Posted October 17, 2020

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

New User
Registered: May 2018
From Austria
Posted October 17, 2020
Turned out the RP Event whas yesterday where I could not log in.
So I bump the discussion now with this offtopic statement and just say, from my opinion a third party could be called neutral too.
Despite this is not really topic either. Happy arguing.
So I bump the discussion now with this offtopic statement and just say, from my opinion a third party could be called neutral too.
Despite this is not really topic either. Happy arguing.

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted October 17, 2020
Glad you can see it.

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted October 17, 2020

flub: I want to lynch trent so badly.
flub: No, I want to lynch trent so badly.
flub: You're right. I want to lynch trent so badly.
flub (sound of passionate wanting to lynch trent so badly).
Of course for now I see it as more likely to be the last one....pray I don't alter the deal(lean). o.0 ;)
(The above end bit of the last line is a joke, in case anyone didn't get that)
(Boomp plox if anyone could be so kind)

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted October 17, 2020
So it wasn't an IRL meetup?
Those can be so much fun
(Not that i'd know....never having been to one....or had many friends growing up :|)
(Song starts at 0:35)
Those can be so much fun
(Not that i'd know....never having been to one....or had many friends growing up :|)
(Song starts at 0:35)

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted October 17, 2020
On mobile, flavour will come separately
Vote count
Blotunga 1 - Pooka
GH 2 - trent, blotunga
Vitek 3 - catte, korotan, Engerek
Trent 2 - Joe, flubb
Joe 1 - Vitek
Flubb 1 - Zfr
Not voting: hunter, GH, dedo, bucktooth
Vitek is in the lead at L-5
The Day will end tomorrow evening. So in about 22 hours, give or take two hours. I was asked pre-game not to make the Night span the weekend. (Actually it was the condition under which one player could sign up)
The sun is slowly setting in the west and makes it look like the wasteland is on fire. It is rather pretty, that red glow, even though it reminds you of fire. And of the fact that your time is running out. Night will fall soon, and who knows what those hidden fanatics will do at Night?
Also, if anyone wants a message sent to anyone else at Night, now would be the time to raise the 'Messenger needed' flag. I.e. if you want to send a message to someone, send the message to me, at the latest tomorrow night, 24h European time, and tell me who it is intended for. If you are lucky, it may reach its recipient.
Vote count
Blotunga 1 - Pooka
GH 2 - trent, blotunga
Vitek 3 - catte, korotan, Engerek
Trent 2 - Joe, flubb
Joe 1 - Vitek
Flubb 1 - Zfr
Not voting: hunter, GH, dedo, bucktooth
Vitek is in the lead at L-5
The Day will end tomorrow evening. So in about 22 hours, give or take two hours. I was asked pre-game not to make the Night span the weekend. (Actually it was the condition under which one player could sign up)
The sun is slowly setting in the west and makes it look like the wasteland is on fire. It is rather pretty, that red glow, even though it reminds you of fire. And of the fact that your time is running out. Night will fall soon, and who knows what those hidden fanatics will do at Night?
Also, if anyone wants a message sent to anyone else at Night, now would be the time to raise the 'Messenger needed' flag. I.e. if you want to send a message to someone, send the message to me, at the latest tomorrow night, 24h European time, and tell me who it is intended for. If you are lucky, it may reach its recipient.
Post edited October 17, 2020 by Lifthrasil

Registered: Oct 2013
From Turkey
Posted October 17, 2020
As I mentioned earlier, I suspected Trent and Vitek were waiting in ambush, waiting for the perfect moment to lead to a mislynch. That doesn't necessarily mean that they are both scum. So when a wagon was slowly building over trent, Vitek's sudden involvement improved my suspicions.
I believe there is a voting part in these survivor games where players vote against each other. They write their names on a paper and show to the screen saying "I love you Henry but you suck, sorry you have to go..." I've never really watched a survivor show so I may be wrong.
Deflecting may not be the correct wording and I said "ready" not "trying". As in, you do not want it but you will not hesitate to do it if it comes to it. Just a feeling.
I believe there is a voting part in these survivor games where players vote against each other. They write their names on a paper and show to the screen saying "I love you Henry but you suck, sorry you have to go..." I've never really watched a survivor show so I may be wrong.
Deflecting may not be the correct wording and I said "ready" not "trying". As in, you do not want it but you will not hesitate to do it if it comes to it. Just a feeling.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

What IS this?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted October 18, 2020

I would not want to have the power to help mafia kill twice in one night.
Also, I don't have a good feeling about my name is Sir vaughlte catte form's post #506 and #513. I'm reading them as carefully crafted posts.
But I've been wrong before.
Also, I looked at the posts you reference for catte not seeing anything damning. As much as I take trents claim with a grain of salt, if they are bluffing there is no denying that they're taking a HUGE gamble of either such role not being in play, or having the person who counter-claims being less believed.
If something more specific about the posts concern you, id be interested in taking another look. Right now it just looks like a quick attempt to find someone to switch your vote to since our trent wagon was drawing scrutiny, your vote in particular.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted October 18, 2020

But I've been wrong before.

