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Accidentally had pooka voting 2x

GH 1 - trent (298)
Vitek 3 - Catte (20), Korotan (416), Engerek (465)
Joe 1 - Vitek (462)
flubb 2 - ZFR (534), buck(628)
pooka 4 - dedo(622), joe(645), pooka(649), GH(653)

Pookina: I mean, the leading wagon is Vitek, which I'm not hopping on because I don't know enough about his play to decide if he should be kicked out or not. But in the interest of consolidating wagons to avoid (HOPEFULLY) the dreaded no-lynch, and because GH's wagon seems like a less likely prospect, what needs to be done, needs to be done.

Vote Pookina (again)

I can survive my lynch too, don't worry. (as a real person, not an in-game entity)
Im not sure what youre doing, but i dont have the mental capacity atm to determine if this is a scum ploy to guilt people out of voting for you.

I dont want to vote jump too much in the last hours(minutes?) so my vote stays for now.
blotunga: Wtf are you doing?
And GH here pushing for at least a claim. I don't have time atm for a votecount, could we have one. I still don't hink lynching vitek is a good idea, you I'm not so sure after this again.

Flub also seems a good choice. So votecount pls if someone has time. I'll check back in less than 20 minutes
I get the feeling he's just trying to split the vote up because if he is town then his play makes zero sense to me. Either way this makes me think that at least one of the newer wagons could be the right one.

Vote flubbucket
ZFR: This is moronic on many levels.
Pookina: I'm not sure what else to do to get people to vote.
So you do something that's even worse than people not voting? Brilliant.
bucktoothgamer: vote count as of post 654

GH 2 - trent (298)
Vitek 3 - Catte (20), Korotan (416), Engerek (465)
Joe 1 - Vitek (462)
flubb 2 - ZFR (534), buck(628)
pooka 4 - dedo(622), joe(645), pooka(649), GH(653)

i did this quick so if someone sees there name missing or in the wrong spot feel free to correct
Erased the second Pooka vote for me as it no longer applies....thanks for this, though.

Ok people, what will it be? I suggest we get Pooka to claim and then decide, at the very least.

BTW if we somehow choose a pooka lynch and they turn out town(I feel they might be scum, though), I am more than willing to be the wagon at the start of D2 if everyone feels it best.


@Pooka: If you get to claim range would you be willing to claim so we can choose how to proceed?
blotunga: Wtf are you doing?
And GH here pushing for at least a claim. I don't have time atm for a votecount, could we have one. I still don't hink lynching vitek is a good idea, you I'm not so sure after this again.

Flub also seems a good choice. So votecount pls if someone has time. I'll check back in less than 20 minutes
Hunter65536: I get the feeling he's just trying to split the vote up because if he is town then his play makes zero sense to me. Either way this makes me think that at least one of the newer wagons could be the right one.

Vote flubbucket

'pooka's either trying to save himself...' (pooka mafia) '...or trying to protect flub' (pooka mafia)
so you vote flub?

do I misunderstand you?
im not going to keep doing this in case lift frowns upon it, but just so we know whats going on.

Vitek 3 - Catte (20), Korotan (416), Engerek (465)
Joe 1 - Vitek (462)
flubb 3 - ZFR (534), buck(628), hunter(662)
pooka 4 - dedo(622), joe(645), pooka(649), GH(653)
bucktoothgamer: Im not sure what youre doing, but i dont have the mental capacity atm to determine if this is a scum ploy to guilt people out of voting for you.
There's no "guilting people" in here though. I want people to vote.
Hunter65536: I get the feeling he's just trying to split the vote up because if he is town then his play makes zero sense to me. Either way this makes me think that at least one of the newer wagons could be the right one.
To be clear, ive been pushing to get the majority on a wagon we can agree on lynching for awhile now.

That said, I prefer Pooka atm, but would also go with anyone else(barring the newbies) if that wagon didn't pan out by EOD....including flub's.
Huh, so I just realised my RVS vote is still on Vitek for no reason.

Unvote Vitek
GymHenson: That post doesn't specifically reply to my request posts for your top lynch picks, and doesn't seem to even indicate (at least not clearly) your stance on the list I was building.
I said your reasoning for it is bad. How does that not convey my opinion on it?

GymHenson: Why is that if I may ask? If you're town, do you not want town to win?
I am awful town and want town, my team, to lose. It's just how bad I am, apaprently.
It's this kind of conjectures that makes me not take your ideas serisouly often.

GymHenson: Incorrect....I want my top suspect(when I have one and my notes are in order) to be lynched first and foremost.

As for the wagon analysis.....veteran players said in the past that is the way to go....which is why I went with it during the last game. And then few did any my dismay.
"but we need a wagon and lynch for the more competent town players to analyze, and this lynch seems to be as good as almost any other"

bucktoothgamer: Sorry, I will retract that statement and say ghost is probably a bad term to use. All I know is when i look at the posts the names that usually catch my eye(as in who is posting) are GH, zfr, blotunga, and trent. Granted those last two may be my bias as i am skeptical of them. Still dosent change the fact that I dont think vitek is vote worthy. I mean one of his votes is still from the first page of the game, when im sure most would agree we were still well into RVS.
Those are the four highest posters so it is no surprise they caught your attention.

GymHenson: Could be town!Pooka, but could be scum!pooka trying to get us to dissolve the wagon and end in nolynch.

But either way we have to make a choice...stick with this wagon or no.....and make that choice soon.
And from your vote I reckon you think it is mafia Pooka?
GymHenson: @Pooka: If you get to claim range would you be willing to claim so we can choose how to proceed?
GymHenson: I am more than willing to be the wagon at the start of D2 if everyone feels it best.
You can't make this stuff up.

Will somebody let the poor bastard claim already?
Pookina: Yes.
BUt you don't think your save will save you if you wish to help your own lynch?
Vitek: BUt you don't think your save will save you if you wish to help your own lynch?
Nope, not at all. It would be a miracle if I was somehow saved, but I know it would come at the cost of losing the lynch.
GymHenson: I am more than willing to be the wagon at the start of D2 if everyone feels it best.
ZFR: You can't make this stuff up.

Will somebody let the poor bastard claim already?
You still are voting flub? You think flub is a better lynch? Even though pooka at this moment blundered to an almost sure lynch?