flubbucket: Well
trentonlf stated himself in post #516 the possibility of "accidentally helping scum" existed.
Obviously. So can the Town Doctor who protects the scum from a non-mafia kill. Or a Town Cop who clears a Godfather. Or a Town Vig who kills another Town. There are a number of roles who can accidentally aid the scum rather than the Town and these are just the normal ones. We have a list with special roles that is even more extensive. Mr Handy can massively empower any side. There is a Scout who can also help either side, same for Power, same for Gaudy Bard, same for Coward. I stopped looking there. By the looks of things a bunch of potential roles can be work in favor or against us depending on the Nightly context.
flubbucket: Well
trentonlf stated himself in post #516 the possibility of "accidentally helping scum" existed.
It doesn't bother me at all, as a matter of fact it's honest which I like. The whole claim and his reaction are plausible so the only possible issue I have with it is whether Lift supplied fake claims or not.
flubbucket: This comment is specific to bucktoothgamer stating
"it just looks like a quick attempt to find someone to wwitch you vote to". I voted trentonlf for reasons I have clearly stated and at the time it was a viable wagon.
Sure, but what about now? I believe you are still voting him which tells me you are not buying his claim. The fact that you specifically mentioned how his supposed power can be a problem for us looked like an argument in support of getting rid of him, sorry if I misunderstood that. So, do you not buy the claim and why not? If you do buy it why are you still voting?
ZFR: It was mentioned by yogs some time ago, then I believe it came up during trent's role madness and my last game when the whole Slytherin claim came up.
Right, it was Yog.
GymHenson: Remember to vote soonish....we have very few hours left(Around 6-10 or so, depending on Lift...as per Post 560).
Well unless you think it best we go with nolynch, that is?
No-lynch is not good but as of writing this I'm still not settled on who I want to vote. Still a bunch of posts to go through, though.
GymHenson: If Trent picks poorly and gives scum a second night action a nolynch might not be such a bad thing...especially if Trent's pick is scum and scum then gets two NKs.
If Trent isn't a liar and is what he says he is he can just not use the power if he isn't sure who he's helping.
I kind of had to skim through the last few posts on page 13 as I'm running late but not a whole lot happened in there other than Pooka's vote on GH.
I feel GH is Town and Pooka was my other suspect from before. I do agree that Trent's claim can only be fake in case it was supplied by the mod but I don't think Lift would do that (could be wrong).
vote Pooka Right now I don't have anything better. I want to see more of catte and Joe, and Korotan but that won't be Today as I have to run. Sorry guys, you'll have to finish this without me (or with me if anyone else thinks Pooka is a good option).
Good luck to all!