OK, I was hoping to wait a bit longer to see if blotunga can be baited more, but it seems this is the most I'll get.
blotunga, I think you're scum. I'm sorry, but since the time I wrote I town-read you, my town-leaningness of you has evaporated as fast as GOG's anti-DRM stance when Epic came knocking.
I've noticed recently a fairly common scum-tell, and unlike the "#3/#4 on wagon" which seems to me to be an old wives tale, this did hold pretty well in quite a few games. Namely a scum is likely to ask "Well, how do you know that scum has the property X?" to a fairly reasonable assumption made by Town.
It has been done even by the author of this post in the only game he drew Mafia:
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/forum_mafia_58_disney_to_the_rescue/post97 "Joe, and Pooka, why assume 2 scum only?"
And now I see it in blotunga's posts: "Why do you assume scum has Day Chat?" and "I think there could be four Mafiosos".
Hmmm... in the previous game I played, who was it who asked "Why assume Mafia have Day Chat?"? That's right: scum-dedo. Even in the game I hosted it was scum-Micro who made a bit of a show of "if Mafia have Day Chat" to convey he doesn't know.
This post in particular feels very wrong:
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/gog_mafia_70_the_shelter_a_fallout_game/post190 So you did read the rules, you were aware of the Carrier/Courier/Commentator/TFPTSLBOOIA/Telepath role than enables Day-chat and
still expressed surprise at me mentioning Day Chat???
I mean, yes I know not all roles are present. So I wouldn't assume with certainity that Mafia has Day Chat, but I wouldn't be surprised that someone mentions it.
Just to be clear: it's not your assumption that Mafia may not have Day Chat that I have most beef with. Since not all roles are present that's a possibility to keep in mind.
It's your surprise at my assumption that I find very strange, given how by your own words you were aware of the existance of the role.
Sorry. Sorry because you just came back to playing Mafia and you were lynched early last game.
Vote blotunga