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JoeSapphire: Very Lengthy Absence
I thought perhaps it was Very Large Apologies.
For some reason I thought it was the very long flight for about 24 hours on Very Low Altitude hence a migraine (yeah I know). Perhaps I need a good VLA for myself, the other one, about absence.
Ah well. While Pooka deserves some lunch for that joke, as a matter of principle, maybe it is time to move on to more serious votes.

unvote Pookina
vote Mike the Fish

his unnecessary insistence on being Town doesn't read better upon second reading. Other than him, I would also be willing to vote Laser. Unless some serious content comes from him.
Actually yeah, LAZAK is slacking a bit...

I think Cadaver is acting strange this game, but that's my only insight at the moment.
Did Joe sign you up against your will? I assumed you decided you were free enough to play after all, but if you're still busy I'm sure we can cut you a bit of slack.
Don't cut me any slack. I will try to be more active from now on.
LASER97: I think Cadaver is acting strange this game, but that's my only insight at the moment.
You could say that. I too find Cadaver Slim's behavior strange indeed.
I understand that you are busy but I expected to see good old Zazak the Inquisitor with more insights, not Laser the Furtive with just one.

Also I think Joe sign up me *improperly* as well even though I edited my post back then stating that I'll be busy for several days / subject to change (it was re-edited again after the initial sign up confirmation). And he completely ignored my original post about seat #4 reservation.

I can't say it was against my will though, but it was kinda forced. However several days passed by that moment so I'm okay with that. I believe in your case 2-3 more weeks needed.

Where art thou???
JoeSapphire: 9. All players should post at least once every 36 hours. If you expect to be away for more than 36 hours, please let JoeSapphire know either through PM or in the game thread.
Where art Ye???
LASER97: Don't cut me any slack. I will try to be more active from now on.
How about I cut you some slacks out of this lovely fabric?
LASER97: Don't cut me any slack. I will try to be more active from now on.
SirPrimalform: How about I cut you some slacks out of this lovely fabric?
Is someone who makes slacks automatically a slacker?
Good to hear that @Pooka is having the chance to catch up with sleep. That is great.

The explanation was OK-ish, although the comment on the the comment being based on just one comment was not accurate. It was based on two charged posts. One with a vote that brought to mind Pookie's opening in the last game. The other bringing back a joke that by now has accumulated too much charge. So, the caveat here is, why complaining about a comment being based on one post, when it was based on two charged ones from backstory of the last previous games? Surely townies can afford being completely candid about things related to the game? So, the vote on Pooka, half-serious (still in the RVS but admittedly, starting to move things out of the RVS a bit), was a way to measure his temperature, and the result has been... OK-ish. I would have preferred a more candid Pookie. But then, I would have preferred a number of things in the world happening differently. So, can live with it. Indeed, afterwards, Pookie appears more relaxed, which, if it is any indicative of either having more sleep or not being with the mob, would be good news in any case.

@GR, @Micro, @SPF, business as usual.

About @supplementscene and @Lonzi: I guess they are not new to mafia nor to GOG mafia, is that right? If anyone can confirm, that would help gauging their game. Also, indirectly, it would help with the apreciation of @ZFR's expressed views.

Also, too bad to hear about that migraine. Get better soon, Shapie (I hope that is not what you tell your partner when things get interesting).

Same with @Cristigale. By the way, pleased to meet you all! It is nice to be in a game with new people (for me, at least).

@ZFR sounds so far like his usual self. He likes being a townie and so far he sounds comfortable and engaged with the game.

@Cadaver: Nice to read you. There has been a great change in your (written, not, uh, facial, which retains its Nameless One likeness). I am finding you more articulate and with somewhat longer posts. Probably due to you getting more and more comfortable since Lift's game.

Mr. Slim, have to say, that, having a professional knowledge of the issue (as a dancer), the "corsets" you mention being used on the stage are very different from the corsets used in everyday life by our mothers, before the Great War. They were very rigid and restricted both movement and breathing. Fortunately, in the Roaring Twenties things started to change, first some daring women, followed by the rest, shed those ucomfortable prisons and applied to wild new dances and adventures like riding bycicles or even automobiles, which would have been impossible with the old corsets. Also no more poor whales required to be killed in order to make women fashionable anymore.

That said, to sum it up, the only difference with Cadaver is his newfound talkativeness, although if he played the Sultan game, it might have first appeared at that time, theretofore not being something new for you.

About @Lazak, he seems back to his tactics of voting while not meaning that the voted is scum, which seems convenient when the voted one flips town. Still, he might be tiptoeing more than in the last game, when he came in with all guns blazing. Now we barely get anything from him.

Have to say, that he voted for @Lift, but he appears so far to be his usual (townie) self. On the other hand, I am still to see his scum self. Some of you will know better what it looks like.