With that in mind remember I said it wasn't a good feeling. The initial reading of the posts gave me pause and I wanted to document it while it was fresh. Whether is has any merit is what I will hopefully discern over time.
Please see above comment.
My thoughts regarding trentonlf's role claim have little to do with my reasons for Voting him. I did Vote him before he claimed. I did comment on the actual role claim simply as opinion.
I am also not looking for any reason to switch my Vote. It's Day One so I'm looking for a player who is acting scummy...and I will continue to do so. my name is vaughlte catte is merely a lurker who has caught my attention with a couple of comments.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 18, 2020
Is there a better role to claim? vanilla doesn't protect you...
oh yeah, thinking about it it's risky that it might get disproved. Hm. okay yeah good point catte
unvote trentonlf
boobs and brackets.
Hunter65536: Forgot to address this part in my previous post, would you say that your reasoning is strong or more like intuition/hunch? Like, is it supported by past games like you quoted in other instances in this game?
Vitek: Strong reasoning based on intuition. :-)
Town Joe I feel is looking for who is scum and when he is mafia he is looking for weak reasoning to jump on any existing wagon and I feel like it is exactly what he is doing here. I don't think is true! When I'm scum I do try to solve things and try and make it look like I'm scumhunting. And occasionally do a decent job of it.
@flub, ZFR's strawman argument, you think it's because he's scum or no?
vote flubbucket
then. I don't expect zfr to get a rise from him in this way we just seen. Does that mean he's scum? prrrobs not he's in my POTU, and he's got one vote so
oh yeah, thinking about it it's risky that it might get disproved. Hm. okay yeah good point catte
unvote trentonlf
boobs and brackets.

Town Joe I feel is looking for who is scum and when he is mafia he is looking for weak reasoning to jump on any existing wagon and I feel like it is exactly what he is doing here.
@flub, ZFR's strawman argument, you think it's because he's scum or no?
vote flubbucket
then. I don't expect zfr to get a rise from him in this way we just seen. Does that mean he's scum? prrrobs not he's in my POTU, and he's got one vote so

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 18, 2020

In a semi-open role madness where scum can fire blindly and still hit a role, trent's role doesn't strike me particularly as a priority to scum. Given the roles Lift posted, I can see ones they'd find much more important to go after.
"Now we might loose trent even if we don't lynch him because he probably will be NKed."
Blotunga, the above strikes me like you're sure trent's not lying.
As for why I think he's not lying, the claim fits, and I haven't seen any counterclaims. I'm not sure how safe claims work - if Lift has given scum such, but from what he shared with us and what I have about myself, it does fit, even though he didn't mentioned robots.

(I mean it risks a nolynch or mislynch, but I don't want to potentially out another PR)
Nice....hope you have fun.

Neither would I.
Heck, I dislike that my own role can help scum if the choices made are wrong....but we have little choice but to play the hand we're dealt as best as we're able.
Wtf is POTU?
So done with the re-read. I still find trent's claim plausible.
At this point I also seem to find the zfr/joe/flub trio most interesting, I do have a feeling there might be a scum there somewhere - nothing definite, just gut feel. Thoughts?

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 18, 2020
PS: thanks for the best wishes, wife is better now, seems like it was just some sort of food related nausea.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted October 18, 2020

@flub, ZFR's strawman argument, you think it's because he's scum or no?
vote flubbucket
then. I don't expect zfr to get a rise from him in this way we just seen. Does that mean he's scum? prrrobs not he's in my POTU, and he's got one vote so
The dramatic flair at the beginning of post #534 (Yeah, this is bad) is a bit hyperbolic.
My first thought was an attempt to exaggerate my post in order to make any point made against trentonlf seem scummy. I'm more inclined to think now it was merely designed to generate Votes on me.
By the way, your Vote is a little dubious. (he's got one vote so) /lame