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Cadaver747: If it was another random RVS vote out the blue I'll be okay. Your reasoning is what made me very upset. I know me for 2 games from before, you know how I like to dig dirt trying to root out Mafia and of ALL things you voted me because I said something about Miss Lonzi. Don't you really see how strange this situation is for me?
So? If you were scum wouldn't you pretend to like to dig dirt to root out Mafia?

I got the impression it was fake and I voted. I'm not going to apologize for any vote I make based on impressions that I get.

That said, I'm dropping this topic. I feel it's going in circles.
Well, Lift's post took the words out of my mouth about Micro. I don't think he was pressured on anything. So why did he claim Town? It is odd, especially since he doesn't need to say "I'm town!" for all of us to believe he is Town, he usually does it by...being Town.

SPF+Cadaver+Cristi got bigger than I would have expected it to be.
ZFR: So? If you were scum wouldn't you pretend to like to dig dirt to root out Mafia?
In that case I would rather play my favorite games without spending too much on worthless analysis or faking any actions.

ZFR: I got the impression it was fake and I voted. I'm not going to apologize for any vote I make based on impressions that I get.
OK, I get it. It's not about apologizing for anything, who needs this anyway.

ZFR: That said, I'm dropping this topic. I feel it's going in circles.
I agree on that completely.
Pookina: Well, Lift's post took the words out of my mouth about Micro. I don't think he was pressured on anything. So why did he claim Town? It is odd, especially since he doesn't need to say "I'm town!" for all of us to believe he is Town, he usually does it by...being Town.
Micro's post might be a bold claim *I'm a Town Regular* (vanilla), it could be a risky move "don't you dare think I'm Mafia" (almost like your joke), or it could be something else besides the usual claim (gold implication for instance is interesting).
Pookina: SPF+Cadaver+Cristi got bigger than I would have expected it to be.
Yeah, I hope you liked it: some entertainment with good old popcorn.
You're avoiding my question longer that I would have expected it to be.
Cadaver747: Micro's post might be a bold claim *I'm a Town Regular* (vanilla), it could be a risky move "don't you dare think I'm Mafia" (almost like your joke), or it could be something else besides the usual claim (gold implication for instance is interesting).
Yeah, I hope you liked it: some entertainment with good old popcorn.
You're avoiding my question longer that I would have expected it to be.
You had a question for me? Please point me at it again so I can take a look.
Pookina: You had a question for me? Please point me at it again so I can take a look.
Yes, I believe I had one. Certainly:
Cadaver747: Yeah but HAVE you seen any other *trigger happy* players toDay by chance? (sorry for asking you for a second time)
As I am suggesting privately to myself that my bowl of clams was some while away, and no small while at that, Large the Lift stands up patting his mouth with a handkerchief and announces that a little ham and eggs would be most appreciated. Miss Pookie Mustard takes her finger out of Games O'Rager's face and puts forward the proposition of some grilled lobster with maybe some asparagus cooked in butter, while Games himself states that it would be very agreeable to see a green salad alongside some ripe olives and shelled nuts.
It seems all parties are thinking something close to these suggestions and an order for lunch is placed.

2 - Large the Lift (Lifthrasil) - supplementscene, LASER97,
2 - Miss Pookie Mustard (Pookina) - Carradice, Lifthrasil,
2 - Games O'Rager (GameRager) - Cristigale, Cadaver747,

1 - Lazy Walkins (LASER97) - ZFR,
1 - Cadaver Slim (Cadaver747) - SirPrimalform,
1 - Diceman Zeffer (ZFR) - Microfish_1,
1 - Jocelyn Carradice, the Dancer (Carradice) - Pookina,

0 - Mike the Fish (Microfish_1) -
0 - Scenes Supplamicz (supplementscene) -
0 - Shirley Primalley (SirPrimalform) -
0 - Cristine the Gale (Cristigale) -
0 - Shapie Lonzi (Lonzi) -
0 - No-Lunch -

Not Voting - Lonzi, GameRager,

Lifthrasil, Pookina and GameRager currently hold the most votes at 5 votes away from majority.

The Elimination Phase will end in 3 or 4 days thereabout
Cadaver747: Yeah but HAVE you seen any other *trigger happy* players toDay by chance? (sorry for asking you for a second time)
Not really. The closest "trigger happy" player would be Lift, but as he himself puts it, he was pretty much the same in the Harry Potter game (before the Shining one) in which he went hard on Agent because the latter kept claiming a different role every two minutes, citing LAL. He was Town in that game.

So in all honesty, the way he went about his trigger happiness makes me...Townread him? Yeah, it's an odd thing to think, but I'm feeling the same Town Lift I saw two (Mafia) games ago.
Cadaver747: I was genuinely upset (yeah, that's the proper word), can't say I'm not now.

Our entire discussion was/is based on different perspectives:
1. You don't care about voting & *random bragging rights trio* (a roulette) is a norm here.
2. I actually care about voting & even though I know now about that running / non-running (Pooka vs.ZFR+SPF) gag I can not and will not accept it as a norm.

I'm taking this game serious because human lives are at stake. It's not only my commitment to the role, it's also my moral views if you will. For Cadaver Slim this is not a game it's a battle for the remnants of honor.

Your vote on me and your reaction is another contribution to my *fake* scum hunting. And Mr. *genuine* scum hunter was the first who offended me so much, you just was the one who drive the last nail in the coffin.
I voted for you because of your overreaction... the fact that you've continued to overreact doesn't do anything to change my mind. You still seem to be roleplaying as Cadaver Slim - whatever makes you happy. I'm not going to waste time sorting your behaviour into roleplaying and non-roleplaying though so the vote stays until something else catches my attention more than your overreaction. I don't really have any more to say.


I don't like Micro's claim at all. Claiming to be town is entirely just comes across as LAMIST. Town is the obvious claim, both for a truth telling townie and a lying mafioso so it really doesn't achieve anything other than WIFOM.
VLA ~24 hours I have a migraine
lonzi: VLA ~24 hours I have a migraine
I don't know what VLA stands for, but get better soon hopefully.
SirPrimalform: the vote stays until something else catches my attention more than your overreaction.
SirPrimalform: I don't like Micro's claim at all.
Does it mean that you *hate* my overreaction or something?
Cadaver747: Does it mean that you *hate* my overreaction or something?
No, but I haven't yet reached the equivalent stage with Micro. My vote for you was due to the reaction you gave in response. I've stated my opinion on Micro's claim, now I'm waiting to see what he has to say.
lonzi: VLA ~24 hours I have a migraine
SirPrimalform: I don't know what VLA stands for, but get better soon hopefully.
Very Lengthy Absence
lonzi: VLA ~24 hours I have a migraine
Well, whenever I feel bad, Vla actually helps me feel better! ;-)