GymHenson: When you come back I want your stance/musings on Blotunga's seemingly unprovoked and out-of-the-blue "claim" earlier, if you could oblige.
I have to go back and reread your interaction but earlier I remember I had the feeling you kind of hinted at him having a power. Leaving that aside I guess it's possible for him and flub to be scum together - flub being sheltered is quite convenient but blotunga's claim is giving a lot more credence to it if true. Four possibilities there:
- Town!blotunga confirms Town!flub's story - possible
- Town!blotinga confirms scum!flub's story - possible
- scum!blotunga confirms scum!flub's story - possible
- scum!blotinga confirms Town!flub's story - no sense to do so
Still, I don't see why scum!blotinga would be frightened by you talking about senders and them potentially having PRs to a point where he feels like he should make a claim to make himself look better. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
trentonlf: I didn't go anywhere last night as I didn't want to take the chance on giving scum two NK's.
No? I thought you yelled at everyone for stripping you of the chance to use the role and then you didn't use it after all?
my name is vaughlte catte: If you did give the scum two NKs... we could lynch them... because you'd know who you targeted... and could tell us. You've already claimed so it's not like that would put you in any more danger.
That's actually a really good point. We have the numbers and the trade-off would likely have worked in our favor and would have cleared you.
ZFR: Lift giving safe-claims is looking better...
It does.
trentonlf: If I didn't have to reveal my role I could have used it even if I did give scum the action as they wouldn't know it was me. Knowing it is me they would just kill me with one of the kills.
But now you're in a situation where things don't look good so you may be lynched instead of killed and another Townie still died. This may sound hard but if they had actually killed you things could have been slightly clearer and they aren't right now.
JoeSapphire: Are their friendly supermutants in fallout?
Sherriff Marcus from F2. He's not a Coward but names should be irrelevant when it comes to roles and alignment as per Lift's posts.
trentonlf: So you would rather have seen two Town killed last night with probably no way of knowing who I gave the ability to if had picked wrong??
The chance of actually empowering the killer scum was 1/13. You could have helped prevented the kill, make Joe a lady (I need that done, by the way), etc. That's pretty good chance and the worst case scenario where you did help the kill honestly isn't that terrible as they may have killed two others than you in or in the very worst case we wouldn't have been talking about this right now.
JoeSapphire: Why you voted trentonlf like this ^ dedo?
Because I thought he was scum who didn't bother to read the OP and just went for a free reason to "sus" (already using the Among Us lingo!!) someone. I'm now regretting I bought into his claim at all and I think my original gut feeling was correct and he is scum yet again.
Engerek01: Vitek turning out to be a townie was the 2nd shock. He was in #1 on my scum list. That made me question the dynamics I have in my mind.
I never understood what people had against Vitek. He didn't look scummy to me at all. Not the most Towny but certainly not a top scum pick.
Engerek01: I sense some strange relation between ZFR and Trent. Trent was also on my scum list until he claimed. Now, I do believe that both ZFR and Trent are town, but if one of them is scum, the other one is scum as well.
I think either only Trent is scum or both of them are.
Engerek01: It kinda caught my eye when JoeSapphire didn't want to acknowledge the fact that there is a sniper in the game. Maybe he didn't read that part or he is the sniper himself and replied without thinking to the case.
That was in flavor though so it can be missed pretty easily. Is there anything else you're basing your vote on?
All caught up.
I think we are still missing Korotan but right now I'm comfortable with
vote Trent