Have tried to get anything from the exchange between Slim and Shirley but, honestly, did not understand what they were talking about (the question here is: where they?). I can make mine Cristine's #117

Also, I can somewhat agree with a part of Cristine's 131. But. Slim mentioned being tired. Maybe he comes back rested another day and we see a refreshed and relaxed Cadaver, and it has nothing to do with his being scum or not.

In any case, "all's well that ends well".

About @Joe, he feels a little detached, he makes personal reflections but he is not really engaging with anyone. He sounds more like an observer than an active party.

I think that covers all for now.
Lifthrasil: Laser's vote seems RVS enough. But his confirmation that he thinks that maybe Joe broke his own game by putting references to the roles into the names is ridiculous. That looks like a post just to post anything, without thinking about it.
I had to look up who Laser was when I read this. Saw some posts later that explained why. Too little for any read (minus slight shade on Cadaver). Right now, this is a policy lynch. We don't learn anything from it, not a fan of policy lynches generally. Hope they are able to post enough to be memorable and potentially vote worthy.
Microfish_1: <snip>

If, after a reread, I still see him as being fishy, I currently intend to switch my vote to Lift, even though ZFR also feels wrong.


And I am still town. This means that at this rate you'll never see my scum game (unlike lift, who smells a bit atm).

Have we ever had a gold-rush themed game?
First part: You voted ZFR earlier, I took it as RVS. What feels wrong about ZFR?

Second part: As town, do you tend to survive to the end, get NK or lynched?

Third part: Yes, drealmer hosted a gold-rush themed, that must have been a few years ago??
Lifthrasil: And I wonder why Micro felt the need to point out so extensively that he is Town and always has been Town. That seems very LAMIST. Is he hiding something? Or is it genuine annoyance at being Town again. It is true, he asked me to be made scum. But the RNG disagreed and a mod should never arbitrarily influence the role and alignment distribution. But maybe the RNG finally granted Micro's wish?
I was bored. There was nothing much to discuss at the time.

Unfortunately, I like this post.

ZFR has said nothing by the end of page three to give me anything concrete against him, but the is a niggling feeling.

I still neeeeeed to reread Lift.


LASER97: Don't cut me any slack. I will try to be more active from now on.
SirPrimalform: How about I cut you some slacks out of this lovely fabric?
Yes!!! The proprietor won't mind if we cut up his lovely tablecloths, and I hear that white linen trousers are all the rage this season!


SirPrimalform: How about I cut you some slacks out of this lovely fabric?
Lifthrasil: Is someone who makes slacks automatically a slacker?


Carradice: snip
Scene is very much NOT new to GOG mafia. He played as scum in game 57 (Captain Sapphire, the Movie) and in a few since then.
He was loyalist in the most recent Secret Hitler game, too.
cristigale: First part: You voted ZFR earlier, I took it as RVS. What feels wrong about ZFR?

Second part: As town, do you tend to survive to the end, get NK or lynched?

Third part: Yes, drealmer hosted a gold-rush themed, that must have been a few years ago??
1. I'm not sure--see above. Something about ZFR's interactions (in general? just with Cadaver? I can't tell.) just feels off, but I cannot put my finger on it.

2. I want to survive, of course. I also took the circle from last night to be just that--a circle going nowhere except 'round and 'round (and round again?) (despite not being a school bus). I was bored and hoped to start a more profitable discussion.

3. Thank you. I was feeling nostalgic for The Yukon Trail (by MECC) and was tired enough to just let the zaniness flow in my writing.


Zazak/Laser has been very quiet this game--BUT he gave a IRL reason.

@Joe--if you can, please tell us if the scum have day-chat?

Scene has been abnormally quiet. Yet, he isn't raising big red flags either (or really small ones other than forgetting that i had voted, which is easy enough to do.)

I like Carradice's 177. In that post, he seems far more like his self from ZFR's most recent game than he did in Lift's newest game. I'm getting a good feeling here.

I cannot read Pooka; this is NAI? Of course, last game he was scum and I rightly suspected him, but for the wrong reasons.

GR is the same? If I had to make a snap decision, I'd say he might be scum? But, this is normal for him, and I cannot tell.

I like Cristigale's posting so far. They weirdly echo my thinking as of now.

I don't know enough about Lonzi to say clearly.

As stated, I am reading Cadaver as leaning town.

The OP says we have 3 scum. Given my oft-published pet theory of "vocal scum steering things, quiet scum interjecting at opportune moments, & other scum", scum might not be playing that way this game (who am I kidding? I'm not good enough at reading people for scum to seek to avoid my judgement, so they are playing this way?)

So far, my "Leaning ([s]Tower of Pizza?][/s]) Scum" pile consists of ZFR+Lift.