ZFR: Need a post from Koro. By most signs he's the Medic and I'm happy to be honest it turned out him because otherwise with his lurkiness he'd be a major distraction.
Precisely the reason I wanted to investigate him. I figured that even if it just cleared him he'd be a useful player to clear.
my name is vaughlte catte: That aside, I refuse to rule out the possibility that it's a ruse and that scum!trent infected scum!ZFR in order to capitalise on the sort of assumption you're making right now.
ZFR: Nemo judex aside, having thought it over, I think I have a strong case that I'm actually cleared. While the lack of counterclaim on D2 is not conclusive and can still indicate a ruse by scumMe and scumTrent, the fact that Joe confirmed Trent infesting me makes the ruse unlikely.
Here is my reasoning.
Assuming ZFR and trent are scum, and they made a ruse.
First no one counterclaimed my infection on D2, this requires the following ruse:
Ruse Level 1: trent takes no action. ZFR claims he got infected.
Losses: trent wastes a shot of his abilities (which, in a PR madness game is pretty powerful since it's a permablock)
Gains: ZFR gains credibility.
However, since Joe confirmed visiting me, this requires a further rus:
Ruse Level 2:
trent actually infects ZFR. ZFR makes his claim.
Further losses compared to level 1: ZFR loses his ability N1 at least. With a chance of losing permanently if the Medic is killed.
Further gains compared to level 1: On the off chance a Tracker/Watcher confirms actions, ZFR gets more credibility.
So, while a ruse is possible,
do you actually see the jump from level 1 to level 2 as possible? We're losing a second member's ability, perhaps permanently, for the dubious gain of getting confirmed by Watcher/Tracker - a person whose existance we couldn't even know about and even if he existed there was a good chance he tracks/watches someone else.
And this in a PR madness game: one where we know the Town is armed to the teeth and so every shot of our own abilities is worth its weight in gold.
I did already say that I accepted level 2 as highly unlikely. Accepting something as highly unlikely and ruling it out completely are not the same thing though.
While I'm happy to focus the search for scum elsewhere because of probability, I do not accept you as mechanically cleared. It's semantics really, I'll call you "cleared" if it makes you happy.
Hunter65536: Catte (Cleared once Koro confirms he had a robot try to crawl up him last night)
ZFR: This only confirms that catte targeted Koro, however it doesn clear catte because:
a) There could be a second scum who did the kill
b) Scum could be allowed to both kill and use ability when only 1 is remaining. We've seen it in previous games, and in a PR madness it's not unlikely.
Hunter65536: Engerek01 (Cleared)
ZFR: Genderbender could be a scum role!
Yes and yes.
I certainly wasn't expecting to be treated as cleared when koro comes online, it would just confirm I was using my power on him.
Did you notice Eng's wording when claiming their win condition?
"I guess that makes me practically town."
Surely a townie knows they're town?