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blotunga: I did make something similar as scum, but trust me I'm quite careful about such things. I just made an assumption. Take it or leave it.
The end line of Post 843 by Buck: "So this means that either Vitek OR I were the intended target of the sniper last night."

Surprising you'd supposedly miss that.

So yeah, gonna leave it...well unless somehow i'm convinced otherwise.
GymHenson: The end line of Post 843 by Buck: "So this means that either Vitek OR I were the intended target of the sniper last night."

Surprising you'd supposedly miss that.

So yeah, gonna leave it...well unless somehow i'm convinced otherwise.
Are you sure you're town? You do seem to clamber on to things that make no sense.
blotunga: Are you sure you're town? You do seem to clamber on to things that make no sense.
You know buck claimed so that means you likely read their post...and likely all the way through. Then you likely knew that Vitek or Buck could've been the target last night.....yet you still wrote that line as you did in post 868.
blotunga: I wonder if mass name-claims would break the game at this point.
I wouldn't have thought so!

ZFR: Doesn't anyone read it? Names were randomised and have nothing to do with the role/faction.
Ignoring that is a GOG tradition though. Why do you hate our traditions ZFR?

Is it because you hate Joe? Do you want Joe to cry?

blotunga: I think this. Still the discussion is moot until other people show up and say stuff.

I also believe bucktoothgamer is town and what he claims to be. Funny that scum wanted to kill him and offed insted vitek.
trentonlf: How do you know scum wanted to kill bucktoothgamer?
That... is a good question. Buck was pretty clear that his power meant that his target would die if Buck was targeted or if they themselves were targeted. Pretty odd to assume that Buck was the target there Blotunga.

blotunga: I did make something similar as scum, but trust me I'm quite careful about such things. I just made an assumption. Take it or leave it.
I reminds me a bit of the Zephyr/Sapphire thing, which turned out to be a slip. You managed to play that one off and it cost us the game.
Addition to my last post: Also you(Blotunga) have been seemingly trying to discredit me for a good number of posts....Post 887, Post 882, Post 873, etc.


Engerek01: Hey everyone and WOW. Already 150 messages to read? The things I have to read here started to rival my outlook mails.
Some highlights: Vitek was jailer and was the NK....Buck claimed to be town coward in post 843, I believe.....and I revealed I am Courier, and also who my senders and one recipient were for N1.

Also when you feel less overwhelmed....i'd like if you could share your thoughts re: what I ask in post 883(which also links to some prior posts by myself and blotunga).
my name is vaughlte catte: I reminds me a bit of the Zephyr/Sapphire thing, which turned out to be a slip. You managed to play that one off and it cost us the game.
Do you think i'd slip twice the same way? I conveniently forgot that Vitek could also be directly the target.
blotunga: I conveniently forgot that Vitek could also be directly the target.
You likely read Buck's claim post, then somehow forgot the end bit about who the possible targets were, then stated in a matter of fact line that Buck was the target? And it was all a slip due to poor memory?

If anyone has poor memory, it's me, and my memory is bad and I still remembered all that.
my name is vaughlte catte: I reminds me a bit of the Zephyr/Sapphire thing, which turned out to be a slip. You managed to play that one off and it cost us the game.
blotunga: Do you think i'd slip twice the same way? I conveniently forgot that Vitek could also be directly the target.
I'm not sure convenient is the word you're looking for there... but I guess we'll see. I'll leave it for now but I'm certainly not going to forget it.
GymHenson: Addition to my last post: Also you(Blotunga) have been seemingly trying to discredit me for a good number of posts....Post 887, Post 882, Post 873, etc.
The Courier can be both scum and town. So being the Courier doesn't means you're off the hook.
blotunga: The Courier can be both scum and town. So being the Courier doesn't means you're off the hook.
I know that, and likely most everyone else knows that.

So why bring it up? Trying to shade me perhaps?

That aside, i'm all for being the lynch any "day" with me alive there's always a chance I deliver the wrong message and not the right ones, and help scum/harm town. If fellow town want to i'm ok with it...what about you? I mean you said you're as good as dead tonight anyways(somehow, for some reason) right? o.0
blotunga: Funny that scum wanted to kill him and offed insted vitek.
"A dead townie's a dead townie, am I right?" <- This is you with this comment.

The only ones that would find this funny is scum, as both vitek and I need to die for them to win anyway. This just causes them to have to re-arrange their hit list.

trentonlf: How do you know scum wanted to kill bucktoothgamer?
blotunga: Well, scum could've targeted directly vitek too, but I think his claim is correct.
I know GH has already pounded this point into the ground, but Vitek being the intended target AND my claim being correct are not mutually exclusive. Im not sure im as quick to consider this a slip as GH is, but this combined with your quote I referenced above I am comfortable at this point with doing this:

Vote blotunga

you along with trent were on my top scum list on D1 anyway, but this just kind of cements it.
bucktoothgamer: you along with trent were on my top scum list on D1 anyway, but this just kind of cements it.
Oh, I can prove quite well that I'm town, but that would hurt town more than help.
bucktoothgamer: you along with trent were on my top scum list on D1 anyway, but this just kind of cements it.
Also what do you make of Blotunga confirming Flub's jailing in Post 801? Knowing that scum or town can be jailed, why would Blotunga bother confirming such(and soft claim in the process)?
trentonlf: ???? After several people have stated this is not a good idea what are you trying to accomplish by self voting?
dedoporno: He's not even playing. I knew it!!

vote Trent
Why you voted trentonlf like this ^ dedo?
blotunga: Oh, I can prove quite well that I'm town, but that would hurt town more than help.
Yet you subtly suggested a mass name claim earlier, and even suggested it might still somehow be of help even after people pointed out the names are randomized.

Since you won't spill it and I figure you scum anyways: Is it because you're tracker(or, as I feel, more likely pretending to be tracker)?

(As hinted at by post 801)