JoeSapphire: Right, okay. So for me you and Joppo (and I thought Gym but he's saying now that he always understood the opposite) the concept of 'tuna' and 'tunafish' could easily have extended to the tunabeefs that are town, whereas to NMillar, ZFR, microfish and Gym the concept of 'tunafish' was so far removed from tunabeefs that it can be used to distinguish scum from town.
I find it a bit baffling, but I spose I've just got to accept it and move on.
However, in all the confusion there's one player who uderstood exactly what I was getting at:
JoeSapphire: Not only understood, but had further reference to support it that he'd noticed what looks like a day earlier and didn't mention in his two posts since the post he refers to:
Lifthrasil: Why would he have outed himself? What is your line of reasoning leading to this question?
Actually I think Joe might have a catch! Micro writes in post 387:
I had read that as a micro picking up on my question to joppo in post 385 and the suspicion implied therein. But he wrote in 387 that he had caught up to 360. So he can't have been inspired by my post 385 ... and the tunafish doesn't make sense there.
@Micro: why do you write that this game is tunabeef against tunafish? Are scum actually called tunafish in this game? And how do you know that? Or where did the fish come from?
JoeSapphire: I submit to the court
this hypothesis:
scumMicrofish: I'm shooting my mouth off about tunafishes.
scumLifthrasil: [internally] quiet you fool! that's priviledged information someone might pick up on it!
scumMicrofish: I continue to talk of tunafishes
scumLifthrasil: [internally] Is it possible they won't see it? Perhaps I should keep quiet about it...
Joe: What's this tunafish?
scumLifthrasil: [internally] THE JIG'S UP, MICRO'S GOING DOWN, GOTTA MAKE SURE I'M NOT TAKEN DOWN WITH HIM! [externally] Wow yes! And look at this which I noticed before which is also evidence against microfish. See how I am one of the people who has uncovered this slip so I can't be on the same team!!
END OF HYPOTHESIS I know it is possible that microfish did just make up the term tunafish and assume we would all understand what he was talking about. But does the hypothesis excite no-one? Am I to be generally dismissed by all except Lifthrasil? Can LIFTHRASIL truly be the only one who understands me??? IS SUCH A THING POSSIBLE????
"tunabeef" is an unknown quantity.
IF it exists--which i doubt--I have never (to my recollection) heard of it before this game.
"Tunafish", however, is something that lives in reality. It really exists. So yes, those two items are as different as Cat meat from dog meat, Apples from Oranges, Rivers from mountains, etc.
"Tuna" implies "fish" and thus the joke."Tunabeef" is so far removed from any reality that it doesn't exist except in this game, and thus is a foreign concept not to be thought of as "normal".
Also, as one who dislikes fish (other than tunafish and the occasional bite of salmon), the thought of needing to explain that "tuna=fish" being bad/scum when tuna
beef has been declared "town/good" is amusing. beef is so far superior to fish.....
i do enjoy your hypothesis. it is these thought patterns (among other things) that make it a joy to play with you.
I know it is possible that microfish did just make up the term tunafish and assume we would all understand what he was talking about.
I respectfully submit this evidence: A tuna fish sandwich (or tunafish sandwich), also known as a tuna sandwich, is a sandwich made from canned tuna—usually made into a tuna salad by adding mayonnaise, and sometimes other ingredients such as celery or onion—as well as other common fruits and vegetables used to flavor sandwiches. Common variations include the tuna boat (served on a bun or roll) and the tuna melt (served with melted cheese). The more general term of tuna sandwich may also refer to cuisine utilizing filet of raw or cooked tuna, rather than canned tuna.
In the United States, 52% of canned tuna is used for sandwiches.[1] The tuna fish sandwich has been called "the mainstay of almost everyone's American childhood."[2]
bucktoothgamer: Why would micro throw out tunafish instead of "jumping up and down yelling im scum"? We know from sample PM and both dead townies that they are specifically tunaBEEF. Yes joppo made the comment about being tuna but whats to say that he didnt just shorten tunabeef to tuna?
Im going on assumption that the tunabeef is based on cat food flavor. For all we know the scum could be tunachicken to give an example. I just think there is weight to the possibility that micro thought tunafish = scum was a known fact, not realizing that we DONT know what the scum actually are other that they lack beef based on towns(or at least my) win condition.
I also dont get this comment. i get that ZFR kind of had the same thought process and explained himself, but Joe points out a strange comment that micro made and nmillar considers this to be joe and not micro outing themself? If it wasnt for the fact that nmillar voted for micro for lurking I would almost see this as a millar-micro scum team and millar trying to cover for micro's slip.
because it was a joke! because when I hear "tuna" i think "fish" as hte associated word, and anything else is weird.
Did I ever say it was a known fact? no. I said "if someone yells "I'm tunafish", I vote them." Obviously, i knew town was tunabeefs. I made a comment early on about beef being better than chicken, turkey, or any other poultry. Ergo
"if anyone jumps up and down saying "i'm tuna[insert non-beef word here]", I vote them.
"fish" just happens to fit
a) the sentence,
b) logic
CATte's sense of humor
d) the word association.
You are the first person to bring up chicken.
Tuna fish=scum
tuna chicken = scum
tuna turtle = scum
tuna bycycle = scum
BEEF= scum, and this is what I was pointing out.
2. Joppo explained his joke.
3. I know, nor care, nothing for cat food variants. And you are right. We do not KNOW what the non-beefs are; just that they are not beef. I never stated or implied otherwise.
4. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that a good scum team wouldn't distance from each other, even going so far as to vote for lurking. Trent has done it if I recall correctly.
joppo: Bear in mind WE DON'T KNOW what the scum team is called. For all we know they could be named BuffalloWings or The Cardboard Steaks
agreed. the frustration here feels genuine, so Joppo leans town based on this post. Kudos to him if he is scum.
Lifthrasil: And yes, he has the habit of going through posts sequentially, as far as I remember.
I either respond a) sequentially oldest-to-newest, b) sequentially, newest-to-oldest (rare, but occasional) or c) oldest-to-newest-but-grouped-by-author-to-whom-I-am-responding. Anything outside of this is abnormal for me. You can check this game, game 69, etc. Especially when I am behind, I tend to go back to where I left off, and work my way through the posts, responding as necessary in one massive post.
JoeSapphire: I wanted a sense of how many people would assume the concept of tuna to be something distinct from tunabeef.
1) abstract. Can clean puns be hideous?
2) concrete. me.
3) amused wink. ;-)