Pookina: I mean, the leading wagon is Vitek, which I'm not hopping on because I don't know enough about his play to decide if he should be kicked out or not. But in the interest of consolidating wagons to avoid (HOPEFULLY) the dreaded no-lynch, and because GH's wagon seems like a less likely prospect, what needs to be done, needs to be done.
Vote Pookina (again)
I can survive my lynch too, don't worry. (as a real person, not an in-game entity)
Now I have pause, as you might be town.....heck, i'm even contemplating letting myself be the lynch in case you are town, if only just a bit.
Still, I like to play so my greed and personal interests want me to vote for you now.....what to do. :|
(I am actually wondering what to do now...not just silly posting as I oft do)
You know what, fortune favors the bold:
Vote Pooka ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Btw to all: If I live till D2 I can very likely prove I am town....heck I could likely even possibly convince y'all i'm town right now if everyone wants to get me to claim as well. Y'alls call. Pooka brought to claim range/etc or me, or what will it be?