Posted October 18, 2020

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom

New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted October 18, 2020

Vote flubbucket

'pooka's either trying to save himself...' (pooka mafia) '...or trying to protect flub' (pooka mafia)
so you vote flub?
do I misunderstand you?
My feeling was he's either distracting from other wagons by bringing back the same self vote drama so that he can either best case scenario lead wagons nowhere or worst case scenario just sacrifice himself.
Now that I look at it again, flub wasn't in a bad position to warrant that. I definitely don't know what else to make of his self vote at this point. Sorry if it sounds a little harebrained.

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted October 18, 2020
Due to how I read/read into things, such "replies" ping my scum dar.
So in the future you should probably me DIRECTLY your stance on ideas I suggest, if you want me(due to how I play) to not suspect you needlessly.
Vitek: I am awful town and want town, my team, to lose. It's just how bad I am, apaprently.
It's this kind of conjectures that makes me not take your ideas serisouly often.And this is somewhat what I meant when I said some people play in tight little boxes:
You, I am guessing, brush many of my ideas and posts off by default...due to your mindset and etc....if you're town then that is imo probably more of a hinderance than help to town.
Vitek: "but we need a wagon and lynch for the more competent town players to analyze, and this lynch seems to be as good as almost any other" In that game I pushed my own wagons, but they went nowhere most times, so I went with whomever everyone else wanted a few times when that plan didn't work.
More likely scum!pooka than town!pooka, imo.
(Though of course, there is a chance I am wrong....and if I am people can feel free to enact whatever punishment they deem sufficient)
So in the future you should probably me DIRECTLY your stance on ideas I suggest, if you want me(due to how I play) to not suspect you needlessly.

It's this kind of conjectures that makes me not take your ideas serisouly often.
You, I am guessing, brush many of my ideas and posts off by default...due to your mindset and etc....if you're town then that is imo probably more of a hinderance than help to town.

More likely scum!pooka than town!pooka, imo.
(Though of course, there is a chance I am wrong....and if I am people can feel free to enact whatever punishment they deem sufficient)

What IS this?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted October 18, 2020

The only way this action helps the town is if you end up being scum...and at that point im afraid of what kind of strategy cooked up that they would willingly feed one of their own to the grinder day 1.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 18, 2020
I have to get the kids to bed so time to choose.
vote pooka
Sorry, but self vote is always a bad idea and better remove the distraction if you want to keep self sabotaging yourself
vote pooka
Sorry, but self vote is always a bad idea and better remove the distraction if you want to keep self sabotaging yourself

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted October 18, 2020
My feeling is that if Pooka is scum it's to dissuade people from voting and either cause another player to be lynched or a nolynch.

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted October 18, 2020

Just so we know when you'd be willing to make said claim.
I'm vanilla town.
In fact, that's also part of my motivation for packing up and going. In fact, I should have been lurkier in the hopes that Mafia picked me during the night, but, ahem. I'm bad at this.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 18, 2020
I might not be around, will be likely busy with tucking the kids in. Anyway if someone gets lynched, I think it's pooka. I will try to look in in about 30 minutes or so, maybe to change my mind if needed and still can.

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted October 18, 2020

(Bump needed)

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted October 18, 2020

(Bump needed)

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted October 18, 2020
(@OP: No votes in this post)
To all: This lamist or no? Seems like it.
(I am actually asking, as it seems so but I dunno100%)
Pookina: Alright, prepare yourselves for the most disappointing claim in the world:
I'm vanilla town.
In fact, that's also part of my motivation for packing up and going. In fact, I should have been lurkier in the hopes that Mafia picked me during the night, but, ahem. I'm bad at this.Vanilla town?
What's your name then?
Or is that all you're willing to share?
Also to all: What are the odds we'd get an actual vanilla town to claim in a role madness setup? Anyone have rough idea on the odds?
To all: This lamist or no? Seems like it.
(I am actually asking, as it seems so but I dunno100%)

I'm vanilla town.
In fact, that's also part of my motivation for packing up and going. In fact, I should have been lurkier in the hopes that Mafia picked me during the night, but, ahem. I'm bad at this.
What's your name then?
Or is that all you're willing to share?
Also to all: What are the odds we'd get an actual vanilla town to claim in a role madness setup? Anyone have rough idea on the odds?

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 18, 2020
@pooka: a name please also.
Btw I'm not sure we have time to do a different lynch. I honestly don't know what would be the best move. I still feel that this is going to be a distraction regardless about the veracity of the claim.
Btw I'm not sure we have time to do a different lynch. I honestly don't know what would be the best move. I still feel that this is going to be a distraction regardless about the veracity of the claim.