dedoporno: #615 doesn't sound like caught scum trying to wiggle out.
Yup I agree. My quick vote was kind of a bait trying to gauge his reaction. I expected him to go after me, but he didn't. Then again Lift is a good player who'd know this kind of reaction makes him more Towny...
However there is another thing that speaks against Lift being the scum. Why was Joe NKed? Joe would have been a good person toDay to go after, since he created the Microwagon in the first place. To be honest, I expected you to be the NK victim, if not you then myself.
So who would go after Joe? Of course there is Lift himself, WIFOM and everything. But...
There is another person who might have thought it a good idea to kill Joe.
D3 started with me Town-reading Joe with a hypothesis and you agreeing with it. If someone wasn't paying a lot of attention on D1 and D2, and only started paying attention D3, he might have thought "oho! So Joe is the person whom everyone Town-reads, is he?"
Now that person wouldn't know that dedo and ZFR are going to strongly be Town-read for going after joppo, because that person wasn't following dedo+ZFRvsJoppo interactions on D2...
... and there is a person who admitted to just that:
nmillar: Okay, so we're mostly focused on Joppo because he chose to hammer early - is that the only reason, or have people got other reasons to be voting him at this stage?
nmillar. He thought the only reason for going for joppo is early hammer. He completely missed the points you and I made against him.
And, seeing my hypothesis and your support of it, he'd think Joe is a much better target.
With that in mind, my scum-read of nmillar has gone up. I'm willing to switch to nmillar instead of Lift toDay.