Replied to Engerek and Bucktooth: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Engerek01: If I understood correctly, the recipient gets the ability BEFORE the night begins as stated
here So the order would be:
1. Handyman chooses a target and informs the DM
2. DM informs the target at the start of the night.
3a. If the recipient is scum, he would naturally inform their team
3b. The target(recipient) performs the action twice
Thanks for the info/pointing that out.
bucktoothgamer: Not sure how active I will be tomorrow as its my wife's bday, I did want to touch on a couple points that have been brought up.
Tell her Happy Birthday from all of us, k? :)
bucktoothgamer: Im not really sure there is anything there to hold on to? If flub is lying about being jailed then blot is lying about a failed attempt at targeting. Honestly, blots response to any questions towards them since d2 started has been to attack the character of those questioning them(mostly you, gh). That just tells me theyre running out of excuses and im still confident in my vote.
I also was asking with that: do you think Flub is also likely to be scum or not?
(Bump needed)