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cristigale: Thank you for that answer. I appreciate it.

When you posted #122, I was working on #123. I didn't refresh until I had a stopping place. I obviously didn't know it was your post until I refreshed. I don't see the problem there.

The "crossed each other post" was in reference to my second comment in post #129.

If you are town, I can see your suspicion about the bandwagon. I am not a win at all cost type of person. If someone is truly upset, I am not going to rub salt-in-wound. I played a couple of games on another site and quit due to the toxicity.


OK., I guess.

OK and not at the same time. If I'm a town, you say, my suspicion would be normal? Clearly. However Mafia should act full-on Town whenever it's possible. Meaning it's not correct to apply that behavior/reaction to a Town. So your derp [clearing] me, or not derp but partial Town read (or call it whatever you like) is not very good. I do not accept it.
And feel free to *rub all the salt in world* right into my skull. I don't want any leniency. I can overreact at times, but I'm not going to cross the line or rationality.

So humor me please and continue to dig up if you have the time and reason of course.
I see you finally mentioned that you saw my post/request to scene's list of non-voters. OK then, so you just want to double check it again I take it.

As for the *fake* scum hunting I'm not an expert here. We have a self proclaimed one, I except his response any time soon.
Cadaver747: Lastly it's nice of you to *get a feel* for the people you think are Town. However I can't comprehend the reason of derp'ing Lonzi and giving her your precious Town points/reads. No one asked you to, no one accused her, she is not in danger. What's the point?

And you have completely ignored my remark/question about scene's list of non-voters, you even mentioned that it's actual -2 players. Why have you done this? Haven't you seen my post (asking for a second time now).

My answers to Lonzi were not elusive but direct. I'm not sure I like how you stated them not to be "awful". It's the worst thing I could expect.
I am not derping Lonzi. The post I liked had nothing to do with her asking about email notification. I think the email question was an innocent question and saw no need to add to the conversation. The point is finding potential town and narrow down potential scum through process of elimination (POE).

As I said, that is the way I play the game, I point out the things I find townie. It's a popular strategy on Mafia Universe where trent will be playing in the championships. That's not to say I never scum-hunt, but I typically don't do munch until we at least have a flip.

We will have to disagree about your response to Lonzi. You may have been direct with her. But your answer allows you to apply a different standard to every player in the game...I find that elusive.

BTW, I asked you about your derp, because a true derp is not pointed by the person who made it. ;-)
cristigale: BTW, I asked you about your derp, because a true derp is not pointed by the person who made it. ;-)
Yes, about that: the original post was meant to "I'm NOT derp clear myself, I'm stating the fact". However the "not" word was missed due to my erratic and fast reply writing.
And when I replied to you "I would not", the real thing was "It would not". Both times I decided that it's okay that way and EBWOP might harm me. So feel free to scum read me, the way is open now.
cristigale: BTW, I asked you about your derp, because a true derp is not pointed by the person who made it. ;-)
Cadaver747: Yes, about that: the original post was meant to "I'm NOT derp clear myself, I'm stating the fact". However the "not" word was missed due to my erratic and fast reply writing.
And when I replied to you "I would not", the real thing was "It would not". Both times I decided that it's okay that way and EBWOP might harm me. So feel free to scum read me, the way is open now.
Lol, I believe that. It's late here, I gotta get some sleep.
Well, Cadaver vs. SPF seems Town on Town to me. Cristi is normal and helpful. I don't want to vote either of these three today.

@Cadaver: you already talked with Cristi and others about this. But it is usual to make baseless accusations in RVS like SPF did. Just to start the talking. It worked in your case, but please don't take it personal.

GR and scene are their usual selves as well. I.e. not readable yet. I want to see more of ZFR though.

Laser's vote seems RVS enough. But his confirmation that he thinks that maybe Joe broke his own game by putting references to the roles into the names is ridiculous. That looks like a post just to post anything, without thinking about it.

And I wonder why Micro felt the need to point out so extensively that he is Town and always has been Town. That seems very LAMIST. Is he hiding something? Or is it genuine annoyance at being Town again. It is true, he asked me to be made scum. But the RNG disagreed and a mod should never arbitrarily influence the role and alignment distribution. But maybe the RNG finally granted Micro's wish?
Cadaver747: @ZFR
Since you are a pro, is cristigale *fake* scum hunting here?
I don't know.

Cadaver747: And another question: when Carradice expressed the possibility that Lonzi was *mafioso begging for time to coordinate* was it a *fake* scum hunting too?
No idea.

Cadaver747: Also I asked you to look up my posts and determine if it was the ONLY instance of my scum hunting back then (post #84), have you?
Yes, I have.
ZFR: Yes, I have.
Find anything?

