GymHenson: It's a meme, and likely means what I said is a good idea sometimes but not all the time.
Correct, although I'd would have had it with a smaller percentage but that's how the meme goes. What I was trying to point out was how often people are spared when marked for lynching by the majority of players just because they say "Yeah, I'm Town. Don't lynch me."
You wanted a claim and you got a claim. Everyone in their right mind would say they are Town so you saying that Trent could have stopped there doesn't make a lot of sense. I know of couple of cases where people managed to survive in this way but I'd say that's more of an exception to the rule rather than the other way around. I personally would have kept voting him if he kept quiet.
flubbucket: You sound like a Neutral if your power isn't
exclusively designed to help town. I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say there are a few Town roles that can swing either way. Even a plain old Cop can practically help scum win the game if there is a Godfather on the other side. Also, on second lookup the roles list explicitly states the role as Town-related. I don't like this statement.
ZFR: Almost any PR is Neutral by this definition. Roleblocker. Vigilante...
GymHenson: And this post could be either scum!trent trying to throw shade on town!flub, scum!trent trying to distance from scum!flub, or town!trent looking for scum.
Do you mean ZFR?
Vitek: Yeah, I don't want to do that because so far I was shown no convincing reason to.
I was making a joke but OK.
Vitek: Unless mafia were given fake claim, it's more likely town claim because from decription in sign-up thread I see it described as town one.
That's actually a good point. Do you think it's a fake claim?
flubbucket: Please see above comment.
My thoughts regarding trentonlf's role claim have little to do with my reasons for Voting him. I did Vote him before he claimed. I did comment on the actual role claim simply as opinion.
I am also not looking for any reason to switch my Vote. It's Day One so I'm looking for a player who is acting scummy...and I will continue to do so. my name is vaughlte catte is merely a lurker who has caught my attention with a couple of comments.
I assume I'll be referred to this portion as well. So Trent was and still is scummy to you, you're satisfied with your vote and his claim has nothing to do with that?
blotunga: As for why I think he's not lying, the claim fits, and I haven't seen any counterclaims.
I'm not sure I follow this. Fits how? Don't answer if it makes sense in the context of your own personal knowledge but if you can answer without exposing more secret information, please explain.
blotunga: So why are you hinting at a PR? What's the purpose for this?
Yeah... blotunga: PS: thanks for the best wishes, wife is better now, seems like it was just some sort of food related nausea.
All caught up.
I believe everyone is accounted for (not sure about Korotan and Catter but I slept only for 3 hours so I'm not at my best right now). It seems there won't be a counter-claim or at least it's unlikely. Vitek makes a good poinit about the mod provided fake claim. I haven't seen that before so I'm not sure how likely it is but someone told me recently that it exists so I suppose it's possible. Trent's reaction looked genuine but he's a fucking liar when he needs to be and a good one so I don't know. Flub's stance on the matter looks weird to me.
I just remembered that Pooka hasn't show up yet or I missed it and he was my other top suspect from before so I'm curious what he thinks about this whole ordeal.
I'm going out to run errands but should be back at least one more time before deadline (I'm most probably won't be around for the actual deadline so I'll vote when I come back in a couple of hours).