Posted May 13, 2020

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 13, 2020
low rated
In a previous game someone said they were mafia/scum on the first day, seemingly as a one believed them much and they turned out to be scum later on. Also someone else in that same game(a town player) also made a similar claim(as a joke) around the same time and added further confusion to the mix.
I am guessing Lift's post/vote is part serious, but likely mostly it is D1 and such votes/reasons for voting are common(Lift, feel free to verify or correct this as needed).
I am guessing Lift's post/vote is part serious, but likely mostly it is D1 and such votes/reasons for voting are common(Lift, feel free to verify or correct this as needed).

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted May 13, 2020
So right now I think there are 2 possibilities.
1. A mafia player of players have jumped on Pookas wagon. It's built quite quickly to 3 votes. If this is the case, then I think the third vote, in Liftrasil's looks the most suspicious
2. That mafia have avoided confrontation and haven't voted. The none voters are:
Cadaver Slim (Cadaver747)
Lazy Walkins (LASER97)
Cristine the Gale (Cristigale)
Games O'Rager (GameRager)
Shapie Lonzi (Lonzi)
Mike the Fish (Microfish_1)
I tend to think lurky silence should be punished regardless of role. As it makes it too easy for Mafia to hide in the shadows and if these players are town they don't help town solve the game.
1. A mafia player of players have jumped on Pookas wagon. It's built quite quickly to 3 votes. If this is the case, then I think the third vote, in Liftrasil's looks the most suspicious
2. That mafia have avoided confrontation and haven't voted. The none voters are:
Cadaver Slim (Cadaver747)
Lazy Walkins (LASER97)
Cristine the Gale (Cristigale)
Games O'Rager (GameRager)
Shapie Lonzi (Lonzi)
Mike the Fish (Microfish_1)
I tend to think lurky silence should be punished regardless of role. As it makes it too easy for Mafia to hide in the shadows and if these players are town they don't help town solve the game.

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted May 13, 2020

New User
Registered: Aug 2018
From United States
Posted May 13, 2020

Are you female, just so I know how to address you? Sorry for the "guy" then.
Bragging right trio: lonzi, scene and GR.

Is this because of a wagon thing where you think the third vote is most suspicious or because you think something about Lift's vote was suspicious or something else?

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted May 13, 2020

Carradice put his vote on you, so this situation plays in a new light. So help me to see you as Town by all means.

GR doesn't look super scummy he acts like a psycho at times for the benefit of the enemy. And yes I know very well how I lost Court of the Sultan.
So why should I be worried?

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted May 13, 2020

...but that doesn't change the fact that my I don't know why the hell you guys are reading too much into a joke made at the start of RVS. I didn't write what I did because I sat down for an hour and thought "hmmm, gotta reenact yogsloth because of reverse psychology, nevermind that I wouldn't pull it off right anyway," NO, all that happened was I opened the GOG forums, saw a thread starting with "GOG Mafia #66" and quickly made my appearance, thinking I was way too late and on the verge of receiving a prod or warning. Even if it wasn't for that, I have the freedom to say whatever silly thing I want regardless of winning condition at the beginning because RVS is just the least tolerable part of Mafia.

Carradice put his vote on you, so this situation plays in a new light. So help me to see you as Town by all means.

OK, the rep thing is getting ridiculous. That's the first time I see GR down rated in the middle of a Mafia game thread...

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted May 13, 2020

Will one you give me the background on this?
To both: Is this an Annoyed vote? Serious vote?
The background is, some games ago, agentcarr accidentally claimed scum in his first post, since he hadn't read the rules and didn't notice, that the supposed flavour he was writing was actually the flavourised name of his faction. That kind of broke the game.
In a game after that, he made the same 'mistake' again as a joke and made a full claim, claiming Mafia. Yogsloth, an actual Mafiosi in that game, tagged on and claimed his actual role. In that way, he wanted to gain some 'ha-ha' credits or achieve that any Flavour that any possible flavour-cop would unearth about him would be discredited.
I had a big fight with agent about this. Because a false full-claim, even if it is meant as a joke, is still a lie and I like to lynch-all-liars. Also, if we allow false-claims as 'joke' it gives scum a lot of leeway with playing around with false claims. As evidenced by yogsloth using agent's sillyness. Agent also went on to false-claim twice more in that game.
I like the lynch-all-liars tenet, since it gives Town an edge over Scum. Scum have to lie. Town doesn't. Therefore I am willing to kill all players who make false-claims like that until this kind of 'jokes' stop. These jokes aren't funny, they decrease the fun in the game and they hurt Town.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 13, 2020

Take SH for example....I played my usual way and we won due to my unorthodox style of play.
I am guessing the trolls are running out of posts to low rate elsewhere so they're hitting me here now as well, or they have a bee in their bonnet over something, or they respect other mafia OPs but (for some reason) don't respect Joe enough to not low rate me here.....who knows....what I do know is it's best to pay them no mind, and hope they eventually get tired and bugger off.

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted May 13, 2020

In what way your freedom of speech was questioned? Everyone can say anything, it's exactly the freedom of speech that we need the most to root out crooked characters, right?

I wasn't quite sure if it was role playing or IRL, before she finally confirmed it in post #66, that's why.

LOL ;)

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted May 13, 2020
Joe's PWEN game:
agentcarr started it by saying "Hi, I'm Watcher of Kalunga", not realizing that in this setting 'Kalunga' meant scum. Joe made an interesting obscure Haitian flavour, where we all got such weird names. It didn't help that Joe couldn't the OP so asked me to do it instead. Joe corrected this by not mentioning "Kalunga" in flavour and it would have gone unnoticed (as I said, we all had weird names and the Haitian setting was something even Google wasn't too familiar with), had it not been for the fact tha agentcarr made another blunder soon.
Next game, Harry Potter:
I (the host) make a reference to this blunder by writing in the OP "Please don't go shouting 'I'm Slytherin'" in your opening post. Pooka jokes by writing "I'm Watcher of Kalunga" in his opening post. agent jokes by writing "I'm Crabbe from Slytherine" in his openging post. Both were Town and this was a clear RVS joke. yogs, who really *was* Slytherine, joined too. Later, agent continued with the joke "I'm Krumm" "I'm scummy this" "I'm scummy that"... even after RVS was over, which annoyed Lift a lot.
agentcarr started it by saying "Hi, I'm Watcher of Kalunga", not realizing that in this setting 'Kalunga' meant scum. Joe made an interesting obscure Haitian flavour, where we all got such weird names. It didn't help that Joe couldn't the OP so asked me to do it instead. Joe corrected this by not mentioning "Kalunga" in flavour and it would have gone unnoticed (as I said, we all had weird names and the Haitian setting was something even Google wasn't too familiar with), had it not been for the fact tha agentcarr made another blunder soon.
Next game, Harry Potter:
I (the host) make a reference to this blunder by writing in the OP "Please don't go shouting 'I'm Slytherin'" in your opening post. Pooka jokes by writing "I'm Watcher of Kalunga" in his opening post. agent jokes by writing "I'm Crabbe from Slytherine" in his openging post. Both were Town and this was a clear RVS joke. yogs, who really *was* Slytherine, joined too. Later, agent continued with the joke "I'm Krumm" "I'm scummy this" "I'm scummy that"... even after RVS was over, which annoyed Lift a lot.

New User
Registered: Aug 2018
From United States
Posted May 13, 2020

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland