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bucktoothgamer: Im not really sure there is anything there to hold on to? If flub is lying about being jailed then blot is lying about a failed attempt at targeting. Honestly, blots response to any questions towards them since d2 started has been to attack the character of those questioning them(mostly you, gh). That just tells me theyre running out of excuses and im still confident in my vote.
GymHenson: I also was asking with that: do you think Flub is also likely to be scum or not?
Quite a long response for a short question but here it goes:

Inhales exaggeratingly

So interestingly enough, I looked back near the end of day 1, and the flubb blot friendship seems more solid that just blot confirming flubs jailed claim. Just for reference: at this point the two wagon leaders were vitek and flub.

blotunga: I'm ok with flub lunching too, I still don't see what people find so scummy about Vitek's play as nothing stands out. But I have a hard time reading him anyway. So I'm not really keen on it for now. Except if peeps change my mind. Will try to read in a bit later.
GymHenson: Then why not vote for Flub, or anyone, so we can get a wagon going while there's time for them to claim?
Please note, by this point pooka started their self vote shenanigans again...

Pookina: Vote Pookina (again)
I can survive my lynch too, don't worry. (as a real person, not an in-game entity)
blotunga: Wtf are you doing?
And GH here pushing for at least a claim. I don't have time atm for a votecount, could we have one. I still don't hink lynching vitek is a good idea, you I'm not so sure after this again.

Flub also seems a good choice. So votecount pls if someone has time. I'll check back in less than 20 minutes
Please note at this point that I had posted THREE vote counts between his request and this post

ZFR: You can't make this stuff up.

Will somebody let the poor bastard claim already?
blotunga: You still are voting flub? You think flub is a better lynch? Even though pooka at this moment blundered to an almost sure lynch?
and finally...

blotunga: I have to get the kids to bed so time to choose.

vote pooka
Sorry, but self vote is always a bad idea and better remove the distraction if you want to keep self sabotaging yourself
So in a span of about 50 posts(629-680) blot went from saying they would vote flub(but not actually doing it) to delaying their vote till they say a vote count(again at this point still claiming flub viable lynch), to then outwardly confronting someone for VOTING FOR flub lynch, then finnally sitting cozy with their pooka lynch.

Also, by the time blot voted catte had withdrawn their vitek vote, so outside of pooka the leading wagon at that in the point was FLUB(4-pooka, 3-flub prior to blot vote).

Looking further I see that flub was the very next person to vote pooka at post 693.

After this saga, I would buy a flub-blot scum team. Its just TOO convenient that we got to a point where a flub wagon could have matched pookas both at L-4, and blot then decides that pooka has to go.
Pooka played in an anti-town, self defeating way. He would've been a distraction today also. Not sure what else do you want from me? Or just fishing? I already had a fishing feeling from @GH in D1 since he was in a hurry to get as many people as possible to claim.
GymHenson: That makes me wonder: did he? All we have is Flub's and Blotunga's Vitek obviously cannot confirm.
Well, I can't know that but the more people "confirm" something the more believable it becomes. When flub said he was sheltered my initial reaction was "yeah, right..." but once blotunga backed him up the level of credibility increased.

GymHenson: True enough
Not really. As ZFR and Trent himself stated - it's more likely that the empowered scum would opt to do the kill even if they planned to do something else previously.

GymHenson: Question/musing: If trent is town & has the role he stated, and he picked scum, would that power be given to that scum BEFORE or AFTER scum had chosen the person who'd do the NK that night?
The only sensible scenario is for the target to know in advance that they can act twice so they can target different players. Otherwise some roles can't benefit from the upgrade. Or are you saying that Lift may have waited for all choices to be locked down and then told the target person "By the way you get another shot, pick your target"?

Engerek01: If I understood correctly, the recipient gets the ability BEFORE the night begins as stated here

bucktoothgamer: Not sure how active I will be tomorrow as its my wife's bday, I did want to touch on a couple points that have been brought up.
Happy birthday to her!

blotunga: Would scum!joe NK Vitek? Vitek was the only one voting Joe.
Even if Joe is scum there are other scum so why should he be the killer automatically?
dedoporno: Even if Joe is scum there are other scum so why should he be the killer automatically?
I didn't mean killing literally by his own hands, but if Joe is scum, he's most likely a senior member and would have a great weight on choosing the NK target. When I was scum with HSL and scene, HSL being the most experienced player, he chose all our targets, even though he didn't do the NKs
blotunga: I didn't mean killing literally by his own hands, but if Joe is scum, he's most likely a senior member and would have a great weight on choosing the NK target. When I was scum with HSL and scene, HSL being the most experienced player, he chose all our targets, even though he didn't do the NKs
Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. Anyone could kill anyone (barring the newbies as per the unwritten rule).
dedoporno: Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. Anyone could kill anyone (barring the newbies as per the unwritten rule).
Ok, so let's assume that indeed Vitek was the NK target, would Joe revenge NK him? Plausible, but also maybe a bit too obvious.
blotunga: Ok, so let's assume that indeed Vitek was the NK target, would Joe revenge NK him? Plausible, but also maybe a bit too obvious.
I'm not following. Assuming Joe had anything to do with it, why does it have to be a revenge NK?
ZFR: Yes. If only because it'd be funny after Vitek NKed him N1 last game.
dedoporno: I'm not following. Assuming Joe had anything to do with it, why does it have to be a revenge NK?
Human failure. Because of the above
I’ve given my case and explained why I didn’t use my power last night. I’m not going to argue with everyone, it’s y’all’s choice to believe me or not. I’m Town, and a bad lynch. People suspecting me are 100% wrong and need to look elsewhere.

After looking back on today’s posts it still strikes me as odd that blotunga responded with such assurance on who the NK target was, I think it was a slip.

Vote blotung

I also know for sure who I’m using my power on tonight so hopefully we can prevent any extra killings, the last thing we need is multiple deaths to confuse the whole situation
I never said I was sure of the target, GH just clambered to what I said that it's funny if Vitek got NKed but wasn't the target.
Also since N1 killing of newbies is not usually custom, my wording was just unfortunate to suggest that I'd know it.
Hunter65536: Pretty much my reaction to that post, there is no reason why scum!Joe would call so much attention towards scum!Trent
Fwiw, at this point I figure there is at least one scum from the following groupings due to what i've seen so far: Trent/Joe/ZFR and Flub/Blotunga

I am maybe willing to gamble with a trent lynch.....that said: If he turns out town, who would you suggest we go after next? of the above groupings?


(Bump Plz)
Hey everyone. I'll be busy for a day or 2 but I'll try to be active.
JoeSapphire: lol, why?
Hunter65536: Ask not why Micro bumps, he bumps for thee

ZFR: Vote trent

This will answer many questions.

If scum, then Lift giving them safe-claims is pretty much confirmed, since I doubt any scum would risk claiming Handyman, unless it's safe. This confirmation will help us a lot when analysing other and later claims. For example, is that Coward who so conveniently hid behind the dead person a real Coward or a safe-claim Coward?

By the way, I don't believe at all bucktooth was targeted and not Vitek. No scum team would target a new player on N1 unless he was a major threat to them. This doesn't of course mean bucktooth is scum.

Also, if trent is scum, I want a closer look at Joe.
I don't like "lynching for information" instead of lynching mafia.
flubbucket: Of course you mean when they awaken, right??
Clarification: sometimes use they as a pronoun for a singular individual when it is not myself that I am talking about.


ZFR: I'm more and more confident that we got a good lynch in trent.
I also have had a thought while away from the game: If Trent is town and Joe scum, and Trent's claim genuine, would Joe risk killing off a role that could potentially give scum 2 NKs? Probably not so likely that they'd do that.

So either both are town, or Trent is scum and joe is town, or both are scum.

Either way we'd likely be well off lynching one and then deciding what to do with the other upon the flip of the lynch candidate.

So(for now...I still suspect Blotunga):

Unvote Blotunga

Vote Trent

Let's see where this rabbit hole goes


(Bump needed)
GymHenson: ...........

Either way we'd likely be well off lynching one and then deciding what to do with the other upon the flip of the lynch candidate.

I also don't like this "logic."