nolynch.
Microfish_1: You say you can't townread him, but you don't say anything about scum reading him.
vote pooka
joppo: What? I don't know what you consider it, but for me townreading and scumreading are just two sides of the same coin. In past games I always said "I scumread player Y like this" and after that I listed where in the town-mafia scale they fell. Sometimes fiercely in the towny side.
So I have to say that Pooka's explanation makes sense and your jump on him feels like a half-assed attempt to shade.
I don't like voting on D1 because we don't have any certainty. But I'm feeling
bold, so
Vote Micro Microfish_1: This year I want to say that I'm thankful for the friends I've made on gog in the last year and a half or so--I appreciate all of you (even those who aren't in this game). Playing forum mafia and / or otherwise interacting with you has made the year seem less crazy, and this is a year when "less crazy" is a Very Good Thing. Thank you!
joppo: I agree. Personally I had a better 2020 than most people, and I have many reasons to be thankful. One of those is the friendship I have formed with the people I play Mafia (and Among Us) with. Thanks mates.
Interesting how Joppo jumps to Pookina's defence here.