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ZFR: Medic coming forward would prove two things: jack and squat.
I figured it might not be a good idea at the very least....which is why I was not suggesting it.

ZFR: The proof is in the fact that no one counterclaimed that they got infected instead. So unless Mafia purposely didn't use Infection on N1, I'm non-Mafia.
Good point.

*additional points of town for ZFR have been awarded*


Btw what do you think of Bucktooth being a possible llynch for today?

(We have an uncertain claim, and all the other things I mentioned earlier(they're not far back if you want to check them))
Lifthrasil: I could be convicted to extend it to Wednesday morning, so that the US folk get their full Tuesday.
US folks got an extra part of Friday. 5 days is 5 days.
Lifthrasil: (..

Not voting: all others
It takes 5 to lunch
The Day will end on Tuesday evening/ night
Currently, there are 10 people alive. Doesn't that mean we need 6 to lynch?

@Everyone, I have been re-reading and re-organizing my notes and I'll probably write in an hour.
Lifthrasil: @GH: yes, the Day started on Friday evening and is planned to last 5 real time days. That makes Tuesday.
Wait a minute. 5 days from Friday evening makes Wednesday evening.

Are you really a physician?
Engerek01: Currently, there are 10 people alive. Doesn't that mean we need 6 to lynch?
I believe so. Also we have two votes for Bucktooth at the moment, and one on Joe(that vote on Joe, btw, is Buck's vote).

I feel(as said before) Bucktooth's claim is unverified and he might be scum hiding behind a fake claim(like Trent).

Also other things bother me like:

Trent was leading wagon on D2 and Buck suspected him along with blotunga but yet he didn't switch his vote to Trent when Trent's wagon passed Blotunga's wagon on D2.

Bucktooth claims he hid behind both NK choices...might be coincendence, but to me it seems off.

Lastly, Buck is a "safe" lynch choice as on the rare chance they are town and town coward then their role has been nerfed(made useless in essence) by their claim on d2.

(Also others have claimed more useful PRs so they'd be less "safe" lynch choices)

Engerek01: @Everyone, I have been re-reading and re-organizing my notes and I'll probably write in an hour.
K then.
One of my nephews has a birthday today so we were invited to his party in some kid's party club. I'm here now and catching up.
dedoporno: One of my nephews has a birthday today so we were invited to his party in some kid's party club.
Like the US Chuck E Cheese or the game series Five Nights at Freddys(minus the killer robots)?

I had some fun at those as a kid....a shame they mostly folded as of late(Chuck E Cheese).
(Yeah, the games were often broken or whatnot, and the crowds could get annoying, but as a kid it was a special place and time for me)

dedoporno: I'm here now and catching up.
K.....btw when you do I want your input on what I said to/asked Engerek re: Bucktooth as well, if you could oblige. :)
(When you have time, I mean)
Lifthrasil: @GH: yes, the Day started on Friday evening and is planned to last 5 real time days. That makes Tuesday.
ZFR: Wait a minute. 5 days from Friday evening makes Wednesday evening.

Are you really a physician?
No. A physicist. And the order of magnitude is correct. ;-)

But you're right. The Day ends Wednesday evening. Sorry.
ZFR: Wait a minute. 5 days from Friday evening makes Wednesday evening.

Are you really a physician?
Lifthrasil: No. A physicist.
Woops, I knew. I was thinking physicist while writing. I want to blame autocorrect but I don;t use it.
First of all, RIP Trent and Blotunga.. I sincerely bought Trent's act as Mr Handy. Glad other's didn't tho :)

2nd, while I was re-reading everything, the things "I wrote" seemed scummish to me. One way or another, I feel like I am playing this game so wrong :)

I'll also claim. I am Bess, the last gender-bender brahmin. 1st night, I had suspected Blotunga at first and change him into a female. Last night I changed Joe to male. Sorry about that.

About my role, I only know the target gender after I target them and get the result. That crippled my dream of turning the colony into an all-female hive. :)

Buck's claims of hiding behind the target remind me of the Game of Thrones scene when Arya blames the dead kid when guards were searching for her. Also considering how he was eager to lynch Pookina in day 1, I now have strong feelings about him. Buck also seems to be the safe lynch candidate.

If he is right, scum would never target him since he is immune to night kills and that might lead to a potential scum kill. I would like to see how that would turn out when a sniper targets him and he hides behind the sniper. I'll leave the physics of that to your wild imaginations :)

He is also now my #1 candidate for the Sniper role as others have some reasons why they can't be a sniper. For example, flub can't be the sniper as he was jailed and Joe can't be as he is not the killer. Many others have either confirmed or highly confirmed roles.

Another scenario I have in my mind is that ZFR is the sniper himself and they are going for a crazy 1 man victory. Which is highly unlikely at the moment.

vote bucktoothgamer
ZFR: Are you really a physician?
Good good I made a pic for this single comment...for you, OP, etc. :)
Engerek01: Last night I changed Joe to male. Sorry about that.
It was you!

Can you turn me back, please?

love your early work, though
GymHenson: And I hope this isn't a scum!Bucktooth admitting that they're scum in a subtle way, to point at later when the game is over. o.0 :\
Most everything you said till this line was in tune with my own view on things. I was almost starting to worry what happened to GH I know. I'm glad he's fine :)

my name is vaughlte catte: Not sure if letters arrive during the night or at dawn when all the other night actions are resolved, but if it is earlier then he might have been able to tell them even without a telepath.
From my experience the letter comes just before the start of the day where actions are likely locked in.

GymHenson: (It's just the more silly messages that get sent, the less chance a serious one will get through :))
But a serious one did come through and it was sensitive Town information that reached scum eyes.

GymHenson: (i.e. people seemingly trusting the newbies to be town more than others in general)
People don't trust newbies to be more Town than others. Newbies tend to get more leeway when they do something that can be an honest mistake of a Townie who doesn't know better or [calculated] foul scum play.

GymHenson: But why would a anti-town neutral admit to such a role? It'd be akin to saying "lynch me!" imo.
Catte can't not admit though. Even though bucktooth allegedly didn't know he could have identified Catte's role, he did expose him in a way where Catte can't claim otherwise without putting the two of the in a "one or the other" predicament. Whatever Catte is in terms of alignment he has to come out.

GymHenson: Imo it's more likely Catte is truthful, and is either a neutral that's helpful to or at least not harmful to town.
I agree with this as it doesn't make sense to me that scum!Catte would risk getting exposed like that for a mere investigation (obviously he won't protect a non-buddy) when they are already down one member.

ZFR: Today I investigated Joe on the off chance he's a third party killer. He isn't. Joe is neither a killer third party nor a target. Meaning he's Mafia or Town.
You got healed and was allowed to investigate in the same night?

bucktoothgamer: 3. If my PR role was nerfed after I claimed, why do they keep giving me opportunity to use it?
If you are what you say you are your role in itself keeps working as intended. Whether or not others would fall for it is a very different topic. It's weird how you don't seem to understand why scum likely wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole while there is a chance for their kill to backfire.

JoeSapphire: What do you reckon dedo? having had a similar experience in the last game where town were confirmed by their powers and the net closed in

IF you were scum this game and got caught, say, shooting blotunga in the head for example OR WHATEVER, would you approve of the town deliberately going easy on the rest of your team? Or do you think they should pull out all the stops and aim for the high score?
I wouldn't approve of it as everyone is playing in the same game and could have rolled into any other slot.

JoeSapphire: 10. dedoporno - first vote on trent, but jokey vote, and also first to remove it. maybe scum??
Can you show me where I said it was a jokey vote? I voted for a very specific reason even though it was flimsy (but still good enough for the start of D1) and had additional reasons to stick to it. I only unvoted because Trent's claim didn't get countered by anyone.

ZFR: Counterpoint: He did it to "prove" he's Hider.
Are you referring to Coward? What's Hider?

Engerek01: Last night I changed Joe to male. Sorry about that.

All caught up.

@GH, bucktooth does look like a "safe" policy lynch but I'm also interested in who the other scum is (I believe it's pretty safe to assume that it's unlikely there were more than 3 of them at the start). Also, what if bucktooth is what he claims? Although, as soon as I wrote this I remembered that we have the numbers in our favor and barring some crazy stuff we can afford to mislynch Today and Tomorrow before we get to MYLO.
JoeSapphire: What do you reckon dedo? having had a similar experience in the last game where town were confirmed by their powers and the net closed in

IF you were scum this game and got caught, say, shooting blotunga in the head for example OR WHATEVER, would you approve of the town deliberately going easy on the rest of your team? Or do you think they should pull out all the stops and aim for the high score?
dedoporno: I wouldn't approve of it as everyone is playing in the same game and could have rolled into any other slot.
okay cool.

Another question: IF you were scum and were out last night, let's say for the sake of argument that you were shooting blotunga in the head, or - well the point stands with anything but anyway - and someone caught you in the act, let's imagine HYPOTHETICALLY that it was me for example, would you prefer for me - or whoever it was - to come out with that information, or would you prefer they pretend to not know about it for old time's sake?
JoeSapphire: okay cool.

Another question: IF you were scum and were out last night, let's say for the sake of argument that you were shooting blotunga in the head, or - well the point stands with anything but anyway - and someone caught you in the act, let's imagine HYPOTHETICALLY that it was me for example, would you prefer for me - or whoever it was - to come out with that information, or would you prefer they pretend to not know about it for old time's sake?
If that particular case was true I would have wanted you to speak up about it.