Thanks...sorry for the delay....was preparing some links and making sure the post has no formatting errors.
(those can cause a post to get rejected by GOG, causing one to need to rewrite the post with new wording, as the forums won't accept such a post if one merely corrects the formatting/brackets)
Hunter65536: Hmm, makes sense that we gotta end RVS sometime. Not gonna vote Pookina for just that though.
Well I would....i'd vote for near anyone.....but it'd just be a silly vote and not a serious one at this stage.
Hunter65536: Do we usually get beyond RVS on day 1 itself? Been a while since I last played and all I remember from past games was we would end up voting at last minute for whoever we recall being least active. Maybe I'm remembering it all wrong. Time to look up some recent games and revise I suppose.
Sometimes we do, iirc.
As for procrastination: that whole "wait till the last minute thing" sometimes extends beyond D1 in a good number of games.
For example, in the last game people did just that a lot on near every "day" beyond D1.
Hunter65536: Bump, seems like a reference to
this I presume which seems like a silly post
Got that I am curious to know if that user's vote is serious or silly, and...if it's serious/more serious than silly i'd like to know their reasoning. :)
Finished watching my show of choice from yesteryear, I put in some new discs/chips: music ones this time (some with video along with the music) labelled "Scarface Soundtrack". A song starts to play as I bob my head to the beat [i]In the clip at one point, a security camera pans the scene.
"Can't wait till we get to that vault...hopefully it'll have working cameras.....that'll help us spot baddies faster" I think to myself[/i]
(Also note to y'all: I put another version in my profile which I think is a bit more bad ass)