my name is vaughlte catte: Or I guess it could be made into an actual functional role if we came up with proper mechanics. I kind of like the idea of townies being co-opted into doing bad things due to threats. It would need some brainstorming in the admin thread.
ZFR: yeah, it would be interesting if some mechanics were made around it.
What are your thoughts on how to proceed assuming Koro claims doctor (which has to happen, unless it's flub).
I've just been giving that some thought actually, so I'll paste it here.
Hmm, just sorting my reads into piles according to what we know.
Claimed roles which are town-only but unconfirmed:
ZFR - claimed FBI - likely town due to observation from Joe
bucktoothgamer - claimed coward - likely town due to observation from Joe
Confirmed roles, could be scum or neutral:
catte - definitely inventor, definitely town from my perspective
Engerek01 - definitely genderbender, alignment any
GH - definitely courier, alignment any
Unknown roles:
Hunter65536 - has posted but not claimed medic
flubbucket - has posted but not claimed medic
Korotan - has not posted today
Bearing in mind that it's not impossible for the courier to be scum, we shouldn't forget that we have no confirmation that GH was delivering a letter tonight. Is it possible that he simply picked a target that had a letter addressed to them because as the last mafia member he couldn't deliver a letter and kill at the same time. By killing someone who had a letter addressed to them he can claim to have delivered it without being counterclaimed on that and he has an "alibi" for having visited Joe which is corroborated by the person who sent a letter to Joe.
That aside, I'd guess that one of Hunter or flub is scum.
We're so close to being fully claimed that it might just be worth mass claiming. The order we get the three unknowns to claim could be pretty important though.