*Face palm* I accidentally hit reply instead of cutting the quote to Engerek so that response should have been at the end of this post.
GymHenson: Sorry if my assumption was wrong.....it's just we have so little to go on(that I can pick up on, I mean), and atm i'm clutching at a small handful of straws...i.e. clues/"clues".
(That said, it's just your word and you're not confirmed town.....so I still have to weigh it with that in mind...of course atm I lean you mostly neutral, in case you were curious)
Meh, I don't worry about how I appear to others. I just want to get responses out of people so I can get a feel of who's lying, being opportunistic, or telling the truth. I often get it wrong on who's doing what, but that's how I play the game.
To be honest I'm more concerned right now about the people who are being quiet more than the vocal ones. Joe, Catte, and Enger mainly and to some extent Pooka. Scum often on Day 1 don't have to do much but let Town rip themselves apart as they sit back and throw some comments out every now and then to look involved.
my name is vaughlte catte: ....
Feeling better, what are your thoughts on ZFR, GH, and blotunga?
Same to you, what are your thoughts on ZFR, blotunga, and GH?