So you have clear idea about me *faking* scum hunting at the same time you have no idea about the others. Good point.
Cadaver747: Find anything?
Nothing concrete but the feeling's there.

Cadaver747: So you have clear idea about me *faking* scum hunting at the same time you have no idea about the others. Good point.
See what I wrote?

ZFR: You seem to... try too much. Like calling lonzi's question LAMIST. Feels like fake-scumhunting done for the sake of showing that one is scum-hunting.
Maybe it's a language barrier, but do you see the difference between "clear" and "seem/feel"?
Cadaver747: Find anything?
ZFR: Nothing concrete but the feeling's there.

Cadaver747: So you have clear idea about me *faking* scum hunting at the same time you have no idea about the others. Good point.
ZFR: See what I wrote?

ZFR: You seem to... try too much. Like calling lonzi's question LAMIST. Feels like fake-scumhunting done for the sake of showing that one is scum-hunting.
ZFR: Maybe it's a language barrier, but do you see the difference between "clear" and "seem/feel"?
Yes, I know the difference. I used the word "clear", not you, as the opposite to your "I don't now" and "No idea".

cristigale: To both: Is this an Annoyed vote? Serious vote?
ZFR: For me:
Not annoyed.
A tiny bit more serious than an RVS vote.



Vote Cadaver
Maybe it's a language barrier, but do you see a contradiction here between: "A tiny bit more serious than an RVS vote" and "Nothing concrete but the feeling's there."?
Cadaver747: Yes, I know the difference. I used the word "clear", not you, as the opposite to your "I don't now" and "No idea".
Yes, in your case I got a feeling of possible fake scum-hunting, in cristi/Carradice case I didn't get a feeling one way or another.

ZFR: For me:
Not annoyed.
A tiny bit more serious than an RVS vote.



Vote Cadaver
Cadaver747: Maybe it's a language barrier, but do you see a contradiction here between: "A tiny bit more serious than an RVS vote" and "Nothing concrete but the feeling's there."?
I really don't understand what you're comparing here.

The " Not annoyed. A tiny bit more serious than an RVS vote." referred to my vote on Pooka, not you.
ZFR: The " Not annoyed. A tiny bit more serious than an RVS vote." referred to my vote on Pooka, not you.
Yes, I know that, I read all the posts for several times. That vote remark was about Pooka, it's a *tiny bit* more serious than just an ordinary RVS vote. In that same post you voted me without any explanation. And now you're telling me that have no *clear* idea (*clear* was my word) just a feeling. So it's safe to assume to it's a tiny bit even MORE serious vote than in case of Pooka. So how serious it is? And it *clear* is not the correct one way to put it, how should I put it then?

Also let's imagine that your *feeling* about me be transmitted to the others, will you be okay if the majority nominate me for the first lynch?
Cadaver747: I was genuinely upset (yeah, that's the proper word), can't say I'm not now.

I'm taking this game serious because human lives are at stake.
You really shouldn't do this. Since human lives are not really at stake here, it's difficult to say if your "I was genuinely upset" sentence is just as true as "human lives at stake" if there is no clear transition between what's in-game and what's not.

That said, remember this is a game of lying. If you play this game people will misinterpret what you do, both intentionally and unintentionally. If you genuinely scum-hunt, accept the fact that others will see it as fake. If you genuinely write "Oh noes! they killed our Cop", accept the fact that people will see it as fake.

It's a game of lying. You will be called a liar. Even when you say the truth.

Unovte Cadaver

eh, looks like Town. And I don't want Cadaver to be the sole topic of the Day.

Vote Laser
Cadaver Slim never lies!
Cadaver747: So it's safe to assume to it's a tiny bit even MORE serious vote than in case of Pooka. So how serious it is? And it *clear* is not the correct one way to put it, how should I put it then?
Yes, of course it's more serious that my vote on Pooka.

As to how serious? How serious do you expect Day 1 votes to be without anything to go upon? Barring a blunder, "feeling" is what we go upon. I get a small feeling, I vote, I gauge reaction.
Cadaver747: So it's safe to assume to it's a tiny bit even MORE serious vote than in case of Pooka. So how serious it is? And it *clear* is not the correct one way to put it, how should I put it then?
ZFR: Yes, of course it's more serious that my vote on Pooka.

As to how serious? How serious do you expect Day 1 votes to be without anything to go upon? Barring a blunder, "feeling" is what we go upon. I get a small feeling, I vote, I gauge reaction.
Very serious. And Day 1 is important as much as all the others. In Stanley Hotel there were so many readings on Day 1.

If it was another random RVS vote out the blue I'll be okay. Your reasoning is what made me very upset. I know me for 2 games from before, you know how I like to dig dirt trying to root out Mafia and of ALL things you voted me because I said something about Miss Lonzi. Don't you really see how strange this situation is for